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Posts posted by Governator

  1. The leafs have too much money tied up in three people...Kessel, Phaneuf, and Giggy, especially Giggy, who already knows that Burkes plan is for Jonas to be the goalie of the future.


    Goaltending in Toronto is always an off topic to me, quick to praise, quick to get kicked out of town...ie Raycroft...breaks record for wins, yet still becomes the goat...good on ya guys.


    This will work in leafs favour, if....IF, toronto turns around and trades Giggy while he's relatively young for a top 6 forward...otherwise...



    thanks for the great draft pick again!!!



    I disagree, they unloaded Toskala & Blake (both were $4mil/yr) for Giggy's contract of $7mil which is up after next season. That gives them tons of options next year, he possibly could have trade value, they could resign him for probably $4-5mil, or who knows he possibly could be back in Stanley Cup form (He did just win a cup in 07).


    Phaneuf will be the face of the franchise, you have to expect to pay for that.


    If Kaberle waives his no trade clause they will unload him with another D, probably Finger as a package deal for a top forward. That's my guess anyway.

  2. You know what I hated most about min wage jobs? When I started at 6.40/hr I got "raises" to 6.80/hr over the course of a year or so. The minimum wage then jumped to 6.80/hr. So when the store hired a new guy who I had to train, he was making what I was making even though I've been there a year. It was a slap in the face and then I never wanted to work min wage ever again.

  3. My worst first day was working as a painter on an exterior job stripping paint on an old bank downtown toronto.

    2 hrs in I set the bank on fire and had to run in to let the manager know the ceilng and underhang were smoldering away and that we should call the fire department and evacuate the staff & customers .4 hrs later after the caos was over and fire department came and went the boss shows up on site sees the black fire damage the closed notice on the bank doors an # 6 painters standing around ready to throw me under the bus . i will never forget his face when he walked up to me and was waiting for an explanation as to what just happened and i said guess you never had the fire department show up to one of your jobs before have you ! I have worked with him on many projects off and on for the last 20 years hes a good man Oh and he fired everyone of the guys who pointed a finger at me and didnt help out .




  4. Good trades all around for all teams involved imo. Giguere lost the #1 spot in duck land is becoming a big waste of cap space for the ducks at 6.5mil/yr. They'd gladly pick up a backup goalie and a forward for less money. Basically the leafs got Giguere for blake which is a solid improvement between the pipes for T.O. They are also only tied to him until next season so they'll have options to resign him or use him for trade bait.


    I love Ian White as a person, probably the best all around guy in the dressing room and will be missed in that regard but the Phaneuf trade is good for the leafs. They will be tougher to play against and if Kaberle waves his no trade clause I think we could pick up a solid forward.


    Also White has been playing terrible of late, I believe he's a -10 over the last 2 weeks. Won't miss Stajan or Mayers, will be a shame to see Hagman go though. Price you pay for adding depth on the blueline.

  5. For what it's worth, please don't have Canadian Tire put the tires on for you. I made the mistake once and could've paid my life for it. They never torqued any of the wheels, needless to say about 2 days later driving down the 404 I hear and feel "FUMP FUMP FUMP FUMP FUMP". Quickly stopped at the first dealership and sure enough the bolts were not torqued, they said my front right wheel could've fallen off at anytime. Cdn tire gave full refund although I should've raised more hell.

  6. That's a nice feed right there.


    I fished Barrie marina yesterday morning with little success. Landed 2 10"+ right away and then no bite after that. I had kept them cause it was early, luckily I had some filets in the freezer to add to today's lunch.



  7. I dumped Bell last January, best thing I ever did. I was on a 3 year contract paying $120/month for my blackberry unlimited plan (They don't offer that anymore and it was a complete scam). After the contract was up I switched to a family blackberry plan on Rogers for my wife and I and pay $80/month for the both of us with more options.


    I'm now 100% with Rogers with every service from HD Cable, Internet, 2 Phone Lines (home business), 2 cellphones. I like getting 1 bill / month instead of 4 from different companies. Makes paying bills a lot easier for me.

  8. Thank you everyone for the replies, valuable info here!!



    When we were buying it however if your looking on kijiji or something similar beperpared to act quick as the first 4 or so i called about ended up being sold by the time i got there and the one i bought had 6 people coming before lunch to see it


    Wow they do move quick eh? Thanks for the tip.


    A couple more questions, since they have hard tops with no sun roofs or A/C can a canoe or small boat be secured on top of it while travelling? Or is that too unsafe? Also, are there adapters for a drill to crank open the roof? Are cassette toilets worth the hassle or would that spot be better off used for storage? Sorry for the newby questions.



  9. So my wife and I have always talked about getting a tent trailer, though I've always felt I needed an suv or truck to tow one I have seen some very small ones that look towable for a car. Anyway, we think having a tent trailer would allow us to do simple weekend vacations throughout the summers and it would hopefully bring some good memories for us and our son (We also have a little dog). The benefits to having one are pretty nice in our eyes, quick to setup, more comfortable, little dining area, play cards if it's raining, cook inside, leave the dog indoors if needed, etc.


    I've camped out in one a few times with my neighbours growing up and had a blast but I really don't know what to look for when buying. Do different brands offer better quality, more durable, etc? I definitely want something small, maybe 12-14'. I've seen used ones online that are seem very expensive considering they are 20-25 years old and are selling for 1200-3000. I think you can get brand new for 5-6K.


    From those who own them, do you find you get a lot of use out of them? What do you look for in them when buying and what are the pros vs cons? I've also seen hard sided folding trailers that look awesome but are obviously very expensive.



    Something like this looks ideal to me:



  10. Survivorman set up 10 on one of shows in Temagami and got squat. Wonder if he has a licence?



    He was a wilderness guide in Northern Ontario in the 90s then moved to Yellowknife being an outdoor instructor. I think it's safe to assume he has his license.

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