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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. There are a couple of options when it comes to preventing stone chips.

    The flaps are OK but do nothing when stones are thrown from vehicles passing you.


    The Bow buddy attaches to the front of the trailer to protect the hull from stones.



    If you travel a lot of gravel roads the Trailer Tux is the one to have.



    I want to add one to my trailer and I think the Tux is the one I will go with.

    They aren't cheap but neither is a paint job. ;)


    Almost forgot to mention that they are both Canadian companies. :good::good:

  2. Drifter_016 The biggest pike you caught at Eddies the one where you are wearing the red and black bibs.What was the length and est. wt.? We are heading up in the 3rd week in june.It would be nice to catch a giant like that!


    It was 45" and guessing somewhere between 25 and 30 pounds.


    But the best thing was I caught it on my 9wt Sage fly rod. :D

  3. No problem hooking it to the boats battery.

    For a fuse all you need is a 3 amp.

    It will take for ever to drain your boats battery even if your motor didn't charge it.

    I used to use a group 24 battery to run my big Lowrance depth finder up at the lodge and I would only recharge the battery (our motors didn't have electric start or charging capabilities) every 2nd or 3rd week.

  4. I would personally never take a chance and use PT wood against my aluminum boat. I wouldn't trust any sealer and certainly not a porous carpet to keep those chemicals away from the hull. But that's just me.


    The first set of bunks on my trailer lasted about 7 years and were just pine or spruce with carpet stapled onto them. I replaced them with the same, 4 years later and doing fine and no harsh chemicals again the hull. An easy enough job to do every few years and have some piece of mind. Just have the bunks ready to go and when at the launch just swap them out. X2 on lots of stainless steel staples to hold the carpet in place.


    My original bunks lasted 18 years. I replaced them a couple of years ago with spruce that I coated with 3 coats of polyurethane and then glued on my carpet and stapled with stainless staples. Should last me a long time. ;)


    It's not only the boat you have to worry about with PT lumber. The lag screws will fail pretty quickly due to the chemicals in the PT wood. Specially coated fasteners are used with that stuff. Unless you find some PT safe lag screws they will rot in a couple of years.

  5. A Z-Axis blank or maybe a reworked GLX? either way...nice rod.


    Your wood is probably epoxy stabilized so it looks good stays hard forever, right? :)


    I know what you mean about costs, it's getting expensive to build with nice parts from tip to butt. At one time, All you had to worry about was finding someone who stocked a good quality blank and guides, everything else fell into place. The price:quality of cork has risen so much the last few years. Ever since that portugese cork shortage story hit the news, you need to spend just as much time sourcing the corks as you do searching for the next blank.


    Yep, Z-AXIS 7136-4 blank with Strubel nickel silver reel seat hardware and the wood is stabilized doubled dyed spalted big leaf maple burl. Guides are TYSG Fugi's.

  6. I carry my Remington 870 SPS Camo loaded with slugs when I'm running around the bush here in the NWT.


    If you're going to Skagway you will need to leave your gun at your cousin's place or you will have to go through the proper channels to bring it into AK.


    My buddy is a hunting guide in the Yukon and one spring when he was hiking in the mountains, he and his friend were charged by a very angry grizzly. He dropped it at his feet. :o

    He carries a .458 and that thing puts 'em down. I wouldn't trust a 30-30 in grizzly country.

    They are fine in black bear country though.

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