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Posts posted by scuro2

  1. and then you have graphs like this that show Greenland is still colder than a thousand years ago when it was named Greenland , giving credence to the statement that " Figures never lie but liars figure " guess it boils down to whose Bull you want to believe :ninja:

    Scientists are now so peeved off at DENIERS posting good data with bogus claims that they are creating video to debunk the claims to crap like you posted. Take a look at this video which actually quotes the scientist who took the ice core samples used in the graph you posted. Of the attempt to use his data to deny global warming he states, "so, using G1SP2 data to argue against global warming is, well, stupid, or misguided, or misled, or something, but surely not scientifically sensible".


    If you would like to seek more information to completely shoot down your misguided notion please look at the links below.




    You see Dave, people with brains are tired of these bull games so don't be part of the problem, eh? :)

  2. I believe in aliens. I don't believe they caused climate change. I believe the earth has benn hot and cold in the past. I believe man caused climate change is very small. 5% ish I don't believe anything man can do will affect climate change.


    Glen let me help you with understanding these problems.

    #1,2 - what you believe about Aliens impacts only you

    #3 - yes the earth has been warmer and colder. If you know your geology then you know we had ferns and palm trees in the arctic and antarctic regions. Think of it, so hot that even in the winter and in total darkness these plants thrived. There was desert for much of the rest of the world. Do you want that?

    #4, #5 - it's simple Glen, the more C02 into the atmosphere the more temperatures go up. Where did you come up with .5% influence of man on the dramatic increase of C02 in our atmosphere?!??


    Look at the two graphs below. Extreme change in a relatively incredibly short order of time. There is no other explanation then human induced climate change. We are the cause and we can fix it. It's as simple as this Glen, if we put pollutants into the air we can take them out.. or at least limit what we put into the air.


    Since your riding on a shared ride (this planet) the least you can do is make yourself informed about the upkeep needed.



    Where do we see global warming? Today, it was reported that we hit our third record hottest global year in a row. This in an El Nina year.





    Sea Ice extent on both our polar regions currently are at record lows...literary off the charts. You need more evidence Glen, just ask.



  3. 100's of employees are flown into Area 51 daily to work... decades later and not one has spoke out as to what they really do there. Just food for thought...


    Aliens have perpetuated a giant hoax through mind control of our leading scientists and politicians and only Dara and a hand full of others could envision the enormity of this MASSIVE CONSPIRACY. We have all been BLIND. Only by perpetuating this giant global warming hoax could politicians such as Trudeau get elected and unleash his plan to bankrupt seniors and the average working Joe through the nefarious Hydro One. At that moment when millions of citizens have been bankrupted and effectively neutralized, will the aliens finally lay down their hammer with one giant thud of a global assault initiated out of Area 51. How's that narrative, is it believable? :)

  4. The government spins it how they want, same as the global warming effects of greenhouse gasses.

    Nobody really knows and the scientists are all paid by government to report what they want.


    The government needed another revenue tool and carbon tax is it. Not a dime will be spent on research for alternative fuels.

    The 2100 timeline that Harper predicted is way more realistic than Trudeaus


    You are telling us that gov employees and politicians are vastly more intelligent then all of us in that they control all scientists in secrecy to perpetuate a HUUUUUGE hoax over what now has been several generations. Think of it, a mass conspiracy requiring the silence of both groups, over many decades, and they fooled us all!!!!!


    Dara, you are utterly DOOOOOOOMED! :)

  5. I agree there is a problem, what I want to know is: How is taxing Canadians to the point where they have to decide between eating and freezing is going to solve the problem? Do you understand that as a senior in Ontario I get $578.53 a month in pension, I have lived worked and paid taxes here since I was 15 years old and I am now 71. $578.53 doesn't even cover my heating but our wonderful leaders can give billions of $ to other countries because they are poor?


    I'm not asking you to do anything. It would be foolish to ask our seniors to be the solution to this problem. Seniors are better informed and more active then any other segment of our population and will lead us by example.


    As I said before, global warming is a real and obvious problem, with an obvious horribly bad outcome, and it has an obvious solution. Simply the world has to decrease our C02 output in aggregate. If we don't do that then the world as we know it will no longer function properly and money will lose most of it's real value.


    We have one problem but there are many ways to solve this problem. A lot of members think that solving this problem requires them to completely change their lives. It doesn't. People can make changes to their lives but what is needed is societal changes which requires government.


    I'd put Trudeau and Wynne more in the category of understanding the problem but not executing the best solution. Would we solve this problem simply by first eliminating the world's burning of coal, which is the most dirty of fossil fuels? It would be a great first and may be final step. By no means is the only solution or necessarily the best solution, but take our best minds and have them determine a solution. Then have politicians ONLY implement their plan. When the will of the people is unified politicians will do whatever the people want.

  6. If you have a better way to reduce carbon emissions please share. It's an easily understandable problem with a basic solution. Gripping about politicians or how this is unsolvable does nothing.

    A common belief on this board seems to be that the bulk of CO2 emissions come from 3rd world countries. They don't. We can't use the excuse that nothing should be done because this is a third world problem which typically are unsolvable because this is a myth. It's our problem. The burning of coal in the US and China is a major source of CO2. Cement production is a significant source CO2 because of the high temperatures needed. Check out the excellent CO2 website linked below. You can easily see which countries create the most CO2


  7. Is Canada going to save the planet with carbon tax. What are other countries paying?

    Who is getting the money and what are they spending it on.


    Global warming is here, is impacting the world now, and temperature increases are accelerating. The consensus of experts in that field predict outcomes from a range of bleak to the end of the world as we know it.


    One can always come up with an excuse to do nothing... to shirk responsibility. That might be less of an issue with something like say old age security where say family should be somewhat responsible, but you're on OUR giant space vehicle. What makes those who don't want to pay for upkeep so extra special? A winning personality? :)


    If your beef is with who is spending the money and how it is spent then that is a political issue. If you believe Wynne and Trudeau to be incapable of doing this right then remember they got elected with majorities which means the alternative was unappealing. Get involved and help the party of your preference choose leaders who are financially and socially capable. We need good leaders who can reach out to all with the best plan going forward.

  8. Labour accounts for 60% of corporate expenses. I wonder where a "businessman" would start cutting if he were PM. Great way to bring jobs to the country....


    And while parliament isn't in session, I don't know how much "work" a PM can do. part of politicking is getting your face out there amongst the masses and taking the temperature of the electorate, not hiding away in an office avoiding press and exposure. If we weren't constantly reminded, I bet many Canadians would have forgot what Harper looked like. Accountability? Sure. How many press conferences was Harper available for that he didn't march out on because he didn't like the questions being asked? His very first press conference as PM he threw a hissy fit because he couldn't mandate which reporters could ask him questions.


    Just thought I'd throw that in there before this gets locked.


    Stop talking sense we are incapable of listening!

  9. This is stupid when you think of it........we all use the lakes as we see fit. Some water ski, jet bike, sail or just power boat around all while others are "trying" to fish. What's next, you can't fish in said lake because others are water skiing and it might be dangerous to be in their way.


    I like to shoot some skeet from the boat...when the fishing slows.


  10. I listened to a very good 900 CHML radio techie program last week where the electric car was discussed. It should be available on line.


    For a 100 kilometer trip a Tesla as well as the GM Volt will cost an owner around 3 kilowatt hrs of electricity plus delivery charges to a residential home to make the trip and the range was 100 KM with a full charge. What I got from it is it isn't any less expensive to run a car on Hydro than it is for traditional fuel. Add in the greater cost for a vehicle, cost to have your home wired to charge it, the cost of system maintenance and very expensive battery replacement as well as the limited numbers of those trained to maintain them add in the lack of charging stations an electric car is a very long way off from us seeing them in a neighbours driveway. It is a "look at me I'm Green" status symbol for the rich and famous. I am all in for being Green but it isn't in my budget for a small uncomfortable car that will never tow my boat. Certainly a long, long way from being a Rural transportation solution.

    At some point it will be more economical for some to install solar panels on their house and reduce fossil fuel costs for both their car and heating. It will start in cities and with those can afford to pay up front to save long term.

  11. Any out there im missing?


    I have many friends here but this is rediculous.


    Maybe its the nyquil talking? Lol


    But christ guys, i post like 50 pics, 3 threads and get little to no responses????







    Post a political thread or a free couch(no disrepect cliff) and it goes pages.


    I take the time to post intimate pics of myself and my family, fishing, camping, nature, and nobody gives a crap


    I love others reports and always chime in. It takes time and im very appreciative members take their time to show us their adventures.


    Ofc should put a week hiatus on any post not fishing or huntin related and see how the response is

    I'd bet the average age of a member has increased dramatically over the last ten years and people have less time in their lives. I did look at your first thread but not the other two. Nice fish by the way. :)


    The lack of responses? That is always hit and miss. Could a possible reason for the low response rate could be that you make so many posts in political threads that you get a reputation as being a political poster and that might drive viewership down?

  12. One thing for sure is that this election is not business as usual. The social contract has been broken in that things that shouldn't be said are said often. So many social taboos are constantly broken that the electorate is in shell shock and serious issues fall by the wayside. Will we mark this as the time that we started to long for a civil society again?

    What are the odds that the election pivots around the primary topic of interest to the electorate? Zero. Do people even have a good grip on both candidates financial platforms?

    Finally, this gong show looks like it won't end with the election and everyone making nice. Sparks are already being struck on the fuel of an armed angry minority. This all is very depressing.

  13. Read the books and then comment a wiki search hardly puts you in a position of debunking his list of references. Reading all sources of information both the good and the bad gives you balance and allows you to identify what is the consensus of opinions among like minded people. That is what the thread is about.




    I did way more then a wiki search. I searched the author and the title and went to every reputable website that stated anything about either topic. Since there was little reputable information I expanded out from there to sources like the National Enquirer simply because information was sparse. It was very clear that, "The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama", has no merit as a source of information whatsoever. It was so bad a citation that I thought it obvious, by association, that the book list cited all comes into question. People who are truly interested in the truth such as scientists or academics take the utmost care NEVER to have bogus or blatantly biased sources when they reference others to information sources. If you like I can dig further into that book list but how many books would have to be propaganda before all of them come into question?


    Finally, to be educated on a topic doesn't mean that one must read, "all sources of information both the good and the bad" to give you a balance and help you find the consensus viewpoint. "Consensus" isn't a numbers game where the most citations is considered the consensus. For example so much has been written about how homosexuality is a learned behaviour and that it can be unlearned with the "right" teaching. The majority of information on the internet on the causes of homosexuality may back up that claim but no expert in the field would support that as a consensus position. Nor would you have to read all the information about how homosexuality is a learned behaviour to be informed. Bogus information can simply be ignored.


    If debunking is not allowed, and truth and fiction have equal weighting on this thread, what are we really doing?

  14. You can't debunk or vett someone else's sources? I might as well use the onion or the beaverton as my sources. The biggest battle in politics these days is the plethora of misinformation and opinion being touted as fact, or people disagreeing with facts because it disagrees with their opinion.


    I totally agree. We now live in the world of false equivalencies...where truth and fiction have equal weighting.

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