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Posts posted by scuro2

  1. As I said take Colorado weed tax and gross it up to Canadian population about $450 million.


    Not quite...using the estimated 5 billion dollars in revenue from sales I quoted previously, take the Ontario tax rate on booze of 33% and use the same percentage for weed which = $1.6666 billion in taxes for Canada..probably lower because other provinces have a lower tax. But Ontario's share still would be about $550 million from pot sales.


    Plus you would be employing farmers who would be paying taxes on their businesses and taxes would be applied to every step of way in producing pot.


    As for the biker gangs who are deeply entrenched in this business, they are not the sentimentalized fluffy type stuff toys you see on TV. In reality these gangs have absolutely no redeeming qualities and do much harm to society. I'd legalized pot just to choke off this significant revenue stream for these gangs.

  2. Lol there isnt alot of money in this plant.


    I could press fake oxycontin pills and make more in two weeks than someone selling large amounts of weed for years

    Total alcohol sales in Canada is approximately 20 billion per year. "If recreational pot becomes legal, the potential customer base suddenly runs in the millions. Dundee Capital Markets analyst Aaron Salz figures the market would then be worth up to $5 billion." (National Post) $5 billion in taxable revenue is "alot of money" especially considering that governments would tax the drug at a much higher rate then the GST. Then one must also consider the amount of tax dollars spent combating the illegal drug trade along with costs to our legal system. That figure must run into hundreds of millions of dollars.

  3. A little googling found me this, "The RCMP has identified an increased number of marijuana growing operations in rural communities and remote areas in Canada, and notes that marijuana trafficking remains highly profitable for organized crime. Far from being small independent outfits, grow operations are considered by the RCMP to be money machines that fund major crime networks. B.C.’s Organized Crime Agency has estimated that organized crime groups control 85% of B.C.’s marijuana trade. According to the RCMP, most crime groups in Canada are involved at some level of the marijuana trade."

  4. control will never let the criminal element that is driving the system go away but most will never understand that.

    Like with alcohol?


    Consider Prohibition last century and how the criminal element took over once alcohol was illegal. Once the government legalized and regulated the sale of alcohol again the criminal element disappeared over time.


    Most people given a choice, do not want buy things illegally, and especially from criminals, ie gangsters during prohibition or Bikers now. With government sale of pot you would still have those who make/grow their own like we do now with "homebrew" but the majority of people would stop buying pot sold by known criminals who usually are involved in other criminal enterprises and commit other crimes. If the money is not there criminals would stop growing pot. I'm totally for channeling any profits made from pot to the government instead of criminals.

  5. Completely different cultures. You cannot compare apples to oranges.... Their 2nd amendment is entrained in their culture; Americans will defend their constitution. As we do ours.


    I understand both sides..... But this us vs. them changes nothing. They are our best friend and allie.


    Infact we depend on "their" guns and our combined friendship, a lot more then the depend on us.....


    I hope these people did not die in vain however, would I like to see change? Sure. Will it happen? Probably not.... But I also don't see the need to anger our greatest allie......


    Their issues, thier problems...... Their gun defend us.


    Apples and oranges.

    Not an us vrs them at all but more like lets talk because you can't wrap this up in a nice little package where it only impacts Americans and doesn't impact Mexico or Canada. To me it's more like talking to a close relative with a significant problem that everyone else sees but them.

  6. While simplistic it is a true statement. The first thing you have to deal with is the bad guys have guns and will not be the ones turning them in if they become illegal. Pandoras box is open you can not close the lid so what works for Canada will never work in the USA. Personally i am glad Canada does not have access to handguns or assault rifles your culture would become more violent and mirror the path our culture has taken. You meaning most people of Canadian culture will not understand the dynamics going on down here. I am good with that it is one of the things I like about Up North people who still have the ability to have hope for a gentler world to live in. Funny thing is if you read Pandoras box once the evil was released inside the box was a small nugget left behind and it was called Hope. I think that nugget can be called Canada too.



    Our constitution stresses peace, order, and good governance. We don't hope, we do, within a certain unwritten code. Politeness first, and you see that even in the toughest looking guys. It's funny sometimes at a coffee shop as the bikers hold the door for you. Being a Dick first just doesn't work up here. Donald Trump wouldn't fly up here. That massive collective housing fraud wouldn't work up here like it did down south.


    The group vrs the individual. Americans have had cause to be fearful way back when but then it became a personality trait. You can't trust this and you can't trust them. Every man for himself with their weapons cache. Frankly it sounds nuts to me, at the first sign of real trouble you will all be shooting each other. I'd be moving to Canada if I were you...and we will take you. Your welcome. :)

  7. So it takes 4 months before you can get a firearm - doesn't do the lady much good who is afraid of her ex-boyfriend does it - when he comes back a week later and kills her - its a God given right to be able to defend yourself and your family without having to go through the wringer to get a firearm - I can go over to Cabela's - pick out a firearm - rifle or handgun - go over to a computer and enter certain information - wait about a half hour and then pick up the gun and go home - that's the way I like it -


    In Canada all it takes is the government to require all persons to turn in their guns and that's the end of your ability to defend yourself with a gun - or hunt - that can't happen here - I like my right to bear arms - a armed citizenry is a free citizenry - remember that -


    Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Hmmm...must be something in the water down south. :whistling:

  8. I was not a believer in the solunar tables until a recent fishing trip when I caught a pb walleye trolling pike spoons in mid-day high pressure sun.

    Hate to give a location and irk those who primarily fish those waters. I'm very secretive about DIY tarpon spots. I'm a DIY type so have read plenty and don't mind the delayed gratification of figuring it out for yourself.

    If morning and evening are decent times then would suit me perfectly with my family. How about steady rainy days...how will that fish compared to overcast days?

  9. Put on a worm harness with Colorado silver blades and red beads and a big fat dew worm !!!! Put on a 3/8oz sinker about 20 inches up from the harness and a quality swivel and troll around at 1.5-2mph !!!!! Pretty simple eh ...

    fishindevil, is this the famed bottom bouncing method of catching Muskie?


    I'll return the favour to you. Next time you go down south target Tarpon, an awesome fish! Use leadcore to get you right on the bottom of coral reefs. Fish big black wobbly spoons mid day at the exact same speed you mentioned for Muskies. I think the Tarpon like them because they look like their main forage...stingrays!


    Ty Raf for your response also...no further advice needed!

  10. I've done a few weekend muskie trips and the only time I ever saw a wiff of a Muskie was when a huge muskie went after my 7 year old daughter's bait. She reeled as FAST as she could so it wouldn't bite the lure. :)

    I'll be on a shield lake that has Muskie and I'm feeling lucky this time around, never been better prepared. Here is the one piece of general advice I'd like to have...what times of day and weather is least productive this time of year. Unfortunately I'll have to spend some time with family B)

  11. Good question...he got advice that there would be added phosphorus in the lake from the ash and he should expect a lot of plant growth. He never really saw that. These kettle lakes are relatively deep because of glacial action and not shallow like the Hudson Bay Lowlands. The water was cool while I was there...any colder and it wouldn't have been swimable.

  12. IMGP0028.jpg

    Didn't want to put too many devastation pics up but about 90 percent of the land around the lake got burned. It was a hot dry and very windy May 24 weekend where there had been little snow that winter. The fire moved very quickly and the lake didn't stop it's progress anywhere along the firepath. There was so much heat that only steel remained and the convection from the fire storm lifted some objects up like a tornado and deposited them several hundred feet away. Those lifted objects are some of the few things that they found afterwards.



    In this silhouette pic you can see that most trees got scorched. After the fire it looked like some areas were apparently "saved". These were the areas where the fire didn't hop from tree top to tree top and you only had a brush fire underneath the canopy. But, the trees died there too turning brown the next year and losing their needles. Some trees made it through the fire...say 2% of trees and it makes no sense why some made while everything around them is scorched. Trees are coming up again and Dan estimated it will take 15 years until most of the burnt trees fall down and new trees take over. He has checked out other areas locally where there had been forest fires in the past.

  13. IMG_2480.jpg
    I became good buds with my internet friend Dan after talking lots about fishing online. We eventually did a few trips together and then one day he emails me frantically wanting the website of the daily satellite views of northern Ontario. He had to evacuate the family cottage in a hurry because of a major forest fire and he hoped that the firefighters had saved his cottage. No one was allowed into the area after the fire. Everything burned and what didn't burn melted. His aluminum boat had morphed into a coral shaped piece of dull silver because of the intense heat of the fire. I didn't hear a lot from Dan after that.

    Dan spent every weekend and all vacation time for the last three years rebuilding the "camp" from scratch. Many hours were spent learning how to do things and sourcing materials. I was his first real guest, and the first time he had really fished in three years...what an honour!

    The "camp" is north of Sudbury in one of the many "kettle" lakes in the area. We had fished BIG water previously so I didn't have any real expectations going...just a week up north relaxing was my only goal.

    The lake really surprised me for mid-August fishing. I caught a lower 30s pike and probably the largest walleye that I have ever caught.

    After three years of hard labour it wouldn't have been surprising if it was Dan who needed the break. They don't make like that down here, he was the perfect host and wouldn't let me pay for anything.

    Thanks Dan!...you truly have made a wonderful thing.

  14. Nice fish...those southern fish know how to fight and the pressure they put on year gear means there is no time for playing a fish. I go loaded for bear with the best I can buy. Give them the initial runs but then get them to shore quick because sooner or later they will find the weakest link in your outfit.

  15. Hi T-bone. You probably know me from Kipawa discussion group. As you know I've done Kipawa a good dozen times and I've done the type of trips your thinking about. I've read your reports so also know your group's style of fishing. I'm guessing you want better fishing but can't really spend the cash to go big. The main species being walleye and pike...I'd go hudson bay lowlands with a cheap fly-in like Cochrane air. Fishing becomes a whole lot easier when depth is eliminated. Many of these lakes are no deeper then 12 ft. Plenty of Walleye, a shot at trophy pikes. This is fly-in for a relatively cheap price. You could bargain for a real cheap price. Find the right lake and you also have a shot at Sturgeon...one group I heard had to finally cut the line because they were tired of being pulled around the lake. It is a special experience to be totally alone away from everything.


    If not HBLL then one of the big shield lakes in NW Ontario like Lake of the Woods where you will have all the creature comforts, better fishing plus a real shot at Muskie. Nipigon also has one decent resort and is a stunning lake. That is a massive awe inspiring lake.


    Once you go a step up from this sort of trip you will be counting how many hundreds of dollars you are spending in a day. Kesagami Lodge is your style...as Americans you could probably really bargain with Charlie this year with both the strong US dollar and cheap gas. A big part of the cost of business for fly-ins is the price of gas. Under 1500 American per person taxes in? They have remote cabins for cheaper. At the lodge they pamper you, do your laundry, feed you, get your boat and gas it up, light your fire, get the sauna ready etc etc. For guys who like to fish but also like to have a good time I can't see you guys not liking this place. That is stupid walleye fishing where guys go with clickers and catch well over a 100 a day, and there is always a shot at trophy pike. Manitoba is better simply because those resorts are not so heavily used and often there is more water to fish. I fished Dunlops and can recommend that nice family lodge at a relatively good price. They do take care of you but not to the same degree as Kesagami. Next I would consider BC...you can do those expensive Salmon trips but I would recommend BC lake fishing. Quesnel Lake is stunning at 100 km long...no walleye but lakers and bows act like aggressive walleye there. Can you imagine mid summer lakers cruising the shallow shoals mid day looking for food? I had to see it to believe it. That is stupid fishing also. Cheap once you get there. There are great rivers in BC to fish also. If you have tons of $$ fish the Yukon...it's a place that will burn itself into your soul. There are other far north spots equally as stunning.

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