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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. On 7/30/2019 at 4:24 PM, Old Ironmaker said:

    5 years to get a 3 year degree Dave? Roachdale! That was the school where the courses taken prepared a young person to deal narcotics. There is a CBC special out there trying to explain what went on in that place. I visited once before I went to Ohio for school. The 1st ting that struck me were all the neket people walking around for the sake of Art. It was grade 13 that I smoked my 1st spliff. It was that day I knew I didn't like the stuff. My new young Dr. gave me my marijuana script. I bought some candy's from them. They were supposed to be very low in THC and high in the other stuff CB something. Supposed to suck on them for 5 minutes. It didn't do anything so I sucked on them for 30 mins, still no pain relief so I chewed the whole thing. Had my second bad trip in my life at 64 years old. They have more THC than advertised.  Gave the crap away. Based on my experience the entire Medical MJ thing is a scam. Everyone in the waiting room were stoners if you ask me. The 1st thing they wanted was my VISA card number. I did 1 semester at Youngstown State, my major was offensive backfield. Went to the plant in December for a year until school started. It wasn't a full hop scholarship. I wasn't alone. 30 years latter I'm still trying to save up some money for school and many of us retired at the same time. l. It's funny, one of the first things I did after taking my pension was to enroll in Brock. I was 46 and wasn't the youngest person in class. One of the prof's asked me, "Johnny D are you here to learn or teach?"

    I'm currently chewing one of my CBD caramels for my back pain. Zero THC just CBD. I save the THC ones for the evening as they help me sleep. :)

    • Like 3
  2. On 7/30/2019 at 11:10 AM, AKRISONER said:

    I dont think addiction rates have increased, its the drugs themselves that are causing the mass rate of people dying. In the 70's  fentynal or crystal meth werent popular choices for addicts. These highly synthetic compounds are basically a time bomb waiting to kill people.

    Tom you make some great points about my generation actually having somewhat of a tough go. Society is changing drastically, its taking people a lot longer to have "settling down and starting a family" as an option at all. Most folks cant even fathom the idea until they are 30 years old because of school debt and the need for a decent job.

    Pluma, you kind of make the point. Yes you worked hard and made it work. You probably just decided to be a plumber, were able to get a quality job, work hard and make ends meet. 

    In todays reality, this just doesnt happen. Theres no such thing as just deciding to be this or that. You either have to go to school first, or have a great connection. Theres no good paying trades jobs that are "just available for the taking" anymore. Thats the biggest difference between back in the day and now.

    small towns have always had issues, maybe they just werent at the forefront. I think there were just more "drunks" back in the day, rather than people tweeking on crystal meth. How many stories do you hear about guys with dads that beat their moms up and crap when they got drunk. Its no different then than it is now. Just different substances people are using.

    The trades have always been a great opportunity. You can apprentice and make money while learning your trade. 

    My buddies son graduated high school last year and is now in an apprenticeship to become a licensed line man. He will make a crap load of $$$$ in the trade.

    While the is schooling with apprenticeship it's nothing like going to college as its just part time and usually employer paid.

    For too long they have been pushing university degrees and the trades are short on people because of it.

    There are tons of great jobs to be had in all of the trades. ;)

  3. 1 hour ago, jimmer said:

    Depends if I have to use the bow mount.  I find I use it less now that I'm getting older.  I tend to like to drift around with my feet up, so I would sit in the stern.

    When I need to use my TM I just drop it into the water and chill with the remote hanging around my neck. ? If had one of those fancy new auto deploy jobs I wouldn't even have to get it up off my butt!!!!   ?

    • Haha 1
  4. Got the West side fascia and the SAT dishes installed.  :)


    Even had time for a little fishing after dinner. 


    It was a nice night so of course the fishing was slow.

    Went 3 for 5 with a couple of knockoffs.

    Had more hits last night when it was blowin' and rocking out there. ?

  5. Yesterday was a resupply day so no work. Did get out fishing for a bit after dinner though.
    Fish were super aggressive. Lost more than I landed but it was fun.
    Today was a rain day so I slept in and did inside work. Roughed in the closet in my bedroom.


    Got the ceiling light wired in.
    It's a recessed housing that runs a low voltage mr16 bulb.
    I bypass the 110 to 12 volt transformer and go direct and hook to 12 volt DC system.
    It's currently running off one of my flasher batteries. :)


    I also got the lighting in the closet temporarily hooked up. 
    They run of 5 volts DC through a DC to DC converter off the 12 volt system.
    Right now they are running off the battery that came in the packaging to demonstrate the light. 
    There was a little push button on the package.


    Outdoor work tomorrow.

  6. 10 hours ago, misfish said:

    Now that is an offer I would not pass up on.

    Do you not jig for them as well Dave ?

    I do but when I find a good  concentration of them. Last night would have been a good night for jigging but I took my jig rods out of the boat as I have been doing well downrigging. Last night they were super active and aggressive. They were coming up 30 or more to hit my spoon. Had 3 smack the cannon ball. :)

    • Like 1
  7. Got a bunch of stuff done over the last week.
    First section of insulation in the ceiling done.


    Got the first bunch of soffit boards on the West side installed.


    And a bunch more ready to go.


    Got the grout done on my hearth finally.


    And the stove in place. 
    Need to finish with the West side exterior before I can get the chimney installed though.


    Master bedroom wiring and insulation is done.


    Lower section of the front wall electrical and insulation done.


    Did I mention wiring? 


    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Old Ironmaker said:

    I guess you weren't around in the 60's to 80's maybe. It was common to haul a boat around on the top of a 22 foot or so long ( name any of the Big 3) family car. I went halves with a buddy on an old Sears 12" Cartopper in the early 80's. The 4 HP Elgin motor fit in the back seat. I think the Elgin was sold by Eatons. They must have sold them too. You could buy a boat and motor from the catalogues. 

    Dad's 1960 Chevy Impala station wagon fit 9 adults or 13 with 5 kids in the rear facing back seat, we all wanted the back seat. Open the back window and hang out as far as you could without falling out, and no seatbelts. I was going to say no one died but that's not true, some little kids did fall out. Mr. Falwell could take our entire line up and his wife to games. 

    My dad used to have one of those land yacht station wagons in the 7 0 's.  :)

  9. Been at the cabin since Saturday and don't have to go back to work until August 19th.  :)

    For the first time in three summers I've actually gone fishing!!! Felt good and I managed to go 2 for 4 on Saturday and 6 for 7 yesterday after dinner. No big ones, just nice eating sized lakers.

    So here's a sunset pic!!!  ??


    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 hours ago, misfish said:

    I remember the hardware store in the port. That guy carried everything for the salmon guys. Also remember Short wave. I was a shore guy back then,but stopped in there to see the fancy stuff.

    The first dock at the bridge west side , was my hot spot for the run.

    Thanks Dave for triggering the memory. :Gonefishing:

    If I remember correctly that was Blue Thunder's slip.  ;)

    I mated on 4 of the boats that docked there back in the day. :)

  11. 36 minutes ago, dave524 said:

    Today you can get a HiTech 7inch with GPS for about what we paid for those back then and even at that they ate a 5 buck roll of paper every couple of trips, but at least you could fill up a 5 gal tank for less than $10. The X16 came out in 85, think I got the 1510B in '80 or '81, had it a year or 2 before I got the boat in '82, got it at Shortwave Marine in Port Credit when they were still on Stavebank.

    I ended up trading mine in at Shortwave for an LMS-350A.  :)

    Got a decent deal on it with the trade in. I was the first guy in my circle with GPS. ;)

  12. 14 hours ago, smitty55 said:

    I have one also but I only have 2 rolls of paper left. I had picked up a good bunch of rolls from Shag but they got lost after a fire and I can't find them anymore.

    My first good finder was an X-16 paper graph.  :)

    • Like 1
  13. 15 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

    apparently norris candidates arent in the top 60 d men in the league...news to me!

    Dubas is a wiz, hes bolstered the bottom end of the roster while also adding more pieces to the D and depth. Also we finally have some right handed shots, and an actual shooter on the point now.

    And most importantly CAP SPACE!!!!  ;)

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