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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. Can't be any different than fishing a river mouth and nothing it biting then a tug goes out and bang 5 minutes later 2 or 3 fish get caught. I think the noise, and vibration the tug makes ticks the fish off so they get a agressive. (Or it stirs up food for the bait so the big fish come into feed on the minnows) Anyhow I have seen it enough to see it as a good thing when a little noise is made.

  2. I come up to Canada for a two week fishing trip every year. In past years I have bought all of our groceries and like items in the area where I'm staying.

    This year I plan to bring most of what I need the Canadian and US dollar at par is fine with me but not coupled with the much higher Canadian prices.


    Actually our regular grocery prices are on par with what you pay down there... Your specials are good though on things like milk, eggs and chicken.... However, cigarettes and booze are much cheaper stateside. A friend of mine was in Florida last week and he OWNS a food store here and was shocked at the number of items that cost more down there than what he charges... I occasionally look up store flyers in the U.S. and find very little difference.

  3. I just use Raven Mainline mono made in Japan 6lb or 8lb green for everything. Braid not a fan of it, too many issues with it to list here. What I don't get about all the braid fans is why if it so fabulous why they almost always use a fluoro leader?


    I fish live bait which is the main reason I use mono anytime I have used braid it seems to do more harm to the bait than the fish LOL.

  4. No problem with a damp cell phone. Just put it in the microwave on low for 5 minutes, wrapped in a dry cloth, it will fix that moisture issue easy. Won't ever be a problem again.


    I think 2 minutes would do it..... your wife would be getting a new mircowave too in most cases. LOL

  5. It is good that he got caught, fined and banned. The thing that I worry about it was that he got caught trespassing, which lead to the other charges the way the article reads. All that tells the guy is don't tresspass or stand out and he can probably go right back to fishing. I hope the CO's in his area keep an eye for him and his car near any place remotely fishable, because I don't think he will stop just because he has been "banned".

  6. Wow stuff like that is just natures way of thinning out the herd isn't it? I was going to say that I hope the cords were plugged into GFI's but on second thought that would just be prolonging their idiocy.... I would not trust a GFI in that situation no matter if I installed it myself and tested a 100 times first....


    I guess the old saying is true the fates look after drunks and idiots....

  7. Well, Friday morning I'm fortunate enough to be heading up to Bernie's with Gerritt and Corey for a fun filled 4 days on Nip. I don't have any experience fishin Nip and would like some suggestions on what I should be bringing as far as tackle is concerned.

    I've re-rigged four rods with fresh mono and am eager to present the right bait. :Gonefishing:

    What would you suggest I have available to me? Ie jigs etc...




    Klaus says "USE the swedish pimple them walleyes like the pimples"... I have no idea what that means but I know my buds who go up every year repeat that ad nauseum for weeks before and after they go and they allows get tons of fish.

  8. The phone might still work if it was dried out before being turned back on, and if any water residue didn't have any minerals that shorted out part of the circuit board....


    I know a woman who was paiting dropped her phone into the paint, so she took it out. Removed all the skins washed everything with distilled water dried it with her hair dryer left it apart to keep drying for a day. It still works even the camera part. Somedays it pays to be lucky rather than good I guess.

  9. well I am not upset

    I thought we were having a discussion.......

    but by your definition baseball and most other SPORTS all can be looked at as a job

    so the guy who rides a bike race for 24 hrs. well it isn't a sport..cause lots of people work 24hrs strait....people can twist anything they want.......

    but I say it's a sport by definition and by Gov. standards.........so fishing is a sport...


    I knew a few guys wives that were a sport...we could talk about that

    Oh and of course being a lawyer is a sport


    haven't you seen how fast ambulances go


    All professional sports are a job by the definition of being paid for doing them.... Baseball is a past time though as in the great American past time. As a sport it is far past its time too but that is another thread.


    I don't agree with many definitions in lots of dictionaries.... maybe that is why it takes me 20 minutes a day instead of 5 minutes to do the Washington Post, Toronto Sun, and Toronto Star crosswords that doesn't make it a sport.


    By the definition in the dictionary, scrabble competitions, spelling bees etc, etc are sports. I don't watch them on ESPN either.


    No comment about the wives who are sports I am too old to run down driveways, and through backyards jumping fences anymore when their husbands get home.....


    Lawyering seems to more about winning than justice these days. I have to say though if I need a lawyer I want one will win whatever it takes LOL.

  10. I can see many people have never been in a bass boat or have done a tourney


    try going across the lake at 70 mph in 3ft waves for an hour there then fish all day and do the run again

    there morning starts at 4 in the morning and ends about 10 or 11 at night..


    and you have done the same thing the last 5 days..

    tomorrow you are going t pack everything up drive the truck and trailer 600 miles to the next tourney and prefish for 4 days , then do a 3 day tourney......, most of those guys would cut those 2 cords of wood before breakfast and still get out fishing......you have no idea.........and for the record I got out of pro fishing cause I couldn't take the pace...

    well that's one pf the reasons.........and I cut , split and burnt my own wood for 12 years


    First off why are driving 70mph in 3ft waves? Because you have a MOTOR that can push you that fast.... It isn't like you are rowing the boat..... You drive the boat you fish a little you race back to the weigh in. If it takes 16 to 18 hrs, so what? I bet there are tons of people on here who WORK just as long with their commute and they do it daily. Still doesn't make tournament fishing a sport in my view. This just a friendly discussion no need to for anyone to get upset, either I am probably not going to convince anyone I am right but they dang sure aren't going to change my mind either. Opinions are like donkey holes everyone has one....

  11. I voted no to both. For many of the reasons already stated.


    Fishing is a pastime nothing more nothing less.....


    Fishing Tournaments are NOT a sporting event in any sense of the word. The way they use line 20 times stronger than necessary, race around in over powered boats polluting lakes unnecessarily, and then man handling a bunch of fish culling them as well as stressing them out for the weigh in is not sporting in any noble sense as far as I am concerned. But that is just my opinion.


    As for the effort or exhaustion the so called pros put out meaning that qualifies tournament fishing as a sport that is just a joke. Cutting two cords of wood by hand is an effort and exhausting but I don't think anyone would call that a sport....

  12. I am planning on taking attending on Friday to pick up a breathable rain suit for my dad. Weather permitting that is LOL I don't know what time we will get there though because both my father and I have to work first....


    I will be wearing my OFC hat... If I see anyone I recognize I will be sure to say hello.

  13. In 2006, and 2007 I got out about 140 times each. That was because their was a fire where I worked so I went from 6 day weeks to 4 day work weeks.... Now I am back working 6 I think it will be time to find a part time job where I only have to put in 3 or 4 days a week tops.... I would rather be fishing than wasting time making money anyhow LOL

  14. The Regs for the Maitland have changed, it's closed until opener


    Really? I wonder why there are dozens of people fishing it every day when the ice is out....


    This is what the Ministry says about fishing there.


    "Have fishing opportunities for salmon and trout been lost in the

    lower reaches of tributaries to Lake Huron and Georgian Bay

    (Southern and Northeast Regions)?

    A. Fishing opportunities have not been lost in Georgian Bay and Lake Huron

    tributaries. Anglers can still fish all year for those salmon and trout

    species as they have in the past. The lower reaches of these tributaries

    are now part of Zones 13 (Lake Huron) or 14 (Georgian Bay), which have

    open all year seasons for these species zone-wide. It is no longer

    necessary to list these areas in the summary as exceptions where yearround

    fishing can occur.

    MNR will be posting fact sheets with detailed maps showing the

    regulations in these waters on the website."


    "Maitland River in Huron County

    - between the bridge on Hwy. 21 and

    the bridge on County Rd. 4.

    Fish sanctuary - no fishing from

    Jan. 1 - Fri. before 4th Sat. in Apr"


    Which looks to me to be the same as it always has been you can fish the lake year round and out to the bridge on 21. From Jan. 1 to opener it is closed from the 21 bridge.....

  15. I never ever pick up the phone until after the answering machine answers for me. In an average week I win about 5 of them trips and have about 10 hangups.... one day I know I will cursing myself that one of those hangups was a million dollar win I missed... YEAH RIGHT.


    I wish there was a way to get the phone number of the people who pay these people that bother me so I could return the favor, just before I leave for work at 1:30 am

  16. No one has mentioned one of the biggest "fund raising" scams here in Ontario..... Hospitals that charge for visitors parking. Here it is only 4 bucks but I resent the heck out of them for what I see as them holding patients as hostages. If you want to see a loved one or friend you have to pony up that money to do it, or walk about a 1/4 mile from the closest free parking area nearby. Which I do. However it really gets to me when you see seniors who you know are on a really tight budget having to come up with that 4 dollars twice a day, because they kick out all visitors for 2 hours in the afternoon unless you are in pallative care.... Sometimes this can go on for a few weeks for these seniors who can't do the long walk from the free area so they must pay just to visit their spouse.


    Another factor in my disliking this unnecessary money grubbing, is that for a while I worked for a company that provides catered meals and we would be dropping off expensive platters two to three times a week to the same department of the hospital. One day I recognized a woman so I asked her what the platters were for. She says, OH these are for the fund raising commitee members they are planning what kinds of fund raisers we will be having this year." I thought hum maybe having everybody bring a brown bag lunch might be a good start, on saving some money if the budget is tight.... (As a side note about 6 months later she got "fired" when the hospital brought in a fund raiser from the Big Smoke who cleaned house to bring in her friends. They put her on administrative leave for 4 months wouldn't allow her to work but she got paid then the woman got 9 months severence even though she had been working there for just over 3 years......) No wonder the hospital here needs to raise any money they can by hook or by crook.

  17. I would buy them at even double the price of an egg sinker.... I have had lots of luck using the low profile slip sinkers though and they aren't that much more expensive than the egg sinkers but can be difficult to get in jam.


    Those flat sinkers with a wire are what you want to use off the piers on Lake Erie when fishing for perch though so you could do them both ways.... but twisting that wire requires a jig to get it right. I wish I had gotten my grandfather's lead sinker gear before my cousins grabbed it, he had the perfect jig for bending wire in the sinker molds.

  18. The ticket sales office ! :P


    I have a feeling the scalpers will make more money than the league on ticket sales. I just wish I had the 77 grand to toss around on a club seat... who I am kidding that kind of coin woulld just about get half me the fishing gear I want to add to my collection LOL


    I don't care about the game at all really but it would be cool to see an upset and have another Manning win it.

  19. As a mechanic i could make up words, as a service manager i have to hold those same words back and i am usually succesful, not into religion and try to watch my mouth around the kids but sometimes it happens, but if my cussing is offending you then move your spot, get out of my boat, out of my house and get away from my property, i have every right to talk in any manner i choose on the lake or around my property.

    Tired of walking around on eggshells worrying about offending people


    I have to agree with that 100%.... Too often the rights of loud ones are looked at more important than the rights of the silent majority these days.

  20. I learnt most of my best swear words while fishing with my dad and grandfather...... First time I ever heard dad say the f'bomb I was trying to set the hook on a bass while we fishing, we were using some slightly rotten frogs up north, the bass didn't like the smell so they would take the frogs and move them out of their territory so you couldn't set the hook. Anyhow I reefed back the line came flying out of the water and landed in my dad's lap. Scared him witless and he told me if I ever did that again he would blanking slap me..... I didn't do it again but I did enjoy seeing my uncle just about fall out of the boat trying not to laugh.... When I got home I quickly found out when I got home that those words weren't for use in front of grandma or my mom. Great memories I am thinking about all the fun times we guys had out fishing.... and the language was a part of it.


    For any parent who is worried about their kids hearing salty language on the pier I do try to go a little easier if their are kids or ladies around. Although in my opinion most of the uptight parents would have a heart attack if they heard what their kids yell all the time on the playground these days.... (I hear some words for the first time when I deliver to schools and the elementary ones are just about as bad as the highschools.)

  21. im not sure yet but i thinkk il go with the 100mph suit...but one question when you order from bps does the order go to the ontario store or to the states? if it goes to the states il get nailed for duty and shipping thats what sucks...if thats the case il look for something around here


    Don't worry about extra duties and taxes from BPS the total price you see on the website will be in U.S. dollars but you won't pay extra at the door.... The only difference will be the exchange rate your credit card charges you order at the right time you could even save .00005 cents on each dollar.... Cabelas is the same btw the price they quote you includes everything. However if you look at the little extras they tack on for shipping handling taxes and duties you can easily pay for a tank of fuel to go the BPS store in Vaughn.... I bought a pair of 99 dollar breathable waders from Cabelas by the time I got them with all the extras and the dollar only worth .92 U.S it wound up being 172 bucks.... But I couldn't have driven to Michigan for that 73 bucks either LOL.


    Helly Hasen has a breathable suit available at LeBarons for about 160 or so and if you order from them you won't have to pay PST unless you live in Quebec so that would make the shipping darn near free.....

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