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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Thanks for a great idea, Cudz. It generated a lot of interest and amusing comment. I thought it would generate a lot more entries as people rose to the sporting challenge, but maybe it wasn't so easy to forsake good equipment even for a little while (I know for me it wasn't). Or maybe the timing just wasn't right for some reason.


    I wouldn't be surprised if the Dollarama Derby is tried again next summer. I've had second thoughts about chucking out that awful reel; I think I might just store it away in case another opportunity comes up to use it.


    It was fun. I'd certainly be up for another kick of the can.

  2. I'm no expert on the pool. Other locations would be along the upper river between the Chippewa and Ft Erie. Stop in at Fishin Niagara, right on the Niagara parkway in Ft Erie. He can tell you what's up at some of the local shore locations. On spot is across the road from the store.

  3. Well I gave one more kick at the can. I cannibalized the cane pole and still had a 44" pole to work with. So I strapped the reel onto it and headed to my little honey hole for some more jigging. the bass and blue gills really like the D'rama micro jigs. Lost a lot more using the short stick with absolutely no bend or flex. Pulled the hook out a few times.



    My biggie of the evening


    Shortly after, my reel collapsed. The Plastic holding the bail wire snapped off, ending my D'rama adventure for good this time. Certainly a neat challenge.


    So I ended up with 3 bass: 10", 12 1/2" , and another 12" tonight

  4. You want to see a crowd? Try smelt fishing during the spring run on the Magnetawan river, south of Sudbury. It's shoulder to shoulder with almost no room to work your net...and if you don't like it, your only other option is to stay home.

    I can remember a few occasions when every Holsteiner along the 17 was busy doing crowd control during the smelt run. There used to be some right wicked brawls some 25 years back, and the law came down with a heavy hand.

  5. Hate to say it but one day someone is going to push somone in and the cops will be called in again. Didn't we learn anything from the "nipper tipping" nonsense.

    Regardless of any racial overtones, if you push someone in, at the very least, it is battery. More likely you can be charged with assault. If he gets hurt, etc.... the consequences will become very severe indeed.

    Unfortunately, the etiquette of fishing that some of us were raised on, has basically died. It has been replaced by the North American mentality of " anything goes until you get caught". It's not just fishing where you find this selfishness. It happens hunting, golfing, hiking the trails, on the sidewalk, and worst of all, our highways.

  6. Worked the D'rama special hard again. Ths smallies and gills really like them micro jigs they sell. I was having a ball jigging with the big cane pole. Had more than a couple of strange looks from folks passing by. Who cares I was catching a lot of fish.



    The biggest to be landed at 12 1/2"




    Had another go at one of the big smallies, the old jig still stuck in the side of his face. I even though I had him beat but one last run and snap.



    Here's tomorrow's dinner guests.


    A good number more went back before my evening was done. Good thing I always have 2 or 3 rods with me when backpacking.

  7. On another note since moving to Grimsby I've frequented Grimsby Tackle a fair bit.

    I can see why many of you guys like the place, their selection is very good.

    On the downside I'm guessing the dude behind the counter needs to get to know you before opening up.

    He's always uncomfortably silent and not overly friendly when I've been in there.


    I've gotten that cold shoulder feeling far too many times in the 18 years living in Beamsville, and we've spent lots there. Seems you got to be a member of one of the local Grimsby clubs to rate a welcome.

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