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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. The entire population of Canada could suddenly disappear, all the plants and pollution would stop.

    And it would not make a lick of difference on a global scale.

    The CO2 that Canadians produce are sucked up by all of the trees in our country.

    In fact we have enough trees to counter 10 times the amount of CO2 we put into the atmosphere.

    Until countries like China, the US, India clean up their act it will not get any better.

    California has more people than the whole of Canada for crying out loud.

    It is also not up to us to pay for other countries sins.

    • Like 7
  2. 5 minutes ago, chris.brock said:

    yeah the D looks way different but the Leafs are just throwing crap at the wall and seeing what sticks, could be better, could be worse, who knows? 

    The loss of Gardiner was significant. Unless Dermott takes it to the next level and Sandin and/or Liljegren become men it's gonna be the O and Freddie that wins or looses the game.

    Don't forget about Muzzin and Barrie.

    Muzzin had a great hit last night.  :)

  3. 51 minutes ago, Sinker said:

    I hear you. I can also say that in 40 years of owning a boat, I have never, ever had a fuel issue. I had one bad gas line once, but it was probably 25 years old. I have an assortment of other small engines, snowmobiles, etc...no issues ever related to fuel. 


    I hadn't had an issue until last summer.

    Wasn't my fault though, my boat sank at the dock due to algae buildup on my bilge pump float switch got stuck in the on position and killed the battery. Then a big storm came along and with no bilge pump she went down. 

    I had a full fuel tank but it was replaced with water during the unfortunate incident.   ?


  4. Good weekend @ the cabin.
    Here's a good pic of my plumbing vent (capped off until the rest of the plumbing is in) and the rear standpipe for my sprinkler.


    Got the service entrance for my solar panel wiring installed.
    The conduit runs all the way to the basement. :)

    Still need to install the flashing on the roof.
    My supplier was closed for inventory most of last week.



    Finished the spray foam work on the rest of the window headers and got some wiring and more wall insulation done.
    I now have lights in the entrance, bedroom and washroom. :)

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