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Everything posted by hammercarp

  1. Yes I can. That is the enviroment in which we live. You cannot sepate them . They are all factors making up our enviroment. It's the whole package. As to the second statement. Worse than what. We have had worse air quality and worse climate for more of our past than we have now. We lived through an ice age and had to endure open fires in small cramped quarters in order to keep from freezing to death.
  2. Were are not just being alive. We live longer, healthier and more productive lives than at any time in our history. The reason for this and I'll say it again is that we created an enviroment that is condusive to that. There is no denying this. Could we achieve the heights of physical prowess as demonstrated in the last olympics if we came from an enviroment that is doing what has been eluded to in this post? If someone were in that poison air chamber and given an antidote ( whatever that means). Could they break the world record at the 100 m dash? I don't think so.
  3. These were the statements made by others. the human induced factors through emissions alone of which there is no denying also are a very major contributor to negative health effects on all animals including humans. Medicine, vaccine? health care, doctors, hospitals, all the gazillion dollars that goes into health science & medical research You're taking my arguments as a personal attack on all your statements. I hate to disapoint you but I was also argueing on others statements. They are part of the discussion too.
  4. Ya that was a little thin. But people do need to understand the the arctic is one giant mass of floating ice. How many people bought the myth that if the artic melted we all drown due to the rise in sea level?
  5. No I am not and no I didn't. The argument was made that we created an enviroment that is making us sick and that only by spending massive amounts on healthcare are we over coming this. What I said was we created an enviroment that has resulted in an increased lifespan. That enviroment includes good health care.
  6. I agree try to get their heads down with some chum. If you are going to try free lining bread on the surface attach a float a few feet from the hook to allow you to cast it out. And at Bayfront watch out for the birds.
  7. While I am at it. The north pole is not and cannot be an island. There is no land mass, it is just frozen over ocean.
  8. The real reasons we live longer are: better overall nutrition we have taylored the enviroment to suit us better ( that is in cities anyway ) the reduction in the number and severity of plagues, pandemics and the like. Are you saying that good healthcare in somehow enherently wrong?
  9. You're mixing up physics and chemistry here and no the earths population has not grown exponentially.
  10. I saw a bit on the tube where scientists found that polar bears survived warming periods before.
  11. Seems to me that what you are saying is that the climate can and does change for brief periods due to natural causes. Kinda knocks the wind out of the argument that because the current change is happening in a short period of time that it must be due to "unnatural causes",ie must be due to human activities.
  12. Congradulations! Nice looking fish.
  13. A couple of questions if you don't mind. You have stated that climate change if induced by "natural causes" takes place over long periods. How do you explain the brief warm period that allowed the Vikings to settle and farm the coast of Greenland for the breif period of a hundred years or so? Also the brief mini ice age that occurred a few hundred years ago? These are documented facts as they occured during our period of written history. Secondly if we are suffering negative health effects, how is it that our lifespans have increased over the last hundred years? Don't get me wrong I know the climate is changing. It's that blanket statements like yours do beg for some questions.
  14. M or S is right. It still is a really twisted thing to do. I have read that they taste good though.
  15. Whoa. That's serrasalmus nattereri . The red bellied piranha. I hope you are just fooling around. If you aren't, there is a major league idiot out there. I mean the one that released it into the lake.
  16. May I suggest cutting down the polital stuff down to 3 or 4 months every four years. Over the past year and a half enough gas has been liberated to leave a carbon footprint the size of Texas.
  17. I have done a little reading about this and the only thing I know for sure is that Canada produces about 2% of the total world CO2 emissions. So unless the U.S., Russia, China, and India do something our contribution either way is just a drop in bucket. I also believe that the world has been a lot colder than it is now and warmer as well. Their is also this, that carbon is the basis of all life on this planet and the amount available to life on this planet has steadily been declining. I gets locked up in the earths crust in stuff like limestone, gas and oil and coal. And the real threat to all life on this planet is that fact. All though it will take a long time to do it.
  18. Carp My most memorable capture was a long bump headed male with a big tail. Weighed only about 18 lbs. I hooked the fish very close to shore, about ten feet. He powered out to about twenty five feet and stopped. I fought the fish in and when I put the net in the water he powered back out again. This happened seven times before I managed to net him. No other fish I have caught has done anything like this. The fight lasted at least twenty minutes. One more thing the fight that musky and carp give you are both very dependent on water temperature.
  19. There is a little trick I use to get them to pose like that.
  20. Here's a spunky little one.
  21. Nice mirror Usagi, really great colours. My favourites are the fully scaled mirrors of which I have only caught one. They remind me of someone in bronze armour.
  22. What's so odd about that?
  23. Oh and sorry. Congradulations on your first mirror!
  24. Is that it? Could you tell us a bit more? What were you using? Where were you fishing?
  25. Mono mostly, anywhere from 10 to 25 lb test depending on cicumstances. The zero stretch of braid makes it more likely to tear hooks loose on carp. I thought I would add this. I hope it helps. http://www.carpanglersgroup.com/forum/inde...p;hl=mono+braid
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