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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Well with things warming up for my Southern brothers it won't be too long before those pesky black bears start stirring. No better time than now for this public awareness video on what to do should you be attacked by a bruin while on your travels to a secret back lake looking for old marble eyes or brookies. biggrin.gif



  2. it looked like they were harnessed in...at one point i saw i guy with a harness clip off that cable that runs along the mountain wall

    but either way, like i said, never ever ever.......



    The smart ones were harnessed in, but the guy with the camera and the guy in front of him near the end weren't.

  3. JJ, I assume you are dropping the 10-4 feature?

    I have BB Bold 9700 on Rogers and love it. BBM is a great feature. I don't get into the app's and use it more as business phone so it's the obvious choice for me. It handles documents and email very well. It's not the best multi media option out there (camera/video/browsing/streaming/mp3) but it does all that adequetly. Foremost, I like the keyboard and trackpad.



    And when Blackberrys new tablet (The Playbook) is released later this spring it will connect via bluetooth your Blackberry phone for doing email, working on documents, surfing the net when no wifi is available etc. :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

  4. clapping.gifwinter and ice fishing should be year round. i would go north but theirs no work. so i gotta wait for long weekends good freinds and bass..thumbsup_anim.gif



    Depends where in the North you go. :whistling:

    Plenty of work in my neck of the woods and we still have about 2 more months of ice fishing to go. :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

    Sorry we don't got none of them dumb green fish up here though. :tease::tease::tease:

  5. I will be renewing with Bell, since I've been a satified cell customer of theirs for almost 20 years. Won't ever pay Rogers a penny ever again and Telus doesn't have the coverage I need. As far as renewing and upgrading goes, I can't remember the last time I've been charged a renwal fee, admin fee, upgrade fee, transfer fee, or any type of fee by Bell, not that they haven't tried, one just has to know how to talk to them :whistling:




    by this do you mean the data rates charged (xxxmb for $X per month)? If so, how does Blackberry differ? do they have a flat rate kind of deal?





    Not different in the way they charge, just different in the way they deliver their mail.

    Blackberry's mail delivery is compressed while all the others are not.

    With Blackberries being oriented toward buisiness customers they have optomized their mail delivery subsystem.


    As has been said they also compress web data.

  6. Thanks everyone. Very much appreciated.

    I'll be looking into all the solutions once I get the boat out of the snow bank.

    I like the product Drifter16 posted.Didyou get that through the states or canada? That looks like the way to go. It also got me thinking that maybe there is an adjustment on the 'steering box' that I have but couldn't see when standing on my head trying to check it out. I'll have to find the paperwork for the cable installation. Must be something in there.

    Again, thanks guys.


    I ordered through either Cabelas or West Marine. Can't remember as it was a couple of years ago.

    Make sure you properly measure your existing steering cable so you get the right size when the new setup comes in.

    I didn't and had to wait for a replacement to arrive. :(

  7. I had the same issue with my boat from brand new.

    The fix was to replace the helm in my boat.

    It cam from the factory with a Teleflex Safe-T helm which is probably what you have as well. I replaced it with a Teleflex NFB Safe-T helm that has a clutch built into it that locks the steering when not turning the wheel. This makes it much easier for me when I'm setting my downriggers now that I don't have to worry about turning in circles because the boat turns by it's self. Installation is pretty easy if you're at all handy and cost is reasonable at about $170 for the parts.



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