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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. 3 hours ago, NAW said:

    my 06 needs a timing belt at 200k...  Are the new ones different? 


    I have 225 on mine and still haven't done it.  But I'm selling mine at the end of this winter, so I am kind of rolling the dice..  Sketchy, I know..

    Supposed to be at 160,000 or 7 years. Whichever comes first.

  2. 11 minutes ago, David Chong said:

    Having owned about 12 different boats over the years, in my opinion, keeping the the trolling motor batteries as close to the back of the boat the better! This allows for the best performance for the boat!

    That didn't work in my case.

    The batteries and charger were fine in the back until I swapped out the 2 stroke for a heavier 4 stroke.

    I had to move the TM batteries to the front livewell to get the boat to balance right.

    Before I moved them a wall of water would come over the transom when coming off step due to it sitting too low in the back with the extra weight of the new 4 stroke engine.

    Before I move the 2 TM batteries forward the transom was 3-4" lower in the water than it is now.


  3. 1 minute ago, grimsbylander said:

    Precisely why you suggesting kids should just go get a "real job" in a trade like your buddy's kid did makes zero sense. Everyone can't be, or wants to be a lineman.

    Which is fine and I have no problem with it, but the powers that be have been pushing university educations for as long as I can remember.

    There are tons of great trades jobs available that pay as much or more than those university educated jobs. There is currently a shortage of trades people so there are more positions available to be had.

    The world does not need more lawyers right now. But we could use some electricians, welders, pipe fitters, plumbers. ;)

    One does not "have" to go to college or university to do well. It is a choice, and it's their choice to take on that debt, saying those poor students with their massive debt doesn't make any sense to me. They know going in it's going to cost a ton of $$$ and take all of your time to become a doctor, if that's what you want to be that's awesome but don't complain about debt, the amount of work or lack of free time. You chose that career path. You'll get your paycheck eventually and will be able to pay back the huge debt. :D

  4. 8 minutes ago, grimsbylander said:

    Oh come on! LOL Don't be that older generation guy that paints all the young kids with the same brush. There are LOTS of kids working themselves through school today. And they're doing to cover the basic living expenses while racking up huge student debt. Plus they don't have jobs at the union steel plant to look forward to or the opportunity to buy a house under half a mil. Gotta look at the whole picture before we start the "I had to walk 5 miles to school" story. 

    I worked my butt off too but still had time to be a 19 year old on a Saturday night.

    Of course they could get real jobs in the trades and not rack up all that debt getting philosophy degrees only to never find a good paying philosophy job. My buddies kid has the right idea, he's got an apprenticeship learning to be a lineman. 

    When he's done being paid to learn he will have a six figure job instead of debt.  ;)

    • Like 2
  5. 5 hours ago, NAW said:

    I love my Honda Pilot. 


    But it's an '06, and so Ive been looking for a direct replacement.   At your price point, look in to a used Pilot.  Also the Chevy Traverse are a comfy 7 seater.  Those would be my top 2 in that price range.

    If you want to go new and finance is, i'd look at the Hyundia Palicade.  Love the look and feel of them. 

    Mazda C8 are cramped in the 3rd row.

    Mitzubishi Outander feel sheep and are also cramped in the back.

    Those are the ones I test drove...


    Good luck! 

    '05 Pilot here.

    Been a great vehicle. Just keep up an maintenance and it will do you well.

    Just got home last night from a month long 11,000km round trip to London.

    No issues. :)

    PS. avoid bowtie branded vehicles. Have heard nothing but horror stories about the Traverse.

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