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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. OK so I get to the spot nobody else is fishing it.... That would tell most intelligent people to go home. NOT me I gear up and fish away for an hour or so... telling myself I can leave early and go home get some rest for the weekend. All I can say is I fished for 9 1/2 hrs. It was a total waste of time and everybody and I MEAN EVERYBODY should just stay home this weekend so they don't waste their time. Yeah that's it stay home yeah.... This has been a public service announcement LOL

  2. You have to do what you feel is best.... Two years isn't that long though as it will probably take you 2 to 3 months to sell, buy and move. What I would really think about is if your house has already doubled in value in a couple years how much will it be worth in another two years? What will the value of the other house do in the same time. Saving even two grand a month with no mortgage for two years will seem like a very poor bargain if the house you are in doubles again in the next two years and the other one stays at the same value?


    Seem like you have a very good if complex situation though, escalating house values while most of the continent is seeing house values drop or stay stagnant.

  3. Lot of good points here, but the fact is eventually if you want a product you will not be able to do anything but buy it from overseas....


    A lot of people blame unions, corporations and governments for the damage of globalization when the fact is the consumers, shareholders and the electorate are the only ones to blame. In other words all of us. Simple supply and demand would stop all of this erosion of the middle class.


    Consumers are to blame because if we didn't buy it they wouldn't keep making it overseas and taking our jobs.


    If you own or your pension plan owns shares in a company that takes jobs offshore and you all sold the shares and nobody bought them the company would cease to exist and stop outsourcing jobs basically overnight.


    As for governments if we stopped electing losers who allow free trade but ignore the peril of not INSISTING on free trade we could turn things around if we don't to this we deserve what happens to us.


    As for blaming the unions, yes they have their faults but no union EVER took one job offshore willingly. No union ever put into effect a contract that wasn't signed by the company who thought they could honour it. No union ever designed and then allowed the bean counters to butcher a product so that it was complete garbage that nobody wanted all by themselves either....

  4. I have read alot of the reviews on the Frogg Toggs and I hope they have made changes to them it seemed alot of people were having the same problem or maybe they just ordered to small suits that would cause the ripps? I still have not decided on what to get but I think it will still be gore tex.


    The one I got is HUGE I wanted something that I could wear over my fishing vest and a warm jacket. NOTHING bugs me more than fishing in the rain and having my vest on the outside and getting it soaked.... All three sets of my rain gear were purchased with that in mind. I figure if it lasts for a year at 38 bucks versus 250 for a gore tex that I would get 5-7 years out of I will be ahead of the game...

  5. Yes water clarity is key too clear or too dirty are equally bad in my experience. The flow of any water I have seen today in the 20 or so rivers I cross on my route have me home typing this instead of being out there giving it a go.....


    Later tonight or tomorrow if you could find a pier and fish clear lake water near dirty river water on the bottom it could pay off. Float fishing though until the speed of the water around here slows down would be tough in my opinion. Canadian Copper would know as much about how fast water can be moving and still get you fish as anyone on here, if he replies listen carefully to what he says.... I know I will.

  6. I just ordered a frogg togg Pro-action suit on ebay and I will let you folks know how it works.... It seems more like paper than cloth but for 38 bucks delivered to my door I couldn't resist. It is light and obviously breathable as it was about 85 in the apartment (forgot I had cranked the temp when my loser landlord thought it would be OK to turn the boiler for the building off last night because it had been hot during the day....) when I tried it on and I would melt in about 10 seconds in my Viking it that kind of heat..... the phone rang and I answered it and talked to a buddy for about 10 minutes about when the earliest we could hit the tribs this weekend would be forgetting I had the rainsuit on. In that heat wearing my full delivery uniform and I never broke a sweat. Could be interesting if it holds up to the wear and tear I will be putting it through.


    I will definitely post the results.

  7. I know a lot of people who have had it and they can keep it.... I don't have time to be sick now while the tribs are blown. Once the tribs slow down to a dull roar perhaps I will have a sick day or too but I sure and heck better not actually be sick LOL.


    I know now that after posting this and having avoided getting it all winter which in my job is very difficult (delivery person who has to take bills and money from people and I can't very offend a customer by whipping out the anti baterial gel in front of them, no matter how hard they have sneezed on the cash or bill) I will be sure to get it just before opening week........ when I have my first days off since last year's opening day for trout.

  8. It is amazing that they can keep such a variety in one tank and do it successfully for the most part. If you think about the temperature variance that most fish in this province go through though being in that tank shouldn't be too unhealthy for them.


    As for the difference in color it really does vary a lot in the wild so why not in the tank. Think about how different a rainbow that has just come in from the cold deep lake looks right now compared to one that spent the winter under the ice in a river.... Bass too are amazing in how different in color they can be based on where they are in even in a small body of water. Deeper fish always seem to be lighter in color. I think it more temp related than depth though. If you catch perch in lake erie the cold ones from the deep are almost completely silver and the ones who feel warmer are darker...


    I think stress also causes changes as once you put the perch in the basket after a while they all look the same color which is usually darker than when they were caught.

  9. Wow lets bring back the rotary dial phone, teletypes, and morse code communication only on ships.... What is this 1950 again?


    Sorry but I was never a fan of the catalogue and the waste of paper not to mention the higher prices CT and other retailers have to charge because of printing them. Half the time you saw something in the catalogue and when you went to the store it wasn't available or didn't look anything like the picture in the catalogue.

  10. I started out with a pair of south bend Walmart cheapies and they were polarized and did work fine. I saw a pair of uvex polarized glasses at Costco for 39.99 I asked to try them on and they fit great the optician even helped adjust them making them even more comfortable. I said I will take them. She then took out a box and opened up.... For the 40 bucks I also got another two pairs of lens and a carrying case.... All the lens are polarized, grey, amber and rose. So on the low light days I put in the amber and on the really bright days the grey and I just haven't used the rose yet (supposed to be great for driving though) but they are there if I ever need them.


    I found out later that Uvex specializes in safety glasses which probably explains why these glasses are so tough. I have had my buddies do the branch in the face trick many times. I have dropped them on rocks, sand, ice and asphalt and I have yet to see a scratch on any of the lenses...


    Also if I lose them or break them I can live the price.

  11. If loose and water cured in the stream where you got them they could last up 3 or 4 weeks in the fridge.... If they are still in the skien and you bled the hen right after catching they should last about 10 days maybe more refrigerated. What I like to do with eggs in the skien is tie them right away and then freeze em in batches big enough for an outing. I really don't have much experience with using cures because so far leaving them all natural works great. On Friday I was using some eggs I caught on boxing day and tied that night and froze. I caught as many fish as anybody who was using fresh roe from that week..... Freezing them TIED first, right away to me keeps them the best if you can't use them in a week or less though. I tried to freeze a skien one time and then thaw it to tie and it was so gooey and hard to work with. Loose eggs water hardened and frozen then tied are easy to work with though....

  12. I like to go near water first.... never seen too many in my backyard. (sorry I just couldn't resist.) If you could be a tad more specific you might get more specific answers


    After that just go and look around at what other people are doing. I bet there where over 1000 people fishing this morning on the various tribs in your area this morning.


    You can't go wrong talking to a small tackle store for advice and what works in your area either.

  13. Also keep in mind the thieves might be waiting for you to bring your boat home even if they can't find it now.... If you ever store in the driveway at your house and they go for it but you have the locks replaced that might just make them mad. I would be very observant when you bring it home if you ever do because a mad thief might go vandal in such a situation.

  14. I just picked up a Helly Hansen Compac rain suit for my dad for his birthday. I have to admit we haven't been out in the rain with it yet but based on price, quality feel and fit I would say it beats anything BPS had for about a hundred less. Total was only 140ish with tax and I would have grabbed one at the same time if they had of had two the same size. (They got wacked during the no tax sale last weekend)It is supposed to be breathable like gore tex as well and is very light weight.

  15. Yeap.... been there done that have several of the t-shirts. I used to buy cheap line and this always happened. There is a way to correct the twist in the spool if you have a boat just let it all out behind you and rewind. (not an option right now though) If you live near a long pier you can attach the line to something walk about 100 yards and turn around reeling it in. OR if you have a second spool for the same reel and all quality reels come with one you can just respool it on to the spare then the put it back on the original spool the right direction. I usually put on about 30 handle cranks and see what happens, before filling the spool. I do find though since I started using an ice rod to put the line on and I use a folded up paper towel to press the line against the rod to keep tension on the line while spooling I never have a problem. (I spool 2 times a year on 5 reels x 2 spools that hold over 300 yds and each season fall and spring half way though I use the reversing the line trick by respooling onto an extra spool so after 3 yrs of this it gets very easy to tell if it is going to work or not)


    One thing some people do is to put the spooled line into very hot water, which I would never do because my drag is on the spool and I just won't take the chance. The friends that do still have more birds nests than I do but they SWEAR it works. I say it just makes them swear LOL

  16. I found a great line that is cheaper and better than XT..... Raven Mainline it is made in Japan I use the super high vis green. I fidn it super limp, yet it also has great abrasion strength and no almost no stretch. I can't say enough about this line for spinning reels which is all I use. I use the 6lb for everything from steelhead (with a leader) to under 15lb carp and have no problems. I also love the fact that whenever I want to know what my line is doing I can see it in all conditions...


    I just hope the place where I buy it restocks it this year.

  17. I don't know your situation but if you have room for a packed rod, why wouldn't a rod protector case work for a standard rod? It would be about a foot longer but only about 10 inches across at the pouch part where the reel goes.... If that is too much you could carry the reel in a small tackle bag/box and just have 2in or 3in pvc pipe made into a container the right length to fit a 6ft to 7ft rod.... That would fit just inside the trunk taking up no room at all hardly. I made one for my 11.5 ft rods that only cost about 15 bucks, and my buddy INSISTED on running over it with his car just to prove it was indestructable I guess and he was right it was fine and so were the rods. Something to think about....

  18. For the number of spoons I lose every spring going after pike, I don't think it really matters if they are a knock off or not. EXCEPT for the couple of bucks I can save on each one by buying the knock-off.... So I don't see the problem here at all. Do you own shares in Acme? LOL The spoons are probably made in the same factory in China anyhow. Hopefully the third shift will crank up soon and start selling them at the dollar stores. I would really get behind a program like that.

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