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Everything posted by Jonny

  1. I caught the notice in the North Bay Nugget (online) a couple of days ago, and my wife and I decided we couldn't miss it. I figure there must have been almost a thousand people there.
  2. Canadian Lancaster Bomber, one of only two still flying worldwide, on a 2 hour visit to the North Bay, Ontario airport, August 5, 2009, en route from Winnipeg to its home base in Hamilton. Definitely NF but so much a part of our heritage, and so impressive, I just had to share... Quoted from: http://www.warplane.com/pages/aircraft_lancaster.html Details on Andrew Mynarski: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Charles_Mynarski Details on Canadian Lancasters (from my personal site): http://www.personainternet.com/hjtoby/lancast.html I uploaded 3 video clips to youtube... Clip 1 - Clip 2 - Clip 3 - And these are a few of the photos I took... Pic 1 - Pic 2 - Pic 3 - Pic 4 - Pic 5 - This old gentleman (veteran) was missing a leg and in a wheelchair, but was dressed for the occasion and proud to be there!
  3. Do you see Chrome as better than Firefox, or useful alongside of Firefox? And how so, if you don't mind giving a little detail.
  4. That's purty high-falootin' table fare! A menu an' all. Darn good eatin' any way you slice (pull) it.
  5. That's a largemouth I take it. Congrats!
  6. But I guess that's why it's called "pulled pork".... i.e. "pulled-apart". That way you get a mix of the smoked-and-seasoned rind flavour all through the meat.
  7. I just ate a big supper and those pics still make me hungry!
  8. I don't know a whole lot about Jitterbugs, Daniel; I just liked these because they do have an "old" look to them and they are the same as the ones my Dad has. Not likely I'll ever part with them. The lips on both of them say: JITTERBUG MFG BY FRED ARBOGAST AKRON OHIO PATENT NO. [and a long number] I could have picked up a black one with a black plastic lip at the same time for the same price (less than $5) but I didn't know until reading about them that it was a wartime lure. Oh well...
  9. I've used Firefox for years now. It absolutely blows Internet Explorer out of the water. Never could figure out why IE is such a piece of junk, and worse now than it used to be. I'm aware that pictures you post to the internet are not "secure"; I was just surprised that facebook would actually share them actively as a matter of policy.
  10. It's the principle of the thing.
  11. I just got this from a friend yesterday, so I post it here for facebook users, who seem to be many... I don't use facebook much anyway, but I deleted all pictures from facebook except the "signature" picture. I don't agree with that kind of policy. If it's true, it sounds like a dumb move on their part.
  12. Looks great! What internal temperature do you aim for?
  13. You can tell? Both those exact patterns have been produced since 1939. The configuration is trademarked and has never changed. They've been made of plastic since 1943. The hook hangers haven't been changed since 1947. I can't really tell how old they are. I don't think you can either.
  14. Specifically it's probably a River Redhorse or a Greater Redhorse. The redhorses are good to eat, but very bony. The meat from commercially-caught redhorses has sometimes been marketed as "mullet".
  15. Not the same as electric, but when I use my 2 HP kicker for trolling, I crank it down tight so it won't move, then steer the boat with the 65 and the steering wheel. The 2 HP sips gas compared to the 65 (will run forever on a quart of gas),and of course trolls slower.
  16. Re: Your Sig... Have you heard the one about the teacher giving hell to Little Johnny? Teacher: Johnny, this is awful! I can tell what you had for breakfast this morning just by looking at your T-shirt! Johnny: So what did I have? Teacher: Bacon, eggs, ketchup and orange juice. Johnny: WRONG! That was yesterday!
  17. How's the ocean fishing in the UK? Does it make up somewhat for the dearth of freshwater opportunities?
  18. Oh yeah, you can buy them new. But it's like buying anything old; it's somehow more interesting. Like old rifles I've bought... a little bit of careful cleanup and they're more fun to own and use than new ones.
  19. Thanks for the recipe! I had to look up turbinado sugar... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbinado_sugar What temp do you try to maintain for the cooking process? Obviously a low one considering the cooking time. Whenever I smoke meat or fish at low temp with bbq briquets and wood chips it tends to be a long process suitable for a sunny day liberally lubricated with cold beer. But I've never gone for 13-15 hours! I think I'd fall off my chair first!
  20. I picked these up last week on ebay... $10.50 CAD for both (including shipping) from South Carolina. They're the same as ones my dad used decades ago. I didn't ask him for his because he still uses them occasionally. Anybody else got a favourite or two from bygone days?
  21. That looks a lot like an H20 smoker I've got. Any more details on how you seasoned that and cooked it up? And maybe a picture of the completed result?
  22. I have a 3 HP Eska that I bought new in about 1975. It gave me 100's of hours of trouble-free service but I stopped using it about 6 years ago because it was developing rust in the integral gas tank. I put in an in-line a fuel filter and used it that way a few times but then stored it away. Later I got a 2 HP Johnson and just never started up the Eska again. I'd like to get it running again because I now use 2 boats interchangeably and would like a kicker on each, without having to move the 2 HP all the time. Question --- anybody know what I can do about the rust problem in the gas tank? It flakes off and gets into the gasoline. There must be a better solution than just a fuel filter.
  23. Lemme think on it. You know, for something easy on the buget, one thing that you might consider for storage inside the van while you're travelling is 5 gal. snap-lid pails. They're big enough to hold loose groceries, clothing, odds and ends, etc. and easy to take out of the van and leave outside overnight while you're sleeping. They're completely waterproof, even a raccoon can't get the lid off, and you can use them to sit on if you want to. The lids won't come off even if you store them on their sides in the van. We've used them for tent camping at water-access spots on lakes. The kind of pail I mean is the kind that various cleaners and floor polishes come in. They're white and a good (free) source might be schools, where at this time of year they're re-doing all the floors for commencement of classes in less than a month. All you'd have to do is ask for empty ones. They're easy to clean and perfectly sanitary once washed out. Label them with permanent marker so you'll know what's inside and won't have to open every one to find something! As far as the roof is concerned, I can't think of a low-budget way to take advantage of that... yet.
  24. Yup, there's a lot of space going to waste on the roof of your van if you don't put some kind of storage up there. Does your van have a roof rack or roof rails?
  25. Small perch are good at frazzling a big worm. They grab on and thrash bits off. Going after an "injured" lure and striking the hooks is probably the same kind of reaction. "Let's see if I can tear off an edible piece!"
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