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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. All my new lighting is 12 volts and is running off one 9AH gel battery at the moment that I haven't even recharged since last year. These LEDs use very little power. The 6 in the loft only draw 2.5 amps when running. I only use these lights when necessary at this point until I get the solar panel up. Main lighting is 110 volt LEDs. 

    I have a bank of 4 batteries and 100 watt solar panel that will do the trick until I put in the big solar setup that will power the whole cabin. All 110 volt AC power is supplied by a 2KW Yamaha inverter generator.

    I have a 4KW generator for running my larger tools like rotary hammers and air compressors.

  2. 2 hours ago, Old Ironmaker said:

    You most likely had it. I just hope there hasn't been any long term damage done. To have had it and come out the other end unscathed is rare. I pray you are rare. I have far too much information concerning this dreaded disease.  When I was tested at the beginning of July I was to my surprise told that the test is only 70% accurate. I am going in to get tested next week, my shortness of breath is not getting better. A customer of my wife's husband that was 60 years old and in good health died suddenly when they were taking a walk one evening. They tried to get into see their family Doc and were told the Dr. wasn't available and would do an examination over the telephone. If it worsens call 911 and or go to the emergency at the local hospital. Something I have done in the last 6 months. I don't know how blood pressure, heart rate, breathing etc. is determined over a telephone. These new phones can do amazing things but turning into a Doctor isn't one,,, ,,,,,yet. Long story short the gentleman found it almost impossible to get any air to the point his wife dialed 911. Sadly before the Paramedics arrived he had lost consciousness and was dead on arrival to the hospital. This was in Haldimand County, Caledonia specifically. Autopsy results showed heart disease of which the name currently eludes me. I find I am saying that more and more these days. Congestive Heart Failure, that was it. I remember!! No one wants to wait for hours, alone, in the emergency dept. in a hospital but don't let it slide.

    Everyone, please get medical treatment and advise before it's too late. 

    When I was at my worst was during the first week of March the same time the first death in Canada happened. I went to emergency because I thought I was dying and couldn't breathe. Doc had me there for 6 hours doing tests as he thought I was having congestive heart failure. Luckily the tests and x-rays were all negative but did show the glass fiber looking things in my x-ray. At one point my BP was 193/139 and pulse ox dropped to 80% at one point.

    Eventually I got better but I was down and out for 156 days.

    I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, although there's a certain someone in Ottawa I would like to give a double dose!!!  😜

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, akaShag said:

    Yeah............I was supposed to do a bison hunt in the Yukon this fall/winter.  Fly to Whitehorse, and then quarantine "somewhere" for two weeks.  Doesn't work for me...


    It works Doug.

    We haven't had a case of COVID in months now.

    We have only had 5 cases since the pandemic was declared and testing began.

    That doesn't mean there weren't other cases, they just happened before testing.

    The docs are 99% sure I had it in February and March. I am still recovering and docs say there's still a while to go before I'm back to 100% again.

    For 5 months I couldn't do anything as I was too weak and couldn't breathe.

  4. 13 hours ago, misfish said:

    You know Dave, I should of hired Wayne to fly me out to your cabin a couple months ago since I have been off. I would of worked for free just so I could fish. :):Gonefishing:

    You would need to quarantine for 2 weeks when you got here before they would let you out into the community. Can't be letting you germy Southerners run amok!!!! 😁

    • Haha 1
  5. Got the loft vaulted ceiling insulated as well as the walls except a couple of bays with plumbing to be finished.
    Also got the ceiling joists/trusses done and lighting installed.




    Nice sunset last night after two days of rain.




    • Like 3
  6. 4 hours ago, gordy28 said:

    Cool - Pike Mike is great  - they are all very interesting - the one Swede guy w the pipe cracks me up.  When he was climbing the shots made me dizzy just watching on the couch!

    He's pretty cool.

    I like the guy in Ontario ehhh!!

    He's pretty cool too ehhh!!  😁

  7. 34 minutes ago, gordy28 said:

    Thanks for the reminder - will have to try to catch up

    I do love this show

    Also just finished Life Below Zero Canada as well and really enjoyed it - its on Cottage Life network or Crave




    Yeah, I watch it too.

    Have known Mike for over 20 years. :)

  8. Tossed a pork butt in the slow cooker this morning so I could have pulled pork sammiches fer dinner. Kinda bummed I didn't have my slaw but the roads were a gong show and I wasn't going to sit in traffic just to pick up a bag of slaw fixin's. It was very good even without the slaw though.



  9. 2 hours ago, canoecarrier said:

    How the hell would you know 1-3 people could possibly last the 100 days? What then, seems like it must be set up somehow. I have watched most of the bush shows, and this one I have not followed after the first season as it was pretty slow. You can only watch a camera zoomed in on some guys face going on about nothing for so long haha. As the other guy said, I had a good laugh when the girl trapped the rabbit and started crying. Day 1 ...

    Gave it a shot today and was very similar but a couple of things happen to keep you somewhat interested. Not a horrible show but maybe best with a couple of drinks. 


    Wait til they start burning their huts down in the middle of November.  😂

    I started watching last year because they were on Great Slave and I know the area where they are.

    For supposedly professional outdoors people and survival experts they make tons of mistakes.

    The guy that lost his fire steel and tapped out was building a kick donkey cabin though. :)

    I think I would make out OK if they dropped me off out there where these guys are trying to survive.


    The longest anyone has survived so far is 87 days in a warmer climate.

    The guy who won last year lasted 77 days. 


  10. Growing up Lebarons on Dundas in Mississauga was my store.

    I spent many hours in there. :)

    As for Sail, I've never been in one but last year I did buy some tackle online from them.

    I was looking to replace a lure that was super productive for me that I lost. Searching on the net for replacements I found them to be discontinued but Sail had some of what I was searching for so I bought them all!!! 😁

  11. On 4/29/2020 at 1:53 PM, akaShag said:

    Brian you are getting to be one hell of a baker!!!

    Last night's catastrophe was Newfie Fish Cakes.  I didn't have any salt cod so I poached a bunch of perch fillets in the oven, then made up the cakes.  They looked good, I floured them, and into a pan with a quarter inch of HOT vegetable oil.  Long story short, they really did not get golden brown, they fell apart, and once they were cooked were almost burnt, and tasted of OIL.  Hideous.  A sad waste of some perfectly delicious small perch fillets! 😢


    I make fish cakes like my mom used to.

    Flaked fish (usually tuna), mashed taters fairly stiff, bread crumbs.

    Make the taters and add the fish then make into patties and roll them in the bread crumbs.

    Put on a plate to cool in the fridge the make them more solid.

    Next melt some butter in a fry pan on a medium heat and add the cakes.

    Check colour after a few minutes and flip when they look good to you to cook the other side.

    Serve with fries and some wostcher sauce (optional)

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