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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. You are lucky no doubt winning the WFN thing and then hooking up 3 salmon in 2 hours pier fishing is pretty good in anyone's book.


    Couple of things to keep in mind that haven't been mentioned yet. Firstly, Don't get down if the next 4 or 5 times you go out you don't hook a thing. Because just as losing fish the odd time is part of what pier fishing is all about so is getting skunked. Lastly it could be the snapping strength of the line for a better word. Meaning the line might be rated for 8lbs and not break if you gently put 8lbs of stress on it. It might snap though at 2 or 3lbs with a sudden force being put on it. I had this problem with some 5lb leader material in the spring. I had 3 break-offs opening week and all in the middle of the leader. I thought abrasion from a nick maybe as were fishing in some areas with zebra muscles. Then I gave a pre tied leader to a buddy who was having trouble tying in the dark one morning and he took the line wrapped it around both hands and snapped it taut. The line broke like 2lb test. So I checked the spool and there were parts of it that none of us could snap and break like that but a HUGE amount of the spool you could break just by letting it go slack about 6 inches over a two foot length and snapping it taut. Which is what tends to happen even with a long rod, absorbing a lot more of the shock of such sudden movements, a large fish surfacing then tightening the line can still wreak havoc on spool of bad line. Although 8lb test should be plenty if your rod is over 10 ft or so.

  2. I caught two cohos last year both were under 10lbs but that was on Lake Huron. The funny part was the bigger fish about 7lbs I got in the winter during a 2 week thaw about as far up as you legally fish on that river river the first week of March. An older guy that was there was freaking out because he said he hadn't seen a coho that big in the spring in years.... He about spit out his teeth when I said that was a fun fight thanks for helping with the net and I let the fish go..... (Something that would never had happened if it had of been under 4 lbs my favorite size for eating)


    So to me a 12lber is a darn fine fish!!!!

  3. is anyone from this forum doing tool and die trade ?

    i would like to know more about this trade, some say its good, some say not. how is it anyway ?


    Any trade qualification is a good asset to have. Even if the worse case scenario happens and 90% of the tool and die jobs wind up going offshore. So what? If you take an apprenticeship you get paid the whole way through and your time at school is even paid for. How can you lose on that type of arrangement. When you are done your apprenticeship you will be able get your licence for the trade if you get a high enough mark you will have a red seal that will let you practice your trade in any province. Or that is how it used to be way back in the 80's. NO ONE will ever be able to take that away from you!!! Once you have that first ticket, it might lead into other opportunites in the same type of fields. You could wind up a manager or working for a parts supplier that sort of thing.


    The best thing with taking a trade is that at the end of it all you will be "qualified with experience" and debt free. If you go to university you will have a piece of paper just a million other grads, absolutely ZERO real world experience and a whooping HUGH debt in all likelyhood. Which looks like the better plan to you?


    As for how long there will be jobs because of globalization or how much you will be able to make no one can answer that truthfully but the same thing applies to all those university grads too..... Just because they going to be trying to sell a service it doesn't mean there will anybody who can afford to buy it especially if the manufacturing jobs and the middle class are all gone. Eventually, businesses here and the politicans will figure this out and start to insist on fair trade just not free trade. When that happens someone who can use their hands to actually create something will be invaluable.

  4. Due to the low reproduction rates as mentioned above the MNR would smarter to have a rotating shift of CO's just writing fines and seizing equipment for auction. Now if the money from those fines would stay in the MNR coffers for gas and enforcement that would really be something.

  5. :dunno: Other than the shop wasn't open, only the worm fridge and then again guess I never thought of it? Maybe the next time I will try them, but they kinds of give me the creeps.


    Yeah I know everyone says that the first time they use them..... Once you see what a bass will do to get a meal of live leech it takes all that squeamishness away. Not only bass like them though on Erie you could just as likely nail a walleye with a leech behind a spoon as a bass from what people tell me.

  6. I used to get up no problem for school we were apprentices and attendance meant getting a full pay check from EI. If you missed a class or were late you got docked money.... It was a very good incentive.


    I usually only wind up with about 3 hrs max sleeping time before going fishing and haven't been late yet. I often beat the alarm and get mad that I can't call some fishing buddies to tell them we are leaving early but then that is where OFC comes in.... just spend a bit of time checking it out and the radar of course.

  7. I have to agree on having a ton of line as being more important that the longer rod. The longer rod will help, especially as you can usually use the leverage to tire the fish faster. Nothing loses you more friends than having a 7ft rod getting a bunch of hookups and fighting fish for 20 minutes only to lose them, while everyone else has to stop and wait.... I run about 300yds minimum when the salmon are about as we like to shore fish right into the lake at a couple of spots and even with 340yds I have seen a lot of aluminum on the spool a couple of times....

  8. Welcome Kelly, I don't know about the salmon on Lake Ontario, there have been some scattered reports but it seems to be hit or miss. I can say that on Lake Huron if you don't have a boat bring your bass gear if you really want to catch fish...


    That could change though if we get a string of 10 degree nights though.....

  9. I have a next door neighbor who can sleep through 2 alarms, the phone call as well. However for some reason when you pound on the door and yell that someone is stealing his car he wakes right up (might have to do with him having his car stolen 2yrs ago.....) After he gets calmed down from that he is ready to go fishing. About 2 weeks ago he slept right through the fire alarm going off in the building for 45 minutes.... was even miffed no one work him up. I told him don't worry if there really is a fire I will yell his car is being stolen ;o)


    If you really think your alarm doesn't work try the trick of putting across the room. If it is the old style with a bell put it in a pot with a lid, that will definitely get your attention.

  10. Welcome to the board. A question like that has NO right answer. It is kind of like asking who is hotter Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson, or Meagen Fox. Seriously what guy wouldn't have the time of his life on a fishing trip with any or all 3 of them? The fishing in Ontario is so varied, and so are the spots for catching most species.


    I know one thing for sure though if you tell the folks on here what kind of fish you hope to go after you will probably get about a 100 different answers on what works best and where to go LOL.

  11. I KNEW it I felt pretty good this morning when I saw the price at 98.7. I crammed in as much as the ole Neon would hold yesterday. I was ticked because when I was on my route in the company van I saw it for 93.5 but when I got back with my car it had gone up to 93.9.... Anyhow I all but jacked up the corner of the car to cram in 13.00 bucks worth LOL. I felt sorry for the guy driving the SUV in front of me in line his was 105.90 then he said forgot to fill the 3 x 5 gallon tanks he had for his lawn tractor and boat so he would be back to pay some more.... the 3 cars waiting for his spot at the pumps were not looking impressed either.

  12. If the intent is to just catch a fish of any kind I would have to say any small spoon is going to give the best bang for the buck. In a boat I would agree with a jig but for fishing under any conditions and to bring fish in a perch paterned 3/8" spoon would be my choice. I have caught huge pike, salmon, medium perch, catfish, walleye, buckets, smallies and even rock bass on this color of spoon.


    If I was in a true survival situation I would be looking around for a way to trap/catch minnows, leechs, worms or crayfish to use. If I could find ANY of the those live baits I would take the treble hook off the spoon and use it with the live bait because NOTHING works better than live bait in my experience....


    After reading this I hope I am NEVER dumb enough to wind up with just one choice in my tackle when I am fishing, because I am the type who takes 2 or 3 rods rigged for different styles of fishing and I generally like to have tons of lures and 2 to 3 types of live bait along when I hit the water.

  13. I realize I am in the minority here but the fish that died are just "carp" so what is the problem? As a species they are not especially vital or hard to replace as far I know. I don't see why anyone would care too much except for the smell and the cost of the cleanup. That might be because I have lost a couple of really great fishing spots to idiots who thought putting a few dozen carp would improve things.....


    My opinion aside though the MNR should totally forth coming and not lie to the people who employ them meaning all of us taxpayers.

  14. There is a difference in power tripping cops/CO's and the guys who actually have reasonable doubt / suspicion about someone. The best thing is to behave and you got no probs. If the CO violates your rights and you are clean then file a complaint and have his superiors take care of it. If you aren't illegal then you got nothing to worry about right! If you are illegal somehow then you deserve to burn for it. If you are illegal then you have forfetted your rights already right! B)


    In a perfect world your take would work well. However, like I said before if a cop/CO will bend the rules to search you how long will be before they manufacture evidence to get you..... NOT LONG!!!! History has always shown this to be the case. It is a very slippery slope best avoided at all costs. I am very strong on law and order but the order only comes when those in the system respect the law to enforce it.

  15. Admitting your addiction is the first step LOL. I know as a reforming drunk (I am not an alcoholic they HAVE to waste vauable fishing time at those meetings) that I have an addictive personality. I prove this to myself almost weekly when I find myself at a tackle or fishing store purchasing yet another piece of gear that will give me that little edge. A new fishing store opened right around the block from parents place this week. I was over visiting my mom this afternoon so I stopped in to see, what was going on in the new store, his prices were high but he is the only game in town. I was just looking but had to buy some sinkers. I think I ruined his day when I told him too bad I had not seen his store on Tuesday, because I went into a tackle shop in another town just to purchase 10 bucks worth of salmon eggs.... I left 72.50 poorer after I snapped up a set of duplicate spoons and some Raven mainline for my first Salmon trip of the year in the next week or two....


    Basically I feel your pain my friend

  16. Leave the rod up in a holder so your head isn't the highest thing in the boat.


    I don't know how big his boat is but having been on a pier one morning where lightning struck a lamp-post about 25ft away I can safely say I sure wouldn't want to be on anything less than the QEII using that strategy..... LOL

  17. I agree that trampling over someones rights to get evidence to lay a charge is totally wrong. If an officer of any kind will do that even once how do you ever trust in any arrest that they make after that? Once we as a society allow things like this to happen it won't be long before the same officers are bringing along evidence to put in place in case you actually were innocent....

  18. Sorry you got skunked.... I worked at my part time job from 3 till 8 AM before I went to the regular job (which only took me 45 minutes today I love being on salary) and I am betting you still had the better time LOL.


    The rain will definitely help and so will the cooler temps coming next week along with the full moon ;o)

  19. Seriously, pan fish equal LIVE bait. Worms especially will catch them when nothing else will. If you really want to keep kids interested in fishing learn to catch your own worms, minnows, leeches, crayfish, maggots all the fun stuff to use. Not only will these things produce WAY better than artificals (except maybe this new powerbait crap, but it costs a fortune) the kids have the fun of playing with the bait!!!! It is totally win win and you save money and have the bonding experience of going and getting the bait it is like fishing twice on the same trip.

  20. Some days this site is better than TV. Unless you want to take a course of rabies shots I would not advise going with the picking it up by the tail theory as mentioned above. My Grandfather who had a trap line swore that without their hind legs on the ground they can't spray but then he did say they can still whip around and infect you with one hell of a nasty bite.....

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