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Posts posted by Freshtrax

  1. One of my favourite parts about fishing is in the planning ,


    and i got to share that ckewley and sleepjigging over the last week and it finally came to fruition yesterday. We met early and after introductions and some much needed coffees we were headed north to our destination.


    Some of their pals, and some of mine met us at the jump off point for our trek into the unknown ( nobody in the group of 7 had fished this lake before).


    A great day was had by all, the fishing was slow but we did manage a few. I had a blast lets do it again soon.









  2. I have a snowmobile , will travel I'm down for whatever I know a few stocked lakes we could hit but nothing spetacular south of north bay. I'd love to fish in Kearny area as I never have before. But really whatever works. Anyone down next weekend? It be cool if a few of us could get together . Let's keep the location to pm's for obvious reasons.

  3. Yea I've spent allot of time up there as a kid and adolescent. The wife has never been north of Sudbury. I think the schedule is going to go pretty much as follows,


    Leave early Kitchener. Stay in lions head night 1

    Manitoulin lake kagawong nite 2 and 3

    Lake Superior pp. nites 3 4 and 5

    Onaman river (nipigon) 4 5 and 6

    Flushimi pp 7 and 8

    Abitibi 9/10/11

    (Top secret trout heaven within 4 hours of Gta 12/13)




  4. thanks Chris and Tender, thats why i love this place.....id like to break up the stretch between Nipigon and Iroquois falls anyone know a good spot half way? preferably with good fishing. i have 4x4 dont mind crown land. i would also love to park the trailer and a truck on a beach somewhere along the way for a night.

  5. the last two weeks of June the wife, dog and I will me doing a two week tour of Ontario so far there are a few stops planned we are skipping our normal holiday to the Caribbean to see some of the sights our beautiful province has to offer. we will be using pop up camper for accommodations. I wish there was a direct road to James bay.


    manitoulin( we are guests)

    lake superior pp. ( mom used to work there)

    lake nipigon PP (because i want to)

    And lake abitibi ( because we will be guests)


    just looking for sugestions of some cool sigts to see allong the way, we will be leaving via Tobermory and ferry to Manitoulin, from there on to the north. coming back the eastern side of province.

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