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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. The last time I was at the Sportsman Show. The back hall was full of kitchen gadgets, socks and gym wear. A number of tackle shops had, to the surprise of many, just pulled out. It ceased to pique my interest any more.

    Kinda like my visit to the CNE last year, finding half the buildings closed and boarded up.


    I'm hoping the Fishing Show will be good, but who knows.

  2. Anyone other than me actually see the Leaf's win their last Stanley Cup ??


    I feel soooo old !!!! :D


    Top row, center ice Grays. Didn't have to move my head to watch the games. Being able to see Foster Hewitt in the booth down below. I was a big fan of Bower and Baun.

  3. For the longest time i could never understand the great dislike many muskie anglers had for Darryl Choronzey. That was until I got my hands on one of the Chronz's cookbooks. "The Angler's Only Cookbook, 1983, is an absolute wealth of recipes for freshwater fish. Included are 12 enticing recipes for muskellunge. Included in this collection are such perennial favourites as:

    Bath Lunge and beer fry;

    St Lawrence balled musky;

    Penatanguishene stuffed lunge;

    Hungry Man's muskie stew, and...

    Moira lake musky and tomato.


    Reciting this list almost would almost sound like grandpa from HeeHaw. LOL.

  4. I like to support our local guy. I have even told him straight up,I,ll spend an extra buck or two on items then give to CTC or wally worls or Cabels.. No issues there for me. But the big ticket items he has now,I wont. I wont get into details,but when I can save 40-60 bucks else where,well thats not a few dollars is it. I have even told him that. Not sure of his thinking,but it,s his store right.


    His wholesale cost will be nowheres near as low as a Basspro or Cabelas. Their cost is based on a purchase volume of thousands of units per order. Pretty hard for a small store to order in 5-600 marcums or 1000 Okuma rods or 1000 Shimano reels.

    Funny thing is that the big box buying discount is often rarely carried over to the consumer except for a sale event.

  5. Bigugli, they have already for gone CCAA protection, lucky if creditors get 10 cents on the dollar. Not penny one clearing their shelves go to creditors. Lucky if the current employees see their last payroll. I'm sorry they were not successful, in the long run it only hurts us taxpayers and bottom percentage of wage earners in retail jobs. Retail workers are one rung above fast food workers, both tough jobs with pay just above unemployment, maybe.


    The businesses that are left owing won't hurt. They'll just use it as a write off. Bad enough the Government, again, let big business slide on the tax bill owing. Which means the taxpayer is on the hook again. The only advantage to anyone is the fact that the taxman gets paid off first, then the banks, and on down the line.

  6. Apparently Target owes Canadian cities, suppliers and landlords over $5 billion, and their CEO is getting a $75 million bonus, 17,000 Canadians lost their jobs...F them, have some stones and do the right thing, don't go near there stores!


    Boycotting won't hurt Target in the least. You are only screwing those that Target owes. At the top of the list are the Canadian taxpayers as represented by municipal and provincial tax revenues and development fees owing. Remember, in any distribution of remaining cash/assets, the tax man gets first dibs.

  7. Well, this storm gave me a work out. Broke my snow shovel last night, and rebuilt it. Today I snapped the thing in 2 just as I was finishing the driveway. No Red Green fix this time. Guess I'll go out and find a new one before the next blow.

  8. That was John (slim, soft spoken guy) in the 80's at the corner. Another great guy. He sold to Jack and he moved it south of Highland Supply beside Boatwerks. Jack recently bailed and a younger couple bought it, it's still open, new owners, nice people, hopefully they do well.

    I do hope they do well. It was the only shop left once Norland closed up. I trapped frogs for them long time back

  9. it's a toss up these days whether I like BBQ or the smoker better.


    I used to love cooking on a wood fire. Here in Thorold, wood fire cooking is verboten. Propane, gas or charcoal. Neighbour had the fire dept at my door the first time we lit up the pit last spring.

    Now I make sure I throw up extra smoke when running the smoker.

  10. Wayne, I understand only too well about that sense of alienation. Been dealing with it since 08 with the wife's and daughter's numerous ailments and hospitalizations. Had a lot of people drift away since then. Some are pissed off too. Heck, the son couldn't, and still can't, deal with his mother's cancer..

    Unfortunate, yes. My problem, no. I will not let them get under my skin. Sorry if I can't make long term plans or only go fishing as a last minute plan. The care and well being of my family, and my puppy, always comes first. Those who don't get it never will.

    You've got your head screwed on straight, and your priorities right. That is all that matters. Sadly, there are always far too many fair weather friends. That's why I think of them as acquaintances. The friends I have I know will give the shirt off their backs, just as I would for them. Sounds like you have similar solid friends.

  11. I am glad someone posted some of those stats so I didn't have to! lol

    And bigugli, I can remember when they were taught to me by my parents before I was in school aha, but maybe that's something of the past? :P

    Have to admit I never had a bike til I was 10. Knew how to handle a boat before I learned to cycle.

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