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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I've only been here a little while, but I gotta say TJ that you and the mods have built something quite special. This site fits like that 'comfy old moc'. No matter how worn and tattered it gets it still feels good to put on every day.


    Besides, there isn't an asylum big enough to hold us all :w00t:

  2. I've heard about using perch eye's many times and know guy's that swear by them.I've also trid to use them myself.My question is how do you remove the eye from the fish.I've only tried by using a hook to poke it out,but to no avail. Do you guy's use a knife to remove the eye or wait until it's frozen.



    I also use eyeballs for catching smelt through the ice. You can pop the eyeball out. Press down behind and under the eyeball and it will pop out. Occasionaly you'll mess up, it just takes practice.

  3. You gotta stop doing that I live is Oshawa....and I swear I can smell it here!!! Nothing like a slice of warm bread right outta the oven with some butter on it.


    You are probably smelling the baking from my Mom's place off Taunton :lol:


    As for dressing. Tell the wife to buy day old buns or save the end crusts and dry them out. Makes a superior stuffing,

  4. It's been a while since the last tease sooo, fresh and steaming hot from the oven we have..



    Wait for it...









    Smells soooo good coming out of the oven. Got to keep the rest of the family at a distance or it will all be gone by morning :wallbash:

  5. Sorry guys..I will never get the whole tattoo thing and I was in the navy.To each his own but visable tattoos pretty much screw you for upper management and many other things.I dont think my customers would let me in the door with one.If you have figured out a way to balance your "self expression" and a way to support your family ,more power to you.Dang,I miss my long hair but sadly,its like having a tattoo.Tinman,thats a kickass tat.


    I remember wanting a tatoo when I was an NR rating doing course back in the 70's. Our PO instructor made it quite clear it wasn't happening. If we were gonna get tatoo'd we'd be up on a charge and RTM'd. Seems a few fellas got rather ill after getting some art work. That was enough of a turn off for me.

    Now Lew, you sound like some of the old barrack stanchions I've met. One old sweat had a tatoo from every major port he had visited

  6. Now that is my kind of fishing report. You got out with the kids and friends. You had nice weather. The kids had fun. Then there was the added bonus of a few fish caught.

    These are the moments that are permanently etched in a child's memory to be played back a thousand times over the years.


    Fantastic job.

  7. Quick little report. Got out before sunup this morning for half a day of ice dancing. Even got Jr. out of bed for once to join me. First thing on the ice he goes through a crack that opened up. Didn't notice the space til too late. Just like his mom :wallbash: Only went down as far as his waste. I'm sure "the boys" will be playing hide and seek for a little while. :whistling:

    Despite the initial mishap he stuck it out. Very little water got through the wet pants. As usual, it was another "you should have been here yesterday kinda day. Very slow bite. Had to work for em. More dinks than anything, But when the odd big boy came around ;)




    The final tally for a later supper.



    A nice morning :D ( probably our last nice one for the next few days)

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