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Everything posted by Jonny

  1. Ask a simple question --- "Any idea what they were fishing for?" Then a thread takes you all over the place, which is all good. Thanks for pitching in with that latest post, John F. I learned a lot more from that post, and this entire thread, than I had hoped!
  2. Oh yes, I knew that, but I think you said they had to be kept whole in your freezer? I never heard of having to keep them whole once you get them home and prepare them for the freezer, whether there was a slot limit or not. According to Wallyboss's post, you wouldn't even have to keep them whole if transporting overland (in other words you could clean them once you're off the water and before you head home), but I might do that with slot limits in effect anyway. You do have to leave at least a square inch of skin on fillets before you get them home, so the species can be identified. I was stopped once on the Foleyet highway (before slot limits) and the CO's checked that.
  3. There seems to be this predisposition for some people to think that somebody who worked for good wages and benefits thanks to a strong union doesn't deserve what they got. It's not like they didn't work - they put in their time and they were productive, day after day, week after week, year after year. They didn't get what they got for nothing... and don't forget, they contributed a lot of their own earnings too. I'm retired, but for the 32 years of my career, I contributed roughly 10% of my salary every year. I've seen people lose chunks of a pension they were counting on, and it's not pretty, not before they retire and especially not after. If they fulfilled the conditions for getting it, they shouldn't be deprived of it.
  4. I've got a 209. Had it since about 1977. Nice smooth reel for trolling, but yes, the gear ratio means a little extra cranking. If I recall correctly, the main difference between older ones and newer ones is that the newer ones have a plastic spool instead of metal. I don't think that would matter much.
  5. The Toronto Star had an item on this today. They accept comments, one of them being that we're destroying their habitat, poor things! So here's what I sent 'em:
  6. I have ONE reel with rear drag adjustment. Seems to work as well as any other. It would be easier to get at to adjust the drag while you're fighting a fish, but I seriously doubt anyone does that. I set mine before the first cast and then leave it that way. Too much chance over over-tightening if you fool with it while "in action".
  7. Aha, trying to sneak a zinger in there! We'd have to call it the Libertarian Party... ... since they believe that gov't should leave people alone. Bail out GM? Only if they started producing (er, breeding) new-model GMC's... Galloping Mennonite Critters.
  8. Well if it describes them, it might describe you too, and maybe me! Thanks, Solo, I got more of a running start in it than I had thought I would. Lots of interesting stuff here! Of course we can agree to disagree. Interesting debate though.
  9. You've got the Liberals and the NDP to choose from. That's going to make you feel better?
  10. Oh for all of us to be free of our parents' and society's expectations! In the microcosm of Mennonite society do you really think things are any different? You're suggesting they're brainwashed, and if they are, so are we, just not in such a recognizable form. Those kids in the Arctic that you mentioned were sure brainwashed to want things they couldn't have. It's no contradiction to say I wouldn't want to live that way and in that society, but yet respect (and even defend) their choice. It IS a free country, and if your whole idea is that Mennonites are coerced to stay as they are, they coerce themselves by their own expectations, and their attitudes (which their youth obviously adopt). I think you misplace your sympathy when you feel sorry for Mennonite youth. If it was such a bankrupt way of living, you'd see more of them turning away from it. They DO have that choice. No one is going to go after them with ropes and pitchforks. Narrow-minded by whose definition? I wonder if a Mennonite could be coerced to offer an opinion of your life? You see, that's another thing about them, if I read them correctly... they may reject your way of life, and talk about it in their own community, but they won't openly criticize you for it.
  11. Like Bushart said above, a LOT more depends on GM Canada's survival than just the plant workers. Did Harper have a choice? No. Did he do the right thing? In the circumstances, yes. Hell, the Liberals have forced us to waste (so far) about $2 BN on a useless gun registry. Where did that get us? This at least is money that should have some tangible result. And it's a "loan" (granted not likely to be re-paid) but we now will OWN about 12% of GM. Assuming that the company changes course and survives (and I think it will... there are already steps committed to), and now that it's out from under the crushing burden of high labour and benefit costs, we'll be owning an asset that's worth something. We can't sit around while viable companies pull out of the country (and GM is still viable, to think otherwise is probably kidding yourself), and hope that Frank Stronach's Magna dreams come true. Did you know that the Opel deal isn't even final? The German gov't says they're still open to a better offer until September, and Italy's Berlusconi has said he would support another Fiat bid for Opel. I feel for Sudbury nickel workers. I was one once myself, and my father spent most of his adult life working for INCO. We need to pull out of this world-wide recession before the demand for nickel will go back up. In the meantime it would be a good idea to keep companies in Canada that use nickel.
  12. Ingredients in IVORY soap: And it will float in the lake!
  13. You could always make your own! Castile soap is supposed to be environmentally friendly. http://www.millersoap.com/castile.html#FavCastile Of course the ingredients would probably set you back some, but you'd have a whack of soap! Maybe you can find commercially-produced castile soap at a reasonable price per bar. Might be something to watch out for.
  14. Would I want my children raised that way? If I was Mennonite - yes! Precisely because they are yearning for something they can't have. Mennonite youth, if they were to yearn for it, can. But if the communities are growing (as they are), maybe the youth are content with the lives they have been nurtured in. What price that satisfaction? I think you assume that everyone has to have the opportunity to reach out for the modern world. If you're living close to the land, maybe that's a desire that's best left to those who havve been raised to want it. I don't see Mennonnites stunted by their lifestyle. It's not one I would choose for myself, but they seem happy enough leading a simpler life. If you're happy, and you're not encroaching on your neighbours, what else matters?
  15. You have mixed praise and criticism here. They raise their children to be devout, devoted to family, hard-working, and sober in thought and action. I'd say that probably qualifies them to be good citizens, even if we ourselves would not like to live that lifestyle. EDIT - spelling
  16. I guess I was wrong about internet use. I found a site which appears to be Amish in origin (quoted from, below). We have a tendency to lump all Amish and Mennonites roughly together, but there is a large range of belief and custom among them. I have it on what I consider good authority that the 1985 movie "Witness" with Harrison Ford is a good window into Amish life for one particular sect. The female lead lived with the Amish to immerse herself in the role. I am very skeptical of telling these people that they are not raising their children right, and I would hardly agree with a suggestion that they are similar to a cult. I'm pretty new to this board so I don't know whether this kind of post fits, but I thought it might be helpful in light of where the discussion has gone.
  17. For mild-tasting fish, salt and pepper, maybe a little lemon pepper. The taste is too easy to mask and then you might as well be eating anything! For salmon, you gotta try this: SALMON WITH DILL SAUCE Double or triple as necessary: 1 tablespoon of non-fat mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon of Dijon mustard, 1/3 teaspoon of dried dill weed Salt and pepper to taste. Blend together all ingredients well with a wire whisk or a fork Place salmon fillets on ceramic seashells sprayed with cooking spray. (Alternately - use a tin foil underlay – also sprayed - on a cookie sheet.) Brush sauce liberally on salmon fillets Salt and pepper - very lightly Optionally sprinkle with dry Parmesan cheese and cracker crumbs. Bake in pre-heated 400 oven for 15 minutes. I haven't tried it yet with lake trout or other stronger-tasting fish but it should be good with them too.
  18. There are a few factors which make me sympathetic to leaving the Mennonites alone as far as fishing is concerned. There are exceptions made to fishing licenses for seniors and for kids. Their impact is limited to any place they can drive with a buggy (not too far, I'd wager). They probably obey the seasons and catch limits. I have a feeling the MNR has already looked at this and labelled it a non-issue, not worth the hassle. --- Some of you liked that "cadillac" buggy. Here's a closer shot of it... they might just as easily have made a Depression-style "Bennett Buggy", a motorless car hitched up to a horse. ........
  19. :D I don't think that's in their repertoire!
  20. Are you certain of this? (With all due respect, just want to make sure!)
  21. I guess they've established a "modus operandi" well in the past.
  22. Thanks, gents! Curiosity satisfied. We came out of Baden (Castle Kilbride) heading west, turned north at a high school, stayed on that highway toward Wellesley. Just as you come around a corner and you can see Wellesley just up ahead (some kind of lumber yard or the like sticks out in my mind), you cross this creek/river. The Mennonites were fishing just on either side of the bridge. --- EDIT - as far as siccing a CO on them, I don't know about that. Seems a little extreme considering the way they live. I'm thinking thre's probably a balance struck there already? You guys familiar with the area would know better, of course.
  23. Damn, you're right. I tried to post earlier today and the board was not working for me, then later when I went back I typed "John L" instead of "John F". I changed it, thanks.
  24. Hi John F. I see in your profile you're in Stratford. My wife and I just got back from a three day stay in Stratford and area. Beautiful town and countryside! When we went through Wellsley and picked up some apple butter, we saw Mennonite buggies tied up along a fence line. They were fishing a creek/river just south of the town. Any idea what they were fishing for? I'm guessing speckles? I'm not at all familiar with the area and I'm just curious.
  25. Nice idea. What I've done so far is pack fillets in a Ziploc bag (not a freezer bag - the regular sandwich bag will do just fine and not rip in the freezer). Add tap water, zip mostly shut, then press a little to get the air out, and label with a "Sharpie" marker. They're compact too, because they flatten out when you stack them. I used to use this method (minus the water) for moose hamburger and package it in one-pound portions. Lost one in the bottom of the freezer for two years and it was still good!
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