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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. I think people assume the licences are tied to a parent if you are a resident because for a NON RESIDENT they are..... Here is that part of the regs..... I know more than one person who has misunderstood this part of the regs.


    Anyone who is not an Ontario or Canadian resident (see definitions,

    page 5) is considered a non-resident for the purposes of fishing

    licence regulations. Most non-residents need an Ontario fishing

    licence to fish in Ontario.


    • Non-residents 18 years of age and over must purchase a fishing

    licence. (NOTE: Non-residents 65 years of age or older are not

    exempt from requiring a licence.)

    • Non-residents under 18 years of age may fish without a licence

    if accompanied by an adult who has a valid fishing licence. Any

    fish kept are part of the catch and possession limit of the person

    who holds the licence. As another option, non-residents under

    18 years may purchase a licence to have their own limits.

    • For non-resident groups of children (at least five people under

    the age of 18 years) there is a special licence for members of an

    organized camp. This licence is available from ServiceOntario/

    Ministry of Natural Resources offices (see page 96).

    NOTE: Non-residents camping on Crown lands in northwestern

    Ontario are subject to conservation licence limits except in the

  2. i much prefer to go to the little guy, most of the time he knows you by name and what you are after, and if he doesn' have it he will die trying to get it for you. I refuse to shope at Lebaron here in Ottawa now!


    I wish that were true in my hometown where the little guy cared about getting what he promised. Since he opened I have tried repeatedly to give him my business on all the small stuff. I haven't bought any large ticket items like rods or reels because I have all that already.... I have however made a point of dropping in there and trying to purchase things like clip lights, lighted floats, spawn, spawn netting, and line. Which each of those items I have went in told him what I wanted and been told it will be here in a few days. In all cases for the above items I have had to go back at least 4 times and in some cases such as the clip lights they still haven't shown up over a year later. (So I ordered them from LeBarons along with over a 100 bucks worth of other stuff 3 TIMES now since he promised they would be in next week!!!!) Now I don't like being mislead about when items will be in, but I feel it is important to give the guy a break and keep going back after I calm down to spend a few bucks. Simply because he is the only game around that doesn't require 15 bucks in gas or shipping and two hour round trip.... one day that will come in handy when I am in a real jam for some gear for a trip. Would I send anybody else to go shop there NOPE I could not do that because he is not consistent or in my opinion even truthful when telling you what he can get for you or even when it will show up. If he was he would get more than the 15% to 20% or so of the two to three grand I spend on fishing a year..... Somedays I think I am just enabling his inability to deliver by going back but with no other options around he gets a little slack...


    If I could get to Lebarons in 15 minutes I wouldn't care what they had in stock or when as I would be going there two to three times a week anyhow LOL.

  3. The guy in the back is really a monkey that just presses a button to play a pre-recorded message. :thumbsup_anim:


    I only order online from them if at all.


    No but the guy in the back line might just have just been a line. I knew a manager of cara air foodservices and if the customers ever had a problem that could not be traced to a specific individual it would be blamed on "Harold".... Harold was fired 73 times and demoted over 200 times in the 6 years this person managed customer relations.... He said most of his problems were solved once he "created" Harold, because customers wanted someone to be blamed and punished. By telling them that he had severly punished Harold he gave them the scapegoat they sought and then they happily continued buying from cara.... BTW he said the scary thing was NOT once did any buyer ever say that "firing" Harold was wrong or an over reaction LOL.

  4. Call me "old fashioned" but I would think that each and every employee represents the said company. So if that's the case, Joey is quite right in complaining about the company. Maybe management of the company should better control who answers the phone and/or deals with their most valuable resource "The customer".


    Just my .02






    I agree to a certain extent but I think we all work for a living and realize that in any organization you have the top 10% of employees who are on the ball and then the other 90% who are just there for a paycheck.... Again if you are going to spend the time and gas after putting your faith in a voice over the phone in this day and age then getting a name to go with that voice doesn't seem unreasonable to me. Even if you wanted management to praise someone for doing a good job how can you if you don't know who you talked to?

  5. I am not fishing right now because I am all tuckered out from fishing all afternoon..... I went into work at 5AM got done at 7:30 AM no OPP around LOL Did the grocery shopping on the way home. Watched F1 qualifying. Laughed when my dad stopped by to help my neighbour fix his car just after 9AM cause they couldn't come fishing.


    Stopped by the big dam in town to get minnows it was hard slogging to get two dozen. After the attractant worked I finally caught some beauties though. However I got a parking ticket because it took so long. I got back to the car just as he was leaving the ticket and it was just 25 minutes till you didn't have to pay as well, but people were lining up for spots so I can't really complain. He said that is too bad too that I wasn't just a bit quicker the meter had just turned when he got done the car beside me sooooooo he had no choice (yeah right).... For the eight bucks for the ticket I could have bought the minnows and been fishing earlier geessshhh.


    So I got 3 pike and now they are off the list for this year which is good. I forgot my hair rigs so I didn't even attempt going after carp, but I did catch a couple dozen catfish. Who seemed to enjoy the minnows more than the pike. I even caught 3 catfish on a silver spoon and that is caught like in the mouth and everything. I did accidently also snag 2 catfish too, they are attacking anything that comes near their small fry with a vengence.

  6. Joey- Yeah the guy screwed up.... However don't take offense but YOU didn't even know the person's name so you don't even know WHO to be mad at. Blaming LeBaron's as a whole in a case like this doesn't seem fair to me....


    I get the same type of thing all the time. I drive delivery for a bakery. People call the office and the office promises them the world but they never tell me what was promised. So I get all the abuse when I get to the customer and the office never followed up on what they promised... I had one clown in the office who would say yes to any request just to avoid a hassle. I educated my customers to ALWAYS, AlWAYS get the name of who answers the phone. So a couple of times I actually called the office got the clown on the phone and listened while the customer YELLED AT HIM not me for a change. Funny thing is after the 4th time of him taking the blame for his own mistakes he quit LOL....


    Today consumers should ALWAYS get a name if you are going to invest gas and time to go get something, that way you go to the management and maybe get something for your trouble.... if you were lied to over the phone.

  7. Lets remember here folks that London is the same town where an 11 yr old was stealing cars at the rate of one a week for weeks on end. When the police would pick him up and then take him home, his parents would BEG them to do something to the kid. Since he was only 11 and therefore could NOT be dealt with under the law the police would have to release him to the parents. At the same time they would tell the parents you can't do what needs to be done either because from the time this kid could talk in school it was hammered into him, what the rules are and if anybody touches you, you call the Children's Aid on them.... OH and by the way the kid would say to the cops as they were getting in their car See ya next week fellas.... Funny thing though the kid was too young to be charged with anything because he was "unaware" of what he was doing under the law knew enough to make sure he didn't steal any cars after he turned twelve!!!!! When he would have to face some consequences. That to me shows that all along the little tyke knew what he was doing was wrong?


    I think a lot parents get into trouble with kids that want to do what they want to do these days because too much time is spent in school explaining to them what their "rights" are. Nobody ever tells them what some of their responsibilities are....


    Oh another note about rights what is really scary is if you happen to have a child in a class with one of those cretins. You and your child DO NOT have the right to know that some psycho is sitting right behind them.... That is so wrong and unfair IMHO yet we can't get our elected officials to change things to reflect that the "innocent" kids of today deserve protection too, but somehow they don't rate.

  8. Pine needles make an excellent stopper for me.... and are cheap and plentiful too. I made a baiting needle for about .50 cents using a piece of dowel and an old large sewing needle that I cut out part of the eye on. She ain't pretty but it does allow me to catch my one carp I go after each year in record time when I want to get one.... Although last year I got a 20+lber while I was floating a worm through an area that was holding perch and pike.... Kids were catching them all day on worms too, but apparently that ended the next night when a couple of carp experts went back to try their luck they did slay them on pineapple flavoured boilies though. I still can't figure out what all the fuss is about with carp though. One or two a year is enough just say I got one for yearly list.

  9. We night fish all the time and the only thing I can add is for you to try bottom fishing the lake near the mouth. Just remember all the drop backs have to go past you into the lake the same as all the fish who go up have to go past you too. Wading in the water is fine too but, it is a blast to sit on the beach or pier in a chair....(depending on which river) I know some people will call it lining but we just blow up a worm or use a roe bag with floaters in it. Use a clip on light stick on the rod and wait for that signature tap-tap-tap.... Be real careful taking those clip on lights off more than one buddy has taken one off when it is below zero only to find their two piece is now a custom 3 piece rod.... Sometimes we fish all night other times we fish from dusk till 2Am or so then grab a cat nap in the car, with the cell phone alarm set. Wake up about 4:30AM to get the best spot and fish till 9AM or so. It is amazing how cold you can get though when she's howling about 30 to 40KM winds and it is only 3 to 5 degrees out even if you in the car trying to sleep.


    Also fish the piers on erie all night using a clip on light for perch two or three nights during the summer too. Amazing the number of drunks who stumble out to see what you are doing too especially since they are no bars in these towns LOL.


    When I am drift fishing at night I use the Lindy Nite Brite and I have caught tons of fish both rainbow and salmon in the fall with that set up. This spring though the water was always so pristine it didn't work, although as soon as I could see well enough to turn the light off I would get hits right away some mornings using that float.

  10. I don't generally agree with spoon feeding newbs either. However one man's ultimate fish is another man's garbage fish and so on.


    With that in mind if anyone likes fishing for basketball sized carp that are stupid easy to catch, then I have the spot for you. I know they are easy to catch because every year I go to catch just one and in a half hour you can land 10 or 15, if you wait till after a rain. This honey hole is about 1 to 2KM long. Where is this carping paradise you ask? I am going to tell you it is anywhere along the Avon river below the John St damn in Stratford. Free parking available at the TJ Dolan area if there aren't a couple of hundred people visiting relatives at the hospital. You just walk along the river find a spot and fish all day and night if you like. Also feel free to take your limit home with you PlEASE. And if I had the GPS co-ordinates I would POST them.


    Seriously, if you have a couple of hundred quid tied up in carp equipment you will be wondering why you didn't just go to Walmart and buy the spiderman rod for 9.99 because kids catch hundreds of these carp on that type of equipment all day long all summer long.....


    Thanks to the OP for making it OK to finally give up my secret carp hole..... I have been dying to share this info for a long time now.

  11. Sorry for your loss. One of the hardest things you will ever do for someone is to follow their last wishes. Having been an executor a couple of times now. I know what it is like to have differences at a time like this. I might not have read your post right but it doesn't seem to indicate who the executor of his estate is or if there is one? If he and your mother were married and there was no will stating otherwise she would most likely be recognized as having the responsibility for paying for the funeral and arranging it....


    If she has the power under the law then all she has to do is wield it, and there isn't anything they can do. Also unfortunately the reverse is true too if his brother is the executor he gets to dictate what will happen.... However a meeting with everyone at the funeral home to plan things with the funeral director there sometimes can ease tensions because lots of times family members who are petty and small in private won't act that way in front of an outsider. So you get a compromise and if they complain afterward you calmly hold up your hand and say that they agreed at the meeting and now is not the time to be changing things....


    Sounds like a tough situation I hope it works out.

  12. When I was kid we went to one in Hamilton just before going up north one summer. I splurged and bought a couple of lures that were .49¢ I was like 10 or so and my allowance was only .50¢ a week paid by weekly so I do mean I splurged LOL. Anyhow we were out fishing up north about 2 weeks later my dad and my uncle laughed because when I used the first "super" lure I had bought which was like a river runt but in a green and black frog pattern. The thing sank because water would seep in where the back treble hook was placed.... So I asked my uncle to borrow his lighter which got a look from my dad I can tell you I think he thought I was going to light a smoke or something.... Anyhow I took out the treble hook heated the plastic with the lighter and just before it melted the hole shut I screwed the eye hook with the treble back in.... It was sealed tight now and it worked without sinking but it moved kind of funny because of the angle I had worked the eyehook back in on. I think because it moved like a wounded frog across the water I caught 3 or 4 bass on that lure in about an hour while my dad and uncle didn't even get a bite.... It was a quiet ride home in the boat that night LOL.

    Since that day though that lure hasn't even gotten a sniff from a fish but it is still in my tackle box and gets used ocassionally just for that one memory.... when I caught supper and my dad and uncle were speechless on the way back to the cottage.

  13. First thing she should do is talk to the neighbours about it. If that doesn't work. Go over to your friends place after your local noise bylaw kicks in and go out in the yard if the dog barks call the cops (with a noise complaint).... Eventually the neighbours will be fined for a noise complaint. Sucks, but it is cheaper than going the civil court route and it stops the dog from being hurt.


    If your neighbour is afraid of the dog that is probably egging it on to bark worse. I do sympathize as I have the same problem with a neighbour behind me, I really feel bad for the people who are up all night after she wakes them up when I leave for work at 1:30AM.... Then again I am not the dog's owner who lets her out at that hour either. On a positive note since that dog moved in NOBODY breaks into the cars in our parking lot anymore which used to be a weekly occurance, because she goes stark raving mad instead of just barking if you aren't a friendly neighbor and she can jump that 4ft fence when she gets excited... LOL.

  14. Now that right there is funny, except I lived in Flin Flon for a few years and I Didn't play hockey :o:P





    Sorry Joey.... and I picked Flin Flon to avoid such a problem on here.... The joke is usually about Sudbury but we have a lot of people on here from there so I didn't want to hurt anyones feelings.... Just goes to show it is a small world after all

  15. it is simple.....


    If you don't have a machine (which you don't need)


    First only do this on a tile floor even one egg on a carpet and broken will stink for months.


    Take a tv tray cover with wax paper.

    Lay out the pieces of netting I buy the precut ones.

    Take a plastic spoon and put the eggs on the netting. Rainbow eggs about 10 to 15...

    Then place on your floaters use lots. (for drifting no floaters)

    Gather the edges of the netting form a ball then use spider wire thread about 5 wraps, then snap it off.

    Cut of the excess netting

    All done.


    Another tip is to have a few paper towels beside you already torn off the roll and a plastic bag to put all the refuse in so you can take it out to the trash in one pile...


    The first time you do it is a little daunting but soon you will tying the right sizes and colours at the rate of about 100 per hour.

  16. Phew!! My commute was going to be awful....I remember the last time this happened, my normal 1 hour drive to the suburbs was easily 1.5 to 2 hours.


    Thanks for the link Cliff!


    So just telecommute. If you can't do that to beat the traffic just go in at 1 AM Monday work right through till Tuesday about 10 or 11 PM. and that is assuming 3 or 4 1 hour lunch breaks!!!!


    You would have your 40 in for the week so then you could then go fishing..... win win I say.

  17. I beleive the use of two motors is for safety when heading out on the Great Lakes.

    I think it is used by Charter services to ensure the safe return of their clients should one motor break down. That way they have the other motor to get them back to port.


    That makes sense but then some charters are so busy they can't do maintenance on one motor let alone two LOL. Been on three charters over the years and on all three at some point they had motor "issues". I wasn't exactly thrilled when the captains all said gee I been meaning to fix that but been too busy. HUH? sorry no tip for you today... Thankfully in all three cases my dad who is a mechanic was able to tell them how to get going again.

  18. I think this is the way the entire consumer industry is going, or seems to be a trend. No matter where you go on as a consumer, you get treated like you dont mean anything. No one cares about their job and the attitudes reflect it. Mind you there are still some places albeit few and far between, that do know what customer service is, but these are mainly private small businesses.


    There is no such thing as "Hello, Bye, Have a nice Day, Can I help you with something, Thank You etc." I think it starts from Management all the way down to standard reps. There is no training, nothing enforced by management and no one is afraid to loose their jobs anymore.


    Tinman, i would be irate if I were you. Keep with it and keep pushing for some sort of action, he should have never said that on Drive-Thru and you should have never heard it, or your kids for that matter.


    Good Luck and I hope you see some results.


    I disagree that in general civility has gone by the wayside.... I HAD to shop in 5 different stores yesterday for I have the joy of attending 5 different birthday parties today.... In every store I was asked how I was, if I found everything I wanted and told thank you or have a nice day. By the same token though when I approached the cashier and I was asked how I was today. I said I am OK and how about you? Sometimes you have to be polite to be treated politely.... After I was thanked I said thank you and told them to have a nice day. Niceities are a two way street. Treat service people how you would like to be treated and most of them reciprocate and when then don't in my case I can usually show them not being polite is not good for their peace of mind either. I know more ways to ruin a rude cashier's day than they could even dream of to ruin mine.... LOL

  19. When I worked at the grocery story, some little old lady asked if she could have half a head of lettuce. I told her that I would ask the manager, and would be right back. I went to the back of the store and said to my boss that some weirdo wanted half a head of lettuce. As I say this, my boss is pointing over my shoulder - she had followed me! I quickly said, 'And this nice lady here would like the other half'.


    C'mon douG tell us the rest of the story.... it goes like this. The manager goes you are a smart fella. How about you take a promotion? We have an opening for an assistant manager in Flin Flon Manitoba. Flin Flon you snort I can't go there there is nothing but ho's and hockey players there....


    The manager goes beet red and says I will have you know my wife comes from Flin Flon... Without missing a beat you reply.... REALLY and what position did she play left or right wing?

  20. Good point, that's why I hate doing MVC's (motor vehicle collisions - we don't call them accidents anymore because that implies no one is at fault)....most of the time I don't charge people because of the simple fact of conflicting stories. Unless something is completely obvious or one driver is completely honest then it's easier. But if there's no third party witness it's harder to get a conviction because both drivers are looking out for their best interest and aren't 100% honest.....


    That seems fair to me to not charge anybody if there is any doubt in a collision with no injuries. Their insurance will likely cause them more pain than a charge could anyway.


    As an aside I pity any officer who has to rely on eye witnesses for anything though. I work at two different jobs and I can count on the fingers of one hand the times that when something bad has happened that any two people tell the same story but you know they were THERE and the was no way they could have missed what happened..... it is all about spin.

  21. Yes, you see it all the time where 3 or 4 cars go...but, the trick is...pull the last guy through over lol...he has no defence. The light is red. I have never lost these tickets.


    The HTA (briefly) says that when turning left, only one car is allowed to creep into the intersect (people these days don't really understand that creeping doesn't mean sitting in the middle). If the driver is unable to complete his turn by the time the light goes from amber to red, he is allowed to complete it when it is safe to do so. Only ONE car can do this.


    I guarantee any cop his yearly quota of tickets in about two hours then if they follow that part the HTA at these intersections.... To keep traffic moving I can't see a cop giving a ticket at these intersections I am talking about unless there was an accident.


    However, only charging the guy turning left in the event of an accident would ignore the part where the driver with the green light can only enter the intersection when it is clear and safe to do so regardless of the colour of the light as well. Not to mention the part about a car being in an intersection has the right away over cars stopped at a stop sign or red light..... If the officer doesn't charge both drivers that isn't fair either.


    Situations like this are where the judges and lawyers earn their money deciding which of the contradictions in the law(s) applies and to whom.


    Another thing about these intersections is that you would probably wind up being shot or tire ironed to death if you didn't enter the intersection if your car would fit during the green light.... Rather than have to face the mob behind me I would take my chances on a cop having a bad day, heck most of the time they are the 6th or 7th car to go through. I am pretty sure once you met with the crown, told them you would fight it because of the location and why they would drop it or reduce it to a weaker charge if you agreed to pay the full fine. The crowns I have met could give a crap about anything but the cash first meetings are more like lets a make deal than justice as you probably well know. If that didn't work then I would definitely roll the dice in court, maybe at some time your brethren have charged the JP for the same thing (yeah like that would ever happen)LOL

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