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Posts posted by Canuck2fan

  1. For the bass like in your avatar that's fine C2F,


    However I'd bet my paycheck if you hooked a slop bass 75 ft back your 6lb test would award you a lure donation to the lady of the lakes.


    LOL you are probably right but then I make it a point to avoid fishing slop for bass.... no need to play in the weeds where I live. Then again I only got 8 today in 2 hours so what do I know.


    I just can't imagine needing anything heavier than 12lb mono though even in heavy slop don't let the fish rule you I say you rule the fish LOL.


    BTW I landed what everyone said had to be a 30lb carp on my trusty 6lb test the other day LOL I was praying for the dang line to break but it wouldn't.

  2. I don't know, but I know it is never enough LOL. If you throw in gas, bait food and equipment it has to average 60 to 75 bucks a week for over 40 weeks a year usually.


    You after reading that I can see why I am always broke LOL. But I have no other vices or responsibilites and I can't take it with me as others have mentioned.

  3. Well if someone threw a pizza by me i would be sure to grab it, no matter what time of day. or a beer. :whistling:


    I agree with that statement 100% mmmmm pizza!!!! However I have seen one day when I watched in utter disbelief followed by anxiety, which quickly turned to anger, that begot dismay and finally acceptance that NOT ONE of those 60 to 70 2lb plus smallies swimming around my offer of live leeches, crayfish or minnows were going to bite.


    It was surreal to say the least. I have NEVER seen a bass that will not at least stop and take a look at a live leech or crayfish before or SINCE but it happened that one day. I was just shocked and if someone had of told me it happened to them before it happened to me I would have laughed and told them they just didn't know what they were doing. But there were 10 guys there that day some of whom I would put against any angler anywhere for being able to get fish on the line just gawking the same as I was. Valuble lesson learned somedays it just ain't going to happen...

  4. I know the feeling got skunked fishing for bass on my river too. Thankfully my "spot" not a river has been producing about 10 to 30 smallies a trip or I would be going nuts too. I don't know where the river fish are this year but the water is really cold for this time of year so I figure that has something to do with it?


    I don't know if it will work but if you try live leeches on a trolling bait a lot guys on erie swear by it for the eyes and any other fish will attack a leech too!!!

  5. I like simplification, but I don't think this is the right one. I think what happens when GM lays off works is beneficial to society for 2 reasons. First, their organized labour causes a labour distortion in that many people would gladly do that job for less, but they can't because the relatively small number of higher paying jobs are already taken. Second, because GM workers are relatively better off than the ones who'd do it for less but are without a job, they polarize the local income, driving up local prices, and making the non-auto worker even more poor on a purchasing power basis. This double whammy really hurts the local worker that was not fortunate enough to land an auto workers position.


    And while this displacement certainly hurts these workers, but about the other welfare effects that happen simultaneously? I already mentioned how local labour was not on even ground before, so after the layoff, things are more "fair". Also, if you look at welfare in terms of how bad some of the worst people are, this more-level playing field can only be a good thing. Another benefit would be how GM vehicles can be priced relatively lower now for us consumers (though I'd personally never buy a domestic car myself), which also leads to more money flowing through the economy.


    To me, if other countries are making the same (or better) product for less, let them and buy it from them at a better price. I know I'll be telling my children to choose their careers carefully, always invest in themselves, and prepare for uncertainties. At this time, we have a huge deficit in the amount of tradesmen needed. This is good, honest work and I'm glad they're making such a comfortable living. Perhaps some of the displaced should consider re-training into trades.


    Since you like simplication here is what is happening in a nutshell....


    First they closed the textile mills, and I didn’t speak up,

    because I wasn’t a mill worker.


    Then they closed all the foundries, and I didn’t speak up,

    because I wasn’t a steel worker.


    Then they closed all the car factories, and I didn’t speak up,

    because I wasn't in the CAW.


    Then they moved my computer jockey job to India, because no

    one here could afford to buy insurance from me.

    (you can insert any type of financial service for insurance

    that you like)

  6. There is only one thing to name a trophy like that.... You wait until the first winner and it call it by the type of fish caught and the person's name!!! Like if I was going it would wind up being called the Canuck2fan Carp Cup. (I caught a 30lb carp perch fishing the other day and no perch, but it was easily the biggest fish caught that day there LOL)


    Seriously though, if you do it that way the first winner is always honored which among competitive buddies is EXACTLY how it should be.... Why go out and win the first time if you can't rub it in everyone's face for the next 50 years!!!!!

  7. I don't know whether this globalization thing is a plus or minus for the average worker. I do know this much even though I haven't been affected yet by being laid off or having a salary cut. When those 2600 workers at GM get the ax next year if they all made just 50K a year that there is going to be 130 MILLION dollars less in the Ontario economy for me to get a slice of by selling the kind of pie I do.....


    I know a lot of desk jockeys who don't make a product or work with their hands who think it is all good. But somehow someway their employer who pays them still has to be able do so with that same NEGATIVE 130 MILLION now in the economy. I realize that is an over simplification but it is still a huge hit along with everything else going on.....


    So next time you think getting rid of manufacturing jobs is GREAT think about what those individuals who now are going to be unemployed and who might have bought something from where you work and how they probably won't be spending quite as much as before, given that most will wind up taking early retirement or working at Timmies....

  8. i've been looking at getting a microlite fibreglass spinning rod from BPS, the 20.00 ones.. do u think its waste of money, or should i anti up for the 139.00 st croix UL with lifetime aswell...

    i'm kinda caught between... i could always look used aswell


    thoughts? suggestions? :clapping:


    I would offer a middle of the road compromise on this question if you are at basspro here or shopping online check out the 49.99 U.S. (probably 100 Canadian they like to hose us) Bass Pro Wally Marshall Pro Series Crappie Jigging Poles the shortest is 7ft though. They are an UL action regardless of what the pole says. I have 2 of last years version in 8ft and it is AMAZING, super sensitive, whips just a leech with no weight about 35 yds with 6lb test. It also is incredibly versatile. Since mine only cost me 45 delivered I use it for bass, pike, perch and on Sunday I caught a 30lb carp off the pier on Erie and landed that water pig with only 6lb test. I have also used it for perching with a 1.5 oz weight for about 20 trips and no problems. If you don't want a 7 ft long rod in UL check out Wally's other rods he has some shorter rods in other series that won't break the bank but have some seriously good reviews.

  9. Here is what Navionics said:


    "This issue that you are having was an issue in 2007 that was corrected on the 2008 version of the chart. You have a couple of options to update your chart:


    1) Receive a Return Authorization # to send in your chart to be re-programmed. The replacement chart will be shipped back to you via UPS Ground (in the US) at no charge for shipping or the replacement chart. We do, however, require a signature upon delivery. If a quicker method of shipping is required, you will be responsible for shipping costs.


    Try this tell that you REQUIRE United States Postal Service shipping and will gladly pay the cost that way your brokerage fee is only going to be 5 bucks if it gets inspected that is but no tax because it was already a Canadian product LOL. Sometimes you have to play with their mind a bit...

  10. Depends on what I am doing and how far I am going.... If I am going to drive more than 20 minutes I ALWAYS take two rods for that species sometimes 3. Nothing sucks more than being an hour from home and having equipment issues that make someone have to stop fishing. On a longer trip to big water I always take a full pack or vest for the species. I have one pack and or vest for perch, one for bass, one for pike, and a vest and pack for steelhead. Some trips require combos of two packs so I have an inventory of everything and just add a couple of items to the pack most likely to get more fish.... Learned that lesson the hard way when one time we were bass fishing and the salmon were in already but I didn't have any cleos along... The next weekend I had brought both we caught a couple salmon in the early morning and switched to leeches for bass in the early afternoon and did OK too. Pier fishing requires chairs, coolers fishing baskets for the fish... Generally speaking if I have someone along to help with the gas money I wind up supplying them with the bait, rod and reel, hooks, cliplights, sinkers, floats, lunch and beverages so in the end they have no excuse to want to leave earlier as I have tons of everything to keep fishing with....


    When I am going to my local bass hole. Everything I take fits into a cooler bag 8"X6"X6 it must work because I had enough bait, split shot, swivels and hooks to catch over 30 largies and smallies in two hours last Saturday morning while I was "working" or I should waiting very patiently, for my last customer to open their store so I finish my route.

  11. Having an 8th month steelhead season followed very closely by a 3 month smallie season!!!


    Fishing with friends and family.


    Having a woman smart enough to play dumb so I think I have gotten "away" with my antics.....(haven't found her yet though LOL)

  12. I was out on Balsam lake on Saturday with my HotMaps Premium 2007 Canada in my Lowrance 332c.


    I noticed that the depths were all wrong. All were over by anywhere from 20 to 50 feet. So if I was in 6' of water according to the sonar and paper chart, the Hotmaps said 26 feet.


    When I got home I sent an email to Navionics customer service and they replied saying they would reprogram it for the cost of shipping to US. Return is free only in the US, so I don't know how much I be charged for that.


    This could add up to be quite expensive from past experience with UPS across the border.


    So if anyone has Hotmaps Premium 2007 Canada, you might want to talk to Navionics.


    (BTW the Great Lakes East Gold is fine)



    If possible those always use Canada Post and United States Postal Service for cross border shipments. How can UPS charge you a brokerage fee on something was of Canadian origin and just having warranty work done on it? In the past I have items repaired in the U.S. and I didn't pay the rip-off brokerage fee. I argued it had already been imported when I bought it. Never heard about it from UPS after that.... YMMV though.

  13. Wow what a story holy excitement!!!!!


    Sorry you didn't have a record in the end but you have done the community here a great service by showing how easy it really is to get an official weight done. The minute I started reading this thread this morning I kept YELLING at the monitor GO to a 7/11 with a post office or the like. I know they have them EVERYWHERE in London and the stores are OPEN 24 hours. I knew a guy who owned 3 of those type of convience stores with postal outlets a few years back.... You could likely get most clerks to help you out at any hour of the day or night who work the graveyard shift as it has to more exciting to be a part of history than to deal with drunks who always show up when you are working those shifts. LOL


    Now everyone who reads this thread knows do not transport the fish alive or if you do don't mention it LOL. Next getting a certifed weight quickly is important and don't trust ANY scale unless it is certified. (I have worked in food service for 30 yrs and I have yet to see an accurate scale of any type certified or not but if it has that sticker it is legal and that is what counts). Next best option FREEZE the fish if you can't find an all night grocery store or postal outlet at a 24 hr convience store with a certified scale. Also having a preprinted off record form from the OFAH in your vehicle could be a real time saver if you are ever lucky enough to need one. LOL


    Again thanks for the excitement!!!!

  14. I wonder how or even it it related to the other reports though Lake Simcoe and the Kawarthas are a long way from the Thames? I wouldn't worry though the other day I was on the Thames in about 4 different spots and saw carp all doing what they normally do, no signs of disease. Seriously though a die off wouldn't be a bad thing for the river. You can usually see groups of a 100 plus all over the place. I mean eventually they have to get thinned out somehow. Nature won't allow any species to over populate an area without having something cull the numbers and since carp have nothing in the river that can take them as food once they get over a foot long. Their numbers just keep increasing. Maybe it is just a natural way of slowing them down some since they really have taken over lots of parts of the river around here. Twenty years ago when there was actually some water in the river you might see ten or twenty in a group now you up to a hundred, how can the river support so many? Also being so closely grouped the way they are can't be healthy if any virus sets in.

  15. I had a burgundy/black topped 67 Ford Galaxie 500 Convertible. Plain Jane with only a 289 but it was a fun car. Lots of memorable trips in "The Gal" One time 7 of us and all our gear went camping for 3 days in it. It would fit 3 people comfortably in the trunk for sneaking into the drive in for long weekend all nighters. It also got about 25 miles to the gallon on the highway if you laid off the 4 barrels....


    My dad rebuilt the motor for me and left it in the car while he did it!!! There was enough room to stand inside the engine bay while doing the top end and for the bottom end we just put it on jackstands to do the bottom end.


    I found a pic that looks just like it here.


  16. I missed a fish yesterday while day dreaming and not setting the hook fast enuff, but other than those 3 I never saw another musky all week-end even though I spent alot of time on the water from Saturday till this morning. Maybe all this crazy changing weather has got the fish confused too :dunno:

    Still beats goin to work though :thumbsup_anim:


    Awesome job on catching something though. I have to agree with the fish being confused by this weather. I have been bass fishing 4 times at my spot and I have NEVER seen a start to the season like this one. I have caught over 30 bass so far but they are all the smaller ones. The big ones just sit there not interested at all. The small ones were hitting so HARD they were tearing the leeches right off the hook I have NEVER seen that either. A leech is usually good for 3 or 4 fish. Strange weather strange seems to equal strange fishing but getting out DOES beat being at work!!!

  17. Yup you Betcha, when I took my Semi Truck lessons (Crossroads Barrie) they told us how some drivers would use a 5th wheel on a Pickup truck and get their Licence. You Know what, I believe them.


    I know lots of people on the farms around here who got their A rating with a pickup and a 5th wheel. The law allowed it and they took advantage of it. Now the sad part came when they went for jobs driving real tractor trailers to get off the farm, and they bent up some equipment.... One owner of a fleet around here soon learned that just because someone had a AZ for 4 years it didn't mean they were experienced...

  18. I was on both those rivers today and no grass in the Bayfield or fish either.... Maitland was dirty so went off the south pier where the water was clear and fishing wasn't any better. I believe the north wind ruined the fishing today for some reason.


    I agree that for the fish in the river when it gets muddy and the grass is flying down it the fish will pool in slack areas, however it has been in my limited experience pure luck to get fish in those conditions because you basically have to hit the fish with your offering so they can find it. Dirty water also does seem to slow down their feeding on those two rivers. If the water is too clear though it is EVEN worse LOL. Nothing will ruin your day more than seeing 100 or more HUGE fish doing circles IGNORING YOUR offerings. Sadly the same is also true of steelhead in the same spots.

  19. Anatz, You sound like a good son for doing what your mother asked you to do don't let some dill hole ruin it for you.


    For what it is worth I had always been told my mother that sunfish are delicious..... my dad always said nope they are a garbage fish too hard to clean. Dad fishes mom never did so I listened to dad. Until last year when I was fishing and deep hooked a sunfish about a lb it was a goner. Since I already 2 smallies for the pan I thought why not try it beats feeding it to the 30 lb snapper that lives in there.

    I have to say that the sunfish was fabulous very similar to crappie or pumpkinseed. Not hard to fillet at all really when they are size that one was LOL. Now I will have no problem harvesting a few of them from time when I want some fresh fish.

  20. Lures for a buck? That is old news I want to get me one of them dollar store fishing rods they have been talking about on Red Flag Deals.... I bet the dollar store sells a ton of them with this weekend being free fishing for the whole family!!!


    Since bass season started I have caught over 30 and unfortunately they are so small that the dollar store rod would probably work just fine LOL.

  21. OH man I failed my first time too!!!! I had exactly 7hrs behind the wheel, when I took the test.(because my dad had a company car that could only be driven once you were 25 so I couldn't practice with my parents...) So the only practice I had was the 7hrs of drivers ED. I failed because I squealed the tires on a 77 chevette the school driving instructor mobile. The driver instructor made me go show him how exactly I had made the tires squeal because he called the examiner a liar saying there was NO WAY anyone could make those tires squeal. I found a way LOL...


    Don't worry about failing it happens, on the bright side I have been driving for over 25 years and never had an accident or lost a point.

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