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Posts posted by Dutch

  1. I would guess that he would have to live on a reservation to qualify. Hopefully he respects OUR resources enough to not keep everything on the end of his line, just because he might legally be allowed to....


    Cudz - I have no idea about the legalities, so no comment on that.


    One comment on the post above - it isn't a reservation, it is a reserve. Many people take great offense the the term reservation. Í would suggest not using it in the company of status cardholders. If I am incorrect, someone can correct me. I learned the lesson the hard way a few years back.

  2. Do it yourself and if not satisfied get a drop in liner...


    But I keep hearing the best is LINE-X spray in liner......my Tundra came with a plastic liner from the factory and it still looks like new 5 years later........I like it because I can get stuff to slide on it......when you can no longer lift you slide stuff......if I don't want it to slide I just put a old towel under that item.





    Those plastic liners are OK for protecting the box - I had one in my Sierra, but I knew I wasn't keeping it long - leased it for two years. The issue is the vibration and them sliding, if only slightly, but they do. They rub the paint off the box and they also trap moisture. Raw metal + water = rust and lots of it.


    I'm planning on keeping my Ford for a long time, so I paid for the Line-x.

  3. I bought the Duplicolour DIY bed liner kit from CT over the weekend, and I was wondering if anyone has used this before to do a truck bed? From what I've been reading it seems easy enough to apply.


    The Kit I Bought


    Do yourself a favour and take it back and get your truck linex'd.


    Through a lot of research, it is the best option for protection and longevity.


    Diy will not last and will chip and fade over time almost guaranteed.

  4. The situation in my post was indeed fact. I lived at this property for an entire spring, summer, and fall and spent every evening on the dock. Not once did I ever see a dead Walleye except during the tournament, when I saw a dozen or so float by. If this is damaging to tournament fishermen (not rec fishermen), so be it. I can only tell you what I saw with my own two eyes.


    Sorry Dan, wasn't referring to your post, more of the second hand information garfish is throwing around about this specific tourney.

  5. I have no idea :P...where are they?


    The rail bed runs across the lake from hiawatha to Tick Island. It is about 2 k.m. east of the mouth of the Otonabee River (great place to fish btw). Look for the Steeple on the North side - that's approximately where the tracks are. Look for the channel markers, there's some on the North, and South sides as well as a big gap im the middle.

  6. Now that is just plain sad and illeagal! I think someone should get charged for allowing those fish to be wasted. It isn't the fact that some fish died which is bad enough, it is that they were allowed to go to waste. I have never had a problem with tournaments before but I sure do now!


    Hey BC - need more info before jumping to conclusions. Fish may not have been wasted and we don't know for sure if that photo was from the actual release boat - I have no reason to believe that it is not, but just making the point.


    Garfisher - lots of my buddy this, my buddy that. Were you actually at the event to see any of this with your own peepers? Fanning the fire a bit on this one, I think. Also throwing around some figures trying to flame a bit more - 25% mortality in this tourney would be a large number, the fish in those bags don't represent even close to that. MNR investigation - not that I know of. I called MNR offices today to see if anyone knew of it, to get some actual facts nobody heard anything about it.


    Threads like this fuel issues that we as receational fishermen don't want to have to deal with. There are those organizations out there, those that shall not be named, that look for this stuff to further their agenda.


    It is unfortunate that any fish died at all, but it is unavoidable, and off-putting. But, the sensationalising of issues that may not even be factual just goes to damage and sully the reputation of all tournament and recreational anglers in the eyes of the public.

  7. This was a two day tourney with fish requied to be in the slot. Each team could weigh-in 6 fish per day - being a single angler would be a strategic disadvantage in this one. I am assuming the winning team weighed in 12 fish for the two-day tourney.


    Here is the website for those that want more info:




    The tournament was run by a great organizing commitee and everything was done in accordance with MNR regulations. No live bait allowed either. Prize payouts were some of the best in the industry based on the entry fee and I bet the field will be full next year.


    I'm not much of a walleye fisherman, but with the good payouts and all the extra draws, might take a gamble next year.

  8. Hi All.


    Part of each Bassmasters Club mandate each year is to undertake a conservation project. This year, the Peterborough Bassmasters club adopted a 2.4 k.m stretch of County Road 23. County Road 23 runs between Selwyn and north through Buckhorn for those not familiar with the area. It sees a lot of cottage county traffic and there are a lot of boat launches located directly off the road.


    Our adopted stretch is between the 14th line (at upper Chemong Drive) and Mary Nichols Road.


    One thing I noticed is that people are more likely to litter on the way to the cottage. The east side of the road was way more chocked full of garbage than the west. In general, the most "common" item was probably plastic water bottles, followed by Timmy's cups. Actually, we probably could have filled 5 garbage bags full of cigarette buts and discarded smoke packages, but we weren't picking those things ups. Disgusting, dirty habit, smoking is.


    We ended up with about 30 total bags of garbage and recycling. Due to our efforts the road is much cleaner and the wildlife in the area have a much better chance of not encountering plastic and other garbage.


    Signage will be erected at each end of the stretch of road in the near future. One thing I want to pass on due to the experience today - don't throw garbage out your vehicle window, especially on County Road 23.....haha.


    Bassmaster Clubs aren't all about fishing (although we do a lot of that), we also try and give back to our community. Later this summer we will have a large presence at the Fishing for Childhood Cancer event in downtown Peterborough on little lake.


    I encourage anyone that is interested in getting into a fishing club to look at your local Bassmaster Club


    If anyone wants more info on the Peterborough Club, please shoot me a PM.

  9. In the end you are buying an almost 20 year old vessel, regardless of the shape it is in, or the number of hours on it, with a already required $500 fix. Makes you wonder what else may be involved.


    Id suggest $4,500 - $4,800 if you have to pay for the fix


    Don't forget about taxes - an extra cost on top of what you pay.

  10. I like tybo's idea.


    As long as the rebuild is done by a certified mech. with quality parts, you should get a lot more use out of it.


    There's a stigma out there that once a motor blows up, it is toast and if a rebuild is done, the same thing will happen again, a ticking time bomb so to speak. I don't agree with that if done properly with good parts, a rebuild takes a motor back to essentially factory specs.

  11. Congrats on the win! If you don't mind me asking, what size and colour were the bucktail and cranks you were using? :Gonefishing:


    Bucktails were white/some other colour, cranks were perch-like.



    WTG Darrin, thought it might be jammed up at the mouth yesterday. Been hearing PTBO Bassmaster are doing a tourney up my way this year?


    Hey - long time Bill, hope everything is good on your end. Yeah, we are doing a twi-light on Belmont sometime this summer. Haven't fished the lake since we were up at your cottage, but you can bet I will be trying some top water around that bend near the river around the end of the night. Still the best top-water fishing I've ever had.

  12. Yes, on-line shopping can be frustrating, but can be mitigated somewhat.


    When I see something I absolute have to get, I get it shipped to a drop-ship place in Niagara Fall NY and go pick it up myself. I am there every couple of months for family anyway, whole process take less than an hour and only costs about $5 an item. THe only thing is that it is somewhat of a pain to wait to go pick it up when it is something I am really wanting to get my hands on.


    ANother thing that is confusing is the whole duties/customs/taxes thing. I've never had to pay duties/customs fees, but always declare the item and pay my taxes.

  13. Absolutely the best opener I've had in my 20+ years fishing the Kawarthas.


    We launched out of Hiawatha on Rice Lake and were fishing by 6:00 a.m. First stop was the Otonabee, in the river, but near the mouth. One small walleye below the slot and a decent smallie and were were on our way out into the main lake, but still within proximity of the mouth of the river. No secret spot, we were right around the other 30+ boats that were out there.


    Once we got into the lake, and the wind picked up a bit, the action heated up! We caught over 20 walleye in total. No monsters, but very clean healthy fish. Maybe 5 were below the slot, the rest comfortably in it. Nothing above the slot for us today, but that didn't matter with the numbers we were getting. The wind calmed down a bit and the fishing really died down. Most fish were caught before noon. The hot depth seemed to be anywhere between 7 and 10 feet, fish were hitting fairly aggressively. Most fish came bottom bouncing, some rip-jigging and a couple on cranks.


    I was fishing with the President of our Bassmasters Club. We had a mini-tourney with 3 other boats. We claimed bragging rights this year, already looking towards next year.



  14. I have seen them at Wal Mart before. BPS currently has them on sale so it might be worth the drive. The advertisement is on page 31 in this BPS flyer.


    Wow - $260 for one battery is pretty steep. I just bought 2 lead acid 31DC batteries from Peterborough Battery for about the same price. If you are interested in driving to Peterborough, those guys will really help you out.

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