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Arnaldo de Sousa

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Everything posted by Arnaldo de Sousa

  1. the beach is fine - guys launch their 20ft boats there
  2. so for musky huh what area is best for musky? near the river on the west side or is it better on the east side. . . only tried scugog twice for musky and only hooked one out of there near the river
  3. Way to go Jamie can't wait to see some of your shows
  4. but the topic title does say JB's rod sale - i think that's what made me think you were saying that JB's was having a sale on rods. They just reduced prices on certain rods to make room for the new ones coming in. Cheers,
  5. forgive me Wild - I mis-read your fisrt post.. Yes certain rods are marked down in price, you are right. I thought you had said that JB's was having a sale on rods LOL sorry for the confusion
  6. Just thought I'd clear up some info on the sale at JB's Fishing Depot. . . . THERE IS NO SALE I was at JB's today and asked Steve what rods were on sale and he looked at me like I was on crack I'm not sure where Wild got the info about the sale, but JB's has no sale going on according to Steve. Hope this help everyone from driving down with expectations of getting a rod on sale
  7. Looking to take the little guy out this winter for some ice fishing. Anyone know what manufactures make floatation suits for children. My little guy is 6 years old. Thanks in advance.
  8. Well the little outing wasn't bad - water was gin clear and like a glass top table. Onlly managed to catch a Sheepie, but she was funt o bring in, probably about 7lbs. Lots of fish holding bottom. Maybe need the main lake to drop in temp a bit more. Thanks to all who replied with information.
  9. great report, and congratulations
  10. thanks again everyone. I think I'm pretty much set. Leaving Mississauga around 6am and fish till about 3 or 4pm. not sure where to grab sme minnows, but i'm pretty well stocked with plastics and lots of spoons and cranks. Thanks again, and i'll be sure to post a report when we return,
  11. No I don't mean sheephead LOL - white fish!!! and thanks for the luck and I'm always as careful can be when it comes with water. You can never underestimate the power of water. Thanks misfish
  12. So I can't get close to the outlet there? Will there be visable signs so I don't get in trouble? How deep should I be when trolling for the browns? I don't have any riggers, but hopefully my inline boards will do. If not I'm sure I can always jig for somem White fish and drop shot for bass. Thanks for the info, and please give more LOL
  13. Thanks for the replies, at least I know that I can expect to find Browns, Bass and maybe some whites out there? I'll probably grab a few dozen minnows on the way up and also troll with some spoons and cranks. If anyone has more info I'm all ears, or in this case all eyes LOL Thanks again everyone that replied. . . .I'll post a report tomorrow evening
  14. Hey all, heard that the Pickering power plant can produce some nice fish this time of year. I've never been there and not sure what fish to expect to catch. If anyone has any tips of information that would be great. Thanks in advance
  15. Thanks Lew, I should have done a bit more sesearch, but someone had told me about the launch on Park St but I wasn't to comfortable there, especially with the current and no dock to secure to. I really don't like having my boat touching the rocks on shore.
  16. I have a 17.5ft Tracker Targa with a 115 Merc. I've been able to get speeds down to about 2.3mph but I know if winds are behind me i can run about 3.5mph in neutral LOL What would be the most effecient and inexpensive way to get my speed down to 1.5mph while with the wind? Any suggestions or tips would be great. Thanks in advance
  17. three of us decided to hit the Otonabee River today and if one thing didn't lead to another First we find the launch that one had mentioned to us and not too impressed with the condition of it. . . but was willing to launch....then, someon ended up twisting their ankel and was in a lot of pain. . . what to do, what tod o , then the other forgot his life jacket , so now we had to find the nearest Wal-Mart to buy a life jacket some some ice heat cream and a tensor bandage So now at this point I decided upon myself that we look for the closest marina to launch form for my piece of mind . . . .Well we ended up lauching in Little Lake and guess what . . . . after 1 hour of casting, then 1/2hr of trolling we discovered that there was no access to the lower part of the river, so we headed back to the lake and did some more casting and more casting and more trolling and then decided to try and hit the upper part of the river . . . well guess what again..... NO ACCESS again !!!!! Now I'm just upset and wish I had stayed home Well all in all it was still great to be out with good friends and got to practice my top water jerk baits Note to self : stick to original plans, especially if not familiar with the area
  18. Thanks for the help guys. . . . Randy great pic and I might tackle putting it through the shaft over the winter, but for now I'll let the cable hang loose over the front LOL - just hope I don't turn the motor to many rotations where it rips the wire out of the transducer and hope it doesn't get tangled in the prop
  19. Well I made plans with BBR to meet up with him and go out on Lake Erie for some Bass and Perch action. Here's a pic of 2 guys fishing behind us and here is Rich with a nice little guy and me with one We tried for perch for an hour or two, but just couldn't find them. We didn't go out too far from where we were and after not finding any perch we decided to head back for some more bass action before it got too late and good idea cuz here's Rich with a bigger one and here I am with a nice one too so the day was great with good company and very good conversation and some fishing moment stories excahgned. Was great having you in my boat Rich, and any time you want to get out, just give me shout and we'll hook up again. Some great sunset shots to end a great day.
  20. Hi everyone, I have a Minnkota V2 that came with my boat, and wanted to put an older fish finder up front so I know what depth I'm running while using the trolloing motor. I bought the bracket for the transducer and have it installed but I'm not quite certain how to run the cable to my unit. If someone has done this could they give me a few tips on running the cable? Thanks in advance
  21. Way to go buddy, I am really happy for you.
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