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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. i am just playing devil's advocate (because that's the rig i use too)


    but, some will say a CO *MAY* hassle you for 2 trebles... in a bait situation, each point counts as a hook and thus you are over the limit on hooks.


    Not if you put a spinner blade on just above each hook as it's then considered a lure. ;)

  2. I either use a quick strike rig on a tipup or on a dead stick rod in a holder.

    Every 1/2 hour or so I will go and do a gentle lift and fall with the bait. This gets any lookers to commit. I don't use the windlas tipups because they just don't work up here in the middle of the winter. The holes are iced over 1/4" thick at the 1/2 hour intervals I check so they freeze into the ice in minutes.

    I use the old school wooden traps but even these don't work great up here in the dead of winter. After landing a fish I have to pull off about 30' of line off the spool to free it up. The line is a block of ice by the time I have caught/released and rebaited. I find the dead stick in a holder works better at this time of year (less work anyway) ;)


    This is my preferred set up.



  3. Great report Jet!!!

    So tell me how do those bull trout taste? My mouth is watering think of eating one of those tender beauties. :D

    The reason the flesh is so orange is because they feed on a lot of freshwater shrimp in those lakes. ;)


    Keep the reports comming!!! :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

  4. He might have blown a bearing at some point in time and replaced the bearing... But didn't clean the rim...


    Grease will stick to a rim for years...


    My bearing buddies have a pressure relief hole that leaks out grease if I over fill my buddies. I don't have any leaks but my wheels are grease covered because of this little hole. :whistling:

  5. Broom handle with a winch on it and a 5# whitefish for bait. :lol:


    For when the big ones aren't arround I have a mixture of 32", 36" and 42" rods from medium to heavy matched with braid from 10# to 20# in both spinning and bait casting setups.

    A variety of lures including white tubes, williams ice jigs, meegs and airplane jigs as well as quick strike rigs on my dead sticks.

  6. Ok let's compare apples to apples shall we.

    We will look at licensing in BC.


    Resident fishing license: $36

    But if you want to fish steelhead add another: $25

    Want to fish for salmon too add another: $10

    Want to fish the good water for salmon and steelhead (the classified waters) add anorther: $15

    There are a couple of other specialty permits for Shuswap and Kootney Lakes if you want to fish them as well.


    But let's compare what you get with your Ontario license for $27 where you can fish for salmon and trout and don't have to pay to fish the good public water.


    Ontario: $27

    BC: $86


    That's more than 3X the price of an Ontario resident license. :w00t:


    You don't want to know the cost for non-residents. :devil:

  7. Thank you for comparing Non-Res licensing to Res. What is this a pissing match "Who spends more on tags?"....


    Frankly I don't care what you pay to go and fish the States, what I DO care about is having my RESIDENT freaking licenses jacked up every year for nothing, especially when the MNR is doing NOTHING with the extra money except lining their pockets...





    No it's a whining fest by you by the sounds of things. :whistling:

  8. Leer seems to popular from what I see around,

    just called a JD in Port Perry for a quote, yikes !


    well , I guess i will need some more time to save up .... thanks guys


    Yeah, they aren't cheap but that's how it is when you get top quality. ;)

  9. I hear you Dave, this has been the best colour for me last year and so far this year. A close second is either the pink or purple combos. The rattle bait brings 'em in and the Darter gets the hookups!


    What size are you using for the pike?



    I use ciscoes on a tipup or on jig sticks I run the Lindy Darters in size large, Williams Whitefish ice jigs in J70 size and Northland Tackle Airplane jigs in Chartreuse or black/silver. I usually tip them with a small frozen smelt. The sell them at the grocery store for $10 kg package. You get a good batch of bait for a good price. ;)

    No live minnows or live fish eggs allowed in the NWT. B)




    Good luck and stay safe

    Jay Hamilton




    This colour Lindy Darter has been kicking :asshat: this winter for me on the pike. :good::good:

    They are great baits. I have had good luck on the gold and silver as well.


    Those green backs are great by the way. ;)

  11. Headed to my pike fishing spot @ sunrise and got into a good batch of pike but no giants today. At my first spot I only got a couple of hammer handles so I moved to a different area and got into the fish right away. On many occasions they grabbed the bait on my tipup line as I was setting it. :thumbsup_anim:

    I even had a double on the tipup with one pike on each treble of my quick strike rig. :w00t:

    Sorry about the quality of the pics as I was fishing solo today. :blush:



    Some good ice.










    The double!!




    And my first tourney entry of this years IS tourney. :D

    All of my entries this year are dedicated to my friend Terry who lost his life in a moose/car collision just hours after my mom passed away. Friday October 14th was not a good day for me or my friends and family. FYI Terry is the fellow that accompanied me on my "Ice Road Fishers" NWT trophy laker quest in the spring of 2010.




    Worst pic of the day award!!!! :rofl2:


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