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Everything posted by Thrasher

  1. I've had a shack on south shore and callander bay for the past 11 years and spent countless hours and over nights on the lake. For the most part I agree with the perch theory. If there's huge numbers of perch, walleye aren't around. If it's been dead, then you start running into the odd perch in the afternoon, chances of a good night bite are high. Most of the perch were small, a few worth keeping, and they are tastey!! When there's perch are hot under my shack, I set a big pike line, as they aren't far... So far it's been better than last year's ice season, but no where near previous years. I too was wondering about being at or near a cyclical low. Summer fishing has been VERY good the past few years, maybe cyclical, maybe just getting to know it better, but great either way. I'm gonna try to get up there again this weekend. I'll continue with updates as i get them. Giving the usual spot another try, but will likely move our shack on C-Bay before long..... We'll find em! tight lines, Thrasher
  2. A buddy and I spent 24 hrs on Callander Bay last weekend, only had 2 walleye to show,( one of which was 7.2lbs) but managed 3 pike, countless perch and a dozen or so ling and mudpuppies. The lakes been hot and cold depending on who you're talking to. For the most part everyone's catching tons of perch, and some are doing well for walleye, but most are having the same type of fishing. Only landing a few walleye per outing. White, and orange seem to be amongst the popular colours. Other than the odd guy, most of who I've talked to/heard about, who've had "better" walleye fishing, has been in deeper water 30' +/-. Good Luck! Thrasher
  3. The recovery took 10 days from begining to end on Nipissing. They had to flood the ice for a few days to thicken things up before they could do anything . Bartletts towing in N-bay does the extractions, they have pics on their website. They have/hire a diver to go down and hook the vehicle up. Roughly $25,000 for the extraction! play safe!! Thanks for the updates on Temagami, gonna be up there a few times once lakers open. Thrasher
  4. Thanks for the update! This is the first year in 10 that I haven't been out for opener, let alone the first few days. Bringing my shack up tonight, and will finally get out for the first time Sat morning. I put my shack on Callander bay. I'll post Monday with results. Thrasher
  5. Forgot to mention, the ONLY down fall I've found, is the hood isn't insulated.
  6. For those in the market, a few years ago, I bought the Helly Hanson Alpha suit. Great suit, great features (zippers, pockets, suspenders, adjustable neoprene inner cuffs etc.) I paid $280 +/-. It was one of least expensive suits around, and had more features than most $100-$200 more! I've used it a ton, it's warm, breaks in rather quick and haven't had an issue with it. FYI, jt
  7. I know guys have been fishing it for a week or two now. It had ice before nipissing, and nip now has 7-9 good inches.
  8. I looked long and hard before i bought mine. I had the garmin etrex, and it did the job for trolling speed and basic waypoints. I wanted one with a few more options like color as I find it much easier to read, especially when trolling at night. I also found the mapping capabilities a huge asset when fishing. There's a ton more memory for keeping tracks on the page, again hepful when trolling, over a week long trip. i also hunt making the mapping a must. Go to gpscity.com They have the best prices by far! plus their shipping is free, and because they're in alberta, you don't pay PST! Thrasher
  9. This time of year, as the water cools, fishing lakes that are 100'+ in depth, what do you guys do to find what depths they're at? I've got all the methods for gitting to them, stell, rigger etc, but other than watching the finder, want to know more about how to isolate the depths. Thanksm, Thrasher
  10. There is a small booklet called "Catch Fishing" a basic how to giude to fishing in Canada. It's small and to the point, but very informative. It is dirt cheap or free. You can download it many of spots online, go to nationalfishingweek.com and you can get it from there. Thrasher
  11. I've used them for a few years now. they work great!!! No problems with the hooksets, and there isn't a need to "let them have it" like you work a harness, as when the bite, they don't have 3+" of worm to suck in before they're at the hook. You can definately pick them up at WM or the tire. I've tried the different colours, and found no real difference between them.
  12. I've never stayed, but I live 1/2 hour away, and fished the lake before. The walleye can be touigh at times, better to go towards the town of Bonfield for walleye. There are countless pike in the lake, many are 1-4 lbs, but lots of em. The bay that Moose camp is in, is full of weeds, and holds lots of pike.
  13. Temagami can be tough fishing for eyes. Just east of hwy 11 is Wickstead, try there for eyes. Rough boat launch, but managable. LOTS of shoals be careful!
  14. I have a couple shacks out there. Do you know when or where you're going? Definately jig and minnow are tops. But there are odd days out there that gulp minnows work better. In terms of spoons, I like northland jigging spoons, good rattles and variety of colors, try tipping it with a minnow, just the head of the minnow, mix things up. I can't say it enough, the fish are always there, and 9/10 will always bite, you just need to find out on what! good luck! Thrasher
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