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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I hear you Cliff. A reason I as well am bad at giving recipes. A smidgen is different than a dollop, a pinch isn't a dash. How does one explain the sound of something that is ready, like pasta. If I went by what they say on the package we would be eating rock hard spagets. My sauce isn't ready until it blup blups, not blub blubs.


    Blub blub is definitely too runny.


    Any recipe I give is just a basic approximation. Even when baking bread, or making gnocchi, it all comes down to touch and taste.

  2. First fishing outing with the 2 little girls. After all the rain, and mud the prey weren't too cooperative. The youngest managed her very first fish, a crappie. That was it, but they played, ran around, and honked back at the geese as they were swimming by. They sure love playing in the minnow bucket.

  3. Guess you don't have to look at a rusted out piece of scrap iron everyday, nothing cool about it, they put shingles on a steel hulled boat and a couple of iron pipes for masts to make it look like an old frigate or something. Maybe we should have some older pimped out cars abandoned in the ditches along the highways cause they looked " CooL ".


    It's been done before. It's called the cadillac ranch. Really kinda "cool".

  4. Body cams still won't provide all the answers. They have a limited scope of vision, as do all lenses, cameras, of one type or other. They are just another tool which, depending on circumstance, will be either adequate or inadequate to the situation at hand.

    These are simple observations that are drawn from military and special police units that have been equipped with body and helmet cameras over the past 20 years.

  5. Ketchenany, My baking is limited to Pizza's and toast, my wife is the baker around our place too. I find many that can cook up a storm don't bake and vice versa. Not always but more often than not.


    Gram was teaching us to be self reliant from an early age. Basics of cooking and baking learnt by touch and taste. Basic sewing, knitting, and the ability to darn one's own socks. How and when to buy meat and how to budget a meal were part of Gram's lessons for us at the market or the butcher. She wanted to make sure we could fend for ourselves on our own.

  6. Interesting, 70 years after ww2 and they still don't travel much faster than liberty ships.

    Heck of a lot bigger than a liberty ship. Liberty ships had an average gross tonnage of 7-10,000 tonnes. Or a 5-7,000 tonne cargo capacity. That salty was carrying close to 20,000 tonnes. The Average tonnage capacity of a laker is 20-26,000 tonnes of cargo.

    The other thing to consider is that higher speeds are not cost effective. No different than a car.

  7. Yes military personnel are well trained for battle situations; kill or be killed. They are not trained as an individual but as a part of a unit; a unit that follows orders to the tee. So now lets send this one well trained soldier (who hasn't scratched his ass without permission for years) out, in the public with a loaded gun. Their last official order was, protest yourself if you feel threatened; I wonder how that would play out?????




    You really have no clue about military training, do you. We don't have jar heads here for one.

  8. Wow! Quality spending

    But it's good PR for the politicians. Pity there isn't a single real patriot and nationalist sitting in parliament.

    Over in the Middle East we have to stand up and be counted, but at home we're expected to roll over and cower.

  9. I understand and agree with all of that, we're not talking military equipment, weapons and ammunition, access to resources, etc...


    we're talking replica rifles used for drills and ceremonial purposes...I don't personally consider a 10 yr old kid with a gun a bad image, whether it be learning at a rifle range or dressed in a cadet uniform



    They were replicas, but all the general public sees is a weapon and you are inviting a 911 call to the police. On the average John Q. Public tain't too bright. The replicas should have been transported in a better manner and fashion such as a weapons crate.

    I was a sea cadet and reservist. I do not see a cadet doing ceremonial drill as a bad image, nor small arms training at the range. That said, when drill or parade was done, weapons were immediately stored and away by the numbers.

    We did not use dummy weapons. As cadets we carried Enfields with spiked bayonet. CPO and guard PO carried a duty cutlass. There were no weapons incidents or accidents because weapons handling was heavily regulated and controlled by commissioned officers.

  10. One can't compare apples to oranges.



    Actually apple to apple. No difference tween a Grenadier in front of Buck Palace or an Argyll on the HIll. Same service . Same loyalty. Same duty.


    Whether you wish to accept it or not. Canada is involved in an undeclared war. It is neither intelligent or right to allow our service personnel to play the part of clay pigeons for the Jihadists while they have a free hand inflicting harm when and where they will with impunity.

  11. Yes, different cadet program


    I was referring to this article, following a public complaint...I don't think kids carrying guns in a ceremonial purposes is a "bad image"....I wonder how many of these kids play violent video games or watch violent movies?


    "The rifle issue came to the attention of Navy League officials two years ago after an instructor in Oshawa, Ont., travelled on public transit carrying a bag of drill rifles. A member of the public saw a barrel sticking out of the bag and called police."




    Navy League and DND had long time ago put distance tween themselves. They now do not use live round target shooting, as one example. It has been a long time since when your cadet corps officers held the Queen's commission. You have lots of Civilian Instructors instead. A friend of mine spent his last 2 years as a commissioned naval Lt., as the DND cadet liason officer for the region when the links with DND were being gradually severed. It had to happen. You cannot hand over military equipment, weapons and ammunition, access to resources, etc.... to civilians.

  12. Let the police do what they are trained for.


    I don't want to see a armed soldier pulling a gun out,


    pointing it at a civilian, because that person perhaps looked shady.


    How would that be any different than the standing guard mounted daily at Buckingham palace? They are armed and ready to do their duty, yet there are no random or questionable shootings, or skewerings. There are set rules of conduct and engagement, and they are far tighter than the rules of engagement followed by police here in North America.

  13. Pretty hard to "Stand on guard for thee" with an empty weapon.


    I've long since come to the conclusion that our governments no longer have the "backs" of our services. I would certainly do all in my power to dissuade any member of my family from enlisting.

  14. 10 years back, I'd be all over this opportunity. Forget about one 1 minute video. Flood them with one a day. Physically those days are long gone.

    Anyone I know who has done the coast to coast trip, by car, forever cherishes that experience. I can just imagine how wonderful this experience would be.

  15. Song was written about Buddy Holly's plane crash if I remember right.


    It starts there, but becomes a running story line on growing up in the midst of the turbulent 60's, and ends with the shift in the music scene from the east coast, and New York, to the San Francisco scene "taking the last train for the coast".

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