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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. Not anymore now that I am insomniac, if I can't sleep I just drive on up earlier than anticipated and get the spot.... This ticks off my buds though who always say I would have went with you if I had of known what time you were going.... I tell them I didn't know if I was going or what time till I left. Now that gas is so expensive though I am going to have set up a time and wait till then to go since so many friends have families who don't grasp the importance of that 2AM call to leave early instead of their family member getting up quietly and sneaking out at 4:30AM...


    After a day on the water though I do dream about the fish I miss or just the watching of a float going under or rod tip doing that magic tap atap tap with a rainbow on the other end.... I usually wake up and can't remember if I set the hook or it got away.

  2. You can make any argument you want in court but you're dreaming if you think the "unfair" defense will get you anywhere.


    It won't hurt to bring it up along with your other arguments.... if you have a witness in the car with you it could help. Remember all you have to do is raise reasonable doubt with the crown first and you might not even get to court. Also if you are lucky and there was a traffic camera at the intersection you can require the footage if available to be entered into evidence to support your statement of unfair treatment. Just remember that all such charges under the HTA that aren't the result of an accident are nothing more than a tax grab, so usually if you show you are willing to fight and not just roll over and pay. The crown will likely give you a deal of a lower charge or withdraw the charges altogether.... Is it worth having an officer go to court to fight a 150 dollar ticket when no one was hurt or no property was damaged? NOPE it is all about maximizing the dollars that roll in not about safety or justice in a lot of traffic charges. Oh and if you can speak another language insist on them providing an interpreter for your case that really cuts down on the profit for them so they tend to let you off a lot easier....

  3. I have disagree with number 1 only allowing one driver to turn on a red light has to be at the discretion of the officer. At more than a few intersections in Waterloo region 4 or 5 cars easily fit past the white line and road sign that indicate the proper stopping point. Once you are past that marking you are considered to be in the intersection and should have the right away regardless of the light changing. Since the HTA reads that all drivers must yield to drivers all ready in the intersection at stop signs and red lights.... (While we ALL KNOW any marking on the surface of any road in Ontario is NOT legally binding and just suggestive because of the fact that they can be covered at anytime by leaves, snow or road grime) the signs designating the stopping position for a red light would be binding. At a few of those intersections any car past the marking would impede a truck from turning on the green, so the officer would probably lose in court for charging someone turning in those places second to even fifth, if they couldn't back up safely.


    Also how could an officer pull over all 3 or 4 cars at once to charge them? Once in court you could make the argument that your being charged, while the other drivers weren't was unfair....

  4. If they DO NOT give you a refund call the ministry and point out that this place is selling you the WRONG license at an inflated price, which has to be an offence of some kind. (you have to have the right license and it is an offence to alter one, try to transfer, or to get two for you, so it has to be for the store to sell you the wrong thing KNOWINGLY once you point out their mistake they would be definition know) I would have the ministry on speed dial when I go in for the refund. I would bet after you explain your intention to report them you get your refund. The price is the price and a retailer CANNOT just charge you whatever they want for it.

  5. Just make sure your watch is syncronzied with the local CO and you should be good to go. Expect there to be 10 or 12 people drunk and in a group splashing around for hours before you get there unless you leave now and stand there for 10 or 12 hours, if where you are going has less than a 5 mile walk from a road.


    I was just at the local Tackle and the number of wahoos are loading up to be on the water by 7PM was shocking.... Personally, I am going to wait and go up late Saturday night after all the drunks have passed out and wait for dawn Sunday.

  6. I was planning to start fly fishing this spring, but the reels I am interested in are quite pricey.


    I have to admit I not an expert on fly fishing, but I do dabble in it from time to time when bored.... The reel is nothing but a line storage device so having a fancy reel really isn't important. Those reels you got might not be expensive but I bet they will act just fine for you. When I see someone with a big dollar fly reel I just laugh to myself and wonder if has an LCD screen or something, because except for bragging rights they just wasted their money that could be spent on better line, rods and now fuel to go more often....

  7. Once again Canada is taking it up the kazoo.... Selling gas to other countries cheaper than we can buy it here. BRILLIANT. Harper and the boys out west will point out that as bad as it is gas has not hit record prices here yet, like it has in the U.S. Which is technically true as I remember paying 1.35/7 per liter Labour Day weekend in 2006 when I filled up to go bass fishing one last time that year.....

  8. Of course you can attach a snelled hook to your line. I don't think the C/Os will arrrest you for doing it. LOL I used to do it all the time when using a special technique for smallies. I actually just made a surgeons loop and put the loop on the snell through so there wasn't really a knot.... Watch out for line twist in a big way though because of the propeller effect of any bait you attach.


    I have to say the crayfish could really move naturally when I did this, but alas due to the new regs those days are over.....

  9. When the rivers around here used to have water in them we would walk them in shorts and old shoes, with a mepps black fury or if it was cloudy out a shiny mepps (small) and find a spot near a bend that had enough current to keep the mepps spinning while you held it in the current.... So you would cast out then retrieve the thing about 5 feet and then just let it sit there spinning and wait for the explosion when a smallie would dart out from the edge and nail it. Used to be able to catch bass all day long that way.


    Now since they won't plug the hole in Lake St. Clair and the water level keeps dropping, we never have more than 18 inches of water or so in those rivers that used to have holes 4 or 5 ft deep and you can't use that technique anymore.... I miss those trips.

  10. I had a ford van that kept killing starters for some reason... I met a lot of people by asking them to sit in it and turn the key while I crawled underneath to induce the starter with the tire iron LOL. So it sounds like solid advice to me to try doing it in this case.

  11. I have a pair of BPS Wally Marshall signature pro series crappie 8ft rods that are great except for one thing the reel seat is a little weak for a rod of that quality. It works fine but for about 10 cents more they could have put on a quality seat charged me another 20 bucks and everybody is a winner.... That being said the day I was using the rod for bassing and it handled two 4lb plus smallies on steriods with ease it put in a whole category of quality in my opinion.


    I think a lot of times with equipment it depends on the user. Some guys just break a lot of stuff no matter how well designed or made it is. I know many of these types since they are always the ones who want to borrow my stuff when they go fishing that one or two times a year.... Other people can use the cheapest junk I wouldn't even sell at a yard sale or give to my worst enemy and catch tons of fish with it for years and years....

  12. I can't choose just one..... in no particular order I love the challenge of winter fishing bows and steelies, battling the conditions as much as the fish. I enjoy salmon fishing off the piers in the fall never knowing what you are going to get. I thrive on bassing that pace of a fish every 5 minutes or so and the light gear while seeing all the latest beach "fashions" that the ladies are wearing is always blast.... Fishing for perch all summer on a pier full of great characters is more of a social event than anything and the pay off of delicious tasty fish is just a bonus. In between perching and the end of bows in the rivers I insist on one or two days "garbage" fishing where I keep going till I catch a northern, carp and two or three types of catfish, and I have had some great times doing that.


    Yep I guess I am hooked....

  13. Yep we are almost getting to the point now that some poor sod is going to have actually go clean the bio scrubbers..... Gene Roddenbarry was right.


    That these clowns can even take this stuff seriously is alarming to say the least. Oh well, when one of them snaps their neighbours won't saying but they were so quiet and nice on the six o'clock news.... yadda yadda yadda.


    Being the red neck hippie that I am I gave my vegan niece a t-shirt for Christmas this year that I had professionally printed. "Eating meat is murder..... mmm... mmm tasty tasty murder" which I admit I stole from a post I read on here a while back to the author I thank you!!!! The best part was she freaked out while I and everyone else in the family laughed "with" her not at her (which would have been cruel) because she used to eat meat just the same as the rest of the us neanderthals, until the other workers at the vet where she worked talked her into being a vegan. As a gag gift that only cost me 7.95 shipped right to my door I have to say it is the little inexpensive things in life that give us the most pleasure.

  14. I have to say worst reel for the money to me was a Mitchell 300X GOLD bought it on sale for 33.94 at LB's..... I should have plunked down the extra 20.00 and bought another Pfleuger President but I cheaped out. My shoulders and arms have made me pay the price ever since. I can cast and retrieve the Presidents all day. After chucking spoons for an hour or more using the Mitchell I have done all the working out I want or need. 10 ball bearings same as a Pfleuger my butt.... In short it is one of those things the Mitchell works and does what it was designed to do, it just doesn't work a 10th as well as the Presidents do....


    A close second is the Pflueger Medalist I got horn swaggolled into buying at LB's because it was supposed to be a better reel than the President for the same money.... In a moment of weakness I took the counterman's advice. The medalist is identical to the President except for its all aluminum body (who cares)I have found out I don't. It has a rubber winder handle which I find not nearly as comfortable and steady as the rose wood ones on my Presidents. The biggest problem though is they put some fancy useless piece of glitter on where the bail arm attaches that has a nasty habit of catching the line just when you get a bite so if you set the hook without making sure the line isn't caught there you can't reel in.... It only happens about once every 500 casts but that once is usually critical. Of course it seems to get really nasty and happens a lot more when you are casting in a 45MPH wind but then that is what steelheading is all about so it should work any time you aren't getting blown off the pier in my opinion.


    Oh well at some point all the shimanino's (I have 3 brand new Mark II that I will not ever even put on a rod now... I bet they make me 3 or 4 bucks on ebay in 10yrs or so... )and a large supply of vintage Mitchells I have will be replaced with Presidents then life will be good!!!!

  15. Best bet would be find a pier and fish the mud line.... Bottom fishing could work where the waters mix as the lake water might be colder and clear with the dirty river water on top. Or so I am telling myself as I too am going tomorrow regardless of weather and expect to do OK. Even if I don't get fish it beats sitting home on the couch thinking about it.....

  16. One colour won't cut it when it comes to your eyes.... My glasses came with three sets of lens the colours are amber, grey and vermillion. If you have intense sunshine you use the grey, lower level sun the amber and the vermillion stay in the case till I figure out what they are for LOL.

  17. I don't know what one week in one year is worth in dollars to you vs many years of other projects? It would be very tough for anyone to go without a paycheck for one week in this economy. That being said though to me it seems a no brainer. I would send him the bill marked paid in full, with a verbal apology!!!! Of course you could do what I think is the right thing here and never HEAR from the customer again, making a useless financial jesture....


    On the other hand, if you do give any kind of a discount and you are able to sleep soundly at night that might be the best payment you could get.

  18. Any RFD member will know about price matching, couponing and price adjusting at any store that allows it and CTC always had but you won't find too many stores advertising it too loudly. Also everyone should remember that, as someone who works there once pointed out if you see a really hot special coming up that weekend in a flyer from CTC go pick up that item the NIGHT BEFORE the sale starts because chances are it will be in stock and reduced in price. If it isn't you can just pop back in the next week for the price adjustment if the savings outweigh the cost of gas....

  19. I have to second using surgical tubing instead of a slip float.... I just started float fishing last year and did quite well with a slip float. However the ease with which you can remove and change floats with the tubing is a big advantage.


    Today where I was the fishing was very slow so I took the time to try about 5 different floats just to see the difference in speed they provided. If I had to retie everytime I did that it would mean way too much time out of the water. Also it is a heck of a lot easier to change a float with tubing in the middle of a river with a rod tucked under your arm than to retie using a slip float.

  20. Pack of Piller's Pepperoni - Hot




    You got that right just packed my snack for tomorrow's day on the tribs and I had to go out to food basics to replenish the supply of hot pepperoni....


    I usually take a couple of handfuls of almonds and an apple to have with my morning coffee on the way. For when I get back to the car or lunch time I usually take a couple of cans of pop. Some presliced marble cheese, pepperettes and another apple. (sucks not being able to sandwiches anymore due to a gluten allergy)


    Yeah I have trouble eating stuff with dead bits from bait and fish on my hands too so that is why I wrap everything in saran or a paper towel so I can eat it... being in the food industry I just have to wash my hands before I can eat. I tried that waterless hand santizer one time that was worse tasting than the crud on my hands, so never again.

  21. With Quebec making winter tires mandatory I got nervous about it happening here. I have no argument that winter tires are great and make a huge difference, but having them gives some idiots even more confidence to do stupid things.... just like some folks who own AWD assuming just because you can faster means you can stop faster.


    What really worries me though is what is going to happen in 3 to five years in Quebec when there hundreds of thousand of tires that have no wear on them for either season so they look fine but the compounds have deteriorated and therefore the tires are no longer safe. This degradation happens to any radial tire as it ages reguardless of how it is stored, and lets face it most folks aren't going to store them in anything resembling ideal conditions. Moist air, temperature changes in the storage enviorment accelerates the damage, any contact with petroleum based liquids causes even more damage the list goes on.


    If you drive the national average of 18000 to even 24000KM per year you probably aren't going to wear the tire tread out on a 100K tire before it becomes unsafe due to changes in the chemistry of the tire itself, on one set of tires let alone two.... So making people have two sets could wind up causing more accidents than it prevents in the long run.


    Being that it is expensive to own two sets in the first place I bet most low income earners won't rush out to replace tires that look ok. If there starts to be a rash of accidents in a few years due to unexplained tire failures in QC this might be why, but I am sure they will pass a new law to cover that.

  22. Ok, the question is, do I buy 50 $ gear every 24 months, or 200 $ once every 10 years? It comes out the same, or even cheaper with the cheaper gear when you consider the time cost of money.


    On the other hand, I would rather use the good stuff. The difference in purchase price is covered by interest for those ten years. I would gladly pay the 10 $ per year interest on the difference to wear the 100 mph or shimano gear over the less good gear. Who wouldn't?


    I might on a splurge spend 200 for the 100mph suit but since it lists for 119 for the paper thin jacket and 169.99 the light bibs in my size so the total to my door is today 366.82 US. That is WITH the bibs being clearance priced..... SO that is almost double your 200 bucks....


    For that I could buy TWO HH compact suits (with all the same properties as gore tex but without the cost)I believe that HH is with respect to quality as highly thought of as whoever made the MPH for basspro (who knows maybe they went down the same assembly line in asia) so that should be a wash. Or even better for the less coin I could do this. Buy one HH compact suit for above freezing temp wet weather and a remington 5 in one jacket and insulated pants during the yearly wallyworld clearance for about 40 bucks less total. I expect the same wear easily out of the either of the TWO suits I buy that you will get from yours.


    I have a couple of other advantages though I would not need to layer up under the remington combo in even the coldest part of winter. I have been out in mine when guys in their 400 dollar plus survivor suit were crying it is too windy too cold, my suit is frozen, or I can't get up or walk blah, blah, blah.... I am always warm dry and toasty. Now if we both went in the water they would probably survive better but I ain't going in the water in this lifetime so it doesn't matter to me. Another advantage is when or if one of my suits gets damaged or stolen I still have the other one. So to me in the end I got a THIRD suit the frogg togg for the same price you paid for your one "quality" suit in todays dollars. I can keep the cheapie in the car all the time just in case and not really worry about it at the price I paid. However if I was keeping a 100MPH suit in the car and it got stolen I would freak because with a 500 dollar deductable I would be eating the cost of the loss myself.

    (in the past 3 trips I have made to fishing holes guys are talking about car break-ins and equipment being stolen.... seems like the new way for the druggies to make a quick buck around here anyway) Just once I would like to catch some loser at it though....


    BTW Gore tex is not a brand of attire or even a manufacturer of any type of clothing it is a technology available to any garment maker for a HUGE fee. Now when you can find gore tex this or that on the internet for less than the price of a meal out, how big a selling feature will it remain? As to it being all that for quality I disagree. I have a buddy who insisted on getting a gore tex coat for camping.... 2 1/2 yrs later and it was no longer waterproof. I have bought used cars for less than he paid for that jacket that lasted long as well.... According to the store it must have been his wife washing it every week to keep it nice and clean for him that ruined it LOL. That was only funny because he only camped 5 weekends a year...... but she wanted it fresh for him to go though....

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