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Posts posted by scuro2

  1. Water current does attract predators because baitfish can be confused and out of their comfort zone in such water. Will baitfish travel on the bottom? That could be a dangerous place if predators are there and you limit one dimension of escape with the bottom of the lake.


    Could others be bottom bouncing? Yeah you could throw a giant weight and let bait dangle. The weight itself would set the hook...or you could use a weight that slowly moves with the current. Cast out and reel in when it is close to shore, your cover a lot of ground that way. Another option would be to cast heavy low profile spoons out and slowly reel in picking up your line until you are near shore. If the spoon looks like the target fish that should work.

  2. So the argument is that a rapidly rising global temperatures means nothing, the earth was warmer before, and man can't alter the climate because we are so insignificant?

    It is thought that the warmest the planet ever got was during Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum when the planet was 5-8 degrees warmer and you had tropical vegetation in the polar regions. What most likely caused this spike? Green house gases. Why are temperatures rising quickly now? Mostly, green house gases that man has added to his environment.


    These are not my home spun musings based on my theory of everything, rather this is what 97% of scientists believe based on data and the power of evidence based deduction.


    Those darn scientists with their data, and willingness to share everything with the public. They don't leave much room for other"experts"! :)


    I can't believe you would find 150 year time sample as evidence of anything relating to billions years of history.



    If the weather is the hottest on record for 12 straight months, doesnt that show our role in global warming? nope, 12 months is but a drop in a 150 billion gallon pail for comparison. (If I do one pushup everyday, then add one each other day, my push ups will increase(a pattern) but as I age it will show this pattern will inevitably decrease)


    And this is proof of exactly what?

    Those $7B will do nothing to change any of that.


    That is a good argument. What does one month of record extreme high temperatures prove in the last 150 years? Nothing. How about 12 such months in a row, and counting, plus many other extreme anomalies occurring at the same time? Then one can safely deduct that it is highly probable that this is not natural variance and that something is influencing outcomes. This is what the climate scientists have done. This is their conclusion. 97% of them believe what we are seeing is caused by us.


    You are also right $7B will not change the path of what looks to be the beginning of an exponential curve to extreme climate. At best 7B$ will flatten the curve a little bit.


    Scientists have also predicted outcomes based on this information and frankly speaking what they predict will happen in our lifetime is alarming. As a government, when do you start to act on what is predicted to be a world wide catastrophe? I would say now because although one can't predict with certainty what will happen, you don't want to play the odds when there is a good chance that the world as we know it will be permanently altered to a point that we won't recognize it.


    Do we really want to be, "penny wise and pound foolish".


    Here is a question for you. That 7 b dollars you mentioned. Have you calculated what that works out to be per year? Is that 7B$ to be funded over many years?

  4. Whether global warming/ climate change is real or not, the Liberals are using it as an excuse to pull more dollars out of my already holey pockets.


    The job of government is to tackle the major problems of our day for the common good. Global Warming is such an issue.


    If the concept of the common good is hard to swallow then the only other option would be to become a bunch of autocratic libertarians, each declaring the republic of me with the limits of our individual property lines. Border checkpoints at the end of our driveways and barbwire are optional. :)


  5. Currently ice melt in the arctic is about 3 deviations from the norm. http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/In so many ways once in a lifetime climate events are becoming events that happen once every ten years, or once every several years.

    Whatever any politician does is worth the effort, and frankly the cost simply because it puts the issue on the front burner for people who don't pay much attention to this issue.

  6. I dont know man, im not convinced.


    Global warming exists,as does global cooling. Its nature running its course.


    Scientist cant confirm anything other then anecdotal because there is NO MODEL to test.


    Global cooling, sure that was before man made climate change came into play. That is unless you believe one of those crackpots who states we are in a global cooling phase right now :)

  7. If no laws were broken here I dont have any issue what so ever here..Now if there is major tax evasion going on I say nail them to the wall hard..Set an example of them all.

    If there are any accountants out there...I'd like to hear why someone would legitimately go through this particular firm and move significant money there unless your a nutter!

  8. The CRA is like a dog on a bone with info like this. It's not just a bank account # but rather 90 million documents were dumped. I have no doubt there are a few voluntary confessions happening with the CRA right now. The CRA will also love this on the deterrent angle, they will go that extra mile. Cheaters will always cheat but it aint no long term money making strategy! :)


  9. Down south saltwater fishing is nothing like northern fishing. It is a very steep learning curve and much depends on how much time you want to put into it...start here. http://www.worldseafishing.com/forums/forums/rest-of-the-world.314/Bait works but isn't really needed for experienced fishermen. Watch the water...moving water is your friend. Get a great pair of sun glasses and watershoes. Avoid lures with exaggerated wiggles and black and other muted colours. You can't go wrong with poppers! I usually go down with at least 10 of different sizes Also if I were going down the first time I'd buy Cuda tube lures and just wade the edge of the water during high tide for Cudas. With good sunglasses they are not hard to spot. Burn lures for Cudas

  10. Any one of those trips would make my summer. You are blessed Sir Michael! :)


    So far...

    Molson Lake Lodge in Manitoba in early June.

    Athabasca in Saskatchewan in late June.

    Fly in outpost in the Yukon in July.

    Frontier Lodge on Great Slave early August.

    Lac Evan's in Quebec in late August.

    Echoing Lake Camp in far NW Ontario in mid Sept (I think)

    LOTW for musky early Oct (I think)


    Yes I feel fortunate and I've worked my ass off to get to this point. Will be a good year! :)

  11. It's funny to see the passion of the anti-legal lobby here. Such eloquence and clarity of thought, you would think we are talking about ISIS.


    The irony is that few see that if the government jacks the price up to current sale prices people would pay no more then they already are,...oh wait we forget to calculate a possible distribution discount that they currently receive. :)


    That could also explain a few of the libertarian anti-government posts against legalizing pot, if we legalize it being a pothead could no longer be a job!

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