I have a 2 man 'Eskimo quick flip' looks a lot like the clam and the Frabill. If I were you look how well the construction is of the tent and the frame remember you are putting it up in the wind and cold, sit in it. Its got to be conformable. I bought mind in Hamilton at Bills Bait.
I bought a new 1625 Rebel XL SS this year, I got the back seats added when it is folded down bigger deck at the back of the boat and I have a 60hp 4 stroke great boat and easy to tow.
My Son is into the music business, when he went to California to tape a TV show we bought him a cheap Yamaha guitar $200 from Long and Macquade to take on the road and of all the guitars he has the Yamaha acoustic is the one that he has record the most it has a good sound.
Just came back, sand flats are good at night in North bay and the water is way down 2 1/2' We trolled with worm harness and a lindy rig with a leech, going back up in 2 weeks.