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Everything posted by babaganoush

  1. Will be trolling the great lakes for the first time this year so need some advice. Just bought a Shimano Tekota and now need to know what line I should be running. Majority of the time I will be trolling for trout and salmon. Should I go with a braid or mono and what pound test. Thanks
  2. Planning on getting a Calcutta te dc to start float fishing but was wondering in the colder months will the spool freeze up a little and stop it from free spooling. Would like some input on this before I go pick up the reel
  3. Yes I am about a half hour away
  4. A little too late now but I really like the rods
  5. That's good to hear. Any rod builders in here want a job?
  6. Just recently bought 2 new rods with fixed reel seats but unhappy with the position they are set at. Is it still possible to reposition the reel seat or am I stuck with where they are at.
  7. Exactly. fl20 would be a much better option after the fl18
  8. Why would you trade in the fl18 to a fl22. Isn't the fl22 a shallow water machine?
  9. In need of a new battery for my unit and wondering if there is anywhere around the guelph area that would sell them. Thanks
  10. looking for opinions on a good battery that will last a few years and where to get it thanks
  11. i have never been to these sales before and wondering is it just the reels that are on special or are the rods as well
  12. thanks guys that was my plan drifter, i just didnt want to go ahead with it and have something go wrong without asking
  13. trailer is in need of a new connector and its a regular 4 way but the problem is there are 5 wires on the trailer brown yellow brown green green yellow white i have looked everywhere for the same connector but all of them have 4 wires question is can i twist both the brown/yellow and brown/green onto the new brown wire and have it work the same or will i have problems would like any input before i go ahead and butcher things up thanks
  14. congrats, did you buy everyone drinks?
  15. if you are still getting a quiet ride than i highly doubt its the wheel bearing, if the bearing is on its way out than you will constantly be hearing a humming at speed warped rotors will also cause your truck to shake but it will be a constant shaking not just when the brakes are applied
  16. i have the same problem with my 1000 i thought it was just my reel with this issue, its good to know others are having the same problem i now use the reel for trolling as i dont have to constantly manually guide the line back in after casts i have no idea why it does this but i have 4 1000 stradics and all look the same just the 1 reel that has the problem
  17. ill be walking the creek with rod in hand but ill be after the fiddle heads more than the fish anyone else pick these when walking the river????
  18. how did it fight??? since it was snagged on the tail, it must have been one heck of a fight
  19. thats Bull i park there every weekend and have yet to witness any garbage left behind or anyone riding anything on the grass. im pretty sure everyone rides on the road than access the ice from the launch i would agree with the paying if there was indeed damage to property and garbage left behind but this is just Bull
  20. are you sure those are browns and not atlantics?????? im sorry guys i had to........nice browns you got there
  21. new the pic wasnt real when i saw the copyright date of 2006 and when i went to the website
  22. those salmon were caught at the mouth of one of the creeks with the white backgrounds you sometimes see in the reports here
  23. wouldnt this be a chinny???
  24. so is this a atlantic or do i have something else on my hands
  25. look at the mouth of the steehleaad thats the biggest kype i have ever seen
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