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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Usually I have at least 1 report this late in the week. Been so busy canning and running to market :wallbash:

    As stated on another thread, The puter is in the kitchen a mere 4 ft from the stove. So I gets to browse endlessly while my concoctions simmer and stew :devil:

    Every body wants salsa. It's a good problem to have. For those who remember ECO101, its ideal to have demand exceeding supply, but my little tin pot and I can only produce 2 gallons each session.

    OF course there are the bushels of tomatoes and peppers that have to be picked and processed first. Now , with the grape harvest beginning, I've been asked to make some sample recipes featuring domestic grapes.

    Here is the result of today's marathon. Medium hot salsa and thick grape butter.


    Hopefully I'll get a few hours tommorow to fish and relax. Saturday I'll be back in St Jacob's at five in the morning, and , yes, going to market is a whole lot of fun.

  2. Time spent making salsa is never a waste - unless yer a crummy cook, of course. :D




    Ugli yes :P , Crummy no!


    What was originally meant for personal consumption has taken on a life of it's own. We took a jar to St Jacobs to help promote the produce my buddy grows ( my source and supply for peppers and tomatoes). Neither of us dreamed I would have more orders than I could keep up with. This is seriously cutting into prime fishing time :wallbash: It's a nice problem to have seeing as nobody wants to hire a broken old derelict :D

  3. Despite all the gloom and sadness that comes our way, in life, there is always a better tomorrow ahead. As long as you believe that all is good.


    Glad to see that all is getting better, and that you and your family are doing fine.


    Thanks for the series of reports and the positive ending.

  4. If the Chinese elms are healthy, you will be hard pressed to get the removal permit, if as stated, there are restrictions. 25 years back, City of Toronto did not like to see healthy trees brought down

    Chinese elm, and the varous sub cultivars were introduced, in part, to stem the spread of DED. The results have been modest, but they reseed far quicker than native elms and are relatively fast growers.

  5. Down in the "Deep South" the gravy will be a ground Sausage gravy with a white sauce.. plenty of meat and gravy!!!... please don't judge us by the near north yankee offerings!!! :rolleyes:



    Biscuits are good. As for the gravy.......... Reminds me of some of the slop they used to pour all over the food when I was at Cornwallis :P

  6. The stuff I'm talking about was raw salted bacon, in strips rolled to fit the can. Each can would hold about 1/2 to 3/4 lb., I would guess. It was best to rinse it before throwing it into the pan.


    In your ration packs the bacon would have been pre-cooked?

    Don't know if it was precooked or not, we cooked the cans over the primus stoves . We swallowed it down as fast as possible to avoid the taste. Besides, bacon, having been cured doesn't need to be cooked.

    For bush camping we always preferred to pack slabs of dry cured, smoked bacon or salt pork.

  7. My wife is an occasional angler. When the weather is nice she loves to get out for pannies and perch. If it gets windy, cold, etc.. she may just sit in the van and read. She is not the "big game hunter", nor is she an outdoor enthusiast, but she don't mind.

    Your girlfriend, future wife, etc..., does not have to like fishing. She just has to accept that this is your passion and give you the freedom to pursue it. You, in turn, must be just as accepting as your other half. Just make sure you set aside time to d othings together.

    The idea of taking the girl out to catch pannies is the ticket. Keep it simple and fun. Do not push the serious side of fishing. That is only to be shared with fellow junkies. As you are probably going to be baiting the hooks and taking the fish off for both of you, accept that she will outfish you and never let you forget it. It's part of the fun. I've gone out with the wife and daughter pannie fishing in the boat, caught hardly a thing, and spent 2 hours fileting a boatload of large gills and crappie.

  8. Mustard is the only condiment allowed on a hotdog, period. ;)





    What is a good jumbo without fried onions and saurkraut, and for our Yankee friends, the sacred chilidog.


    The only advantage to the squeeze bottle is that you don't have to carry extra cutlery along.

    Big advantage for the manufacturer is that you have to buy ketchup/mustard more often :wallbash:

  9. Light rain? I live in Grimsby and work at the weather office and havn't seen a trace of rain in weeks.


    You must've had one of those cartoon black rain clouds hovering over your head. :)


    (Nice fishies btw.)

    Drove through a 5 minute cloudburst at 7 am and ran back to the house to get my rain jacket. Had drizzle for 20 minutes on the river around 10

  10. Despite the light rain and cooler temps, we decided to try a few different spots along the banks. What a good decision.

    First strike


    Smerch's first


    Lots and lots of smallies.





    We had several surprise catches





    We caught a lot of fish over the mile of shoreline we covered. The fall feed has begun

  11. As skeeter 99 said, water temps are still high so the walleye need a warm weather presentation in hopes of a few fish.

    Even with 130 views there really isn't much that can be added to that comment.


    As for launches, the fact that you do not need a ramp is not much of an advantage as there is not a lot of public shore access for you to park and launch.

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