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Posts posted by Dutch

  1. Doesn't matter how far the drive is - it is not safe to do it. Don't they say most accidents happen within 5 k.m of home? Anyway.....


    I wouldn't be putting myself, or family in harm's way.


    I am 95% sure if the launch is anything but 100% clear cement you won't even have enough torque to pull it out. Forget about it even if it is cement if there is the famous "lip" where the concrete ends and drops 3+ inches to the bottom of the body of water. Is it a steep launch - more problems for you. The weight on the hitch will have you require someone to sit on the hood to get traction - I've seen it before.


    Either get a smaller boat, a dock where you can moor it or a proper tow vehicle for the boat.

  2. If you have other apple devices, like an imac or ipad, then it would be nice to integrate the iphone with those.


    I have the GS2 and it is a great device. I don't even really use it as a phone that often. I like it more as a handheld computer, to use the apps.


    Blackberry is in its deathroes avoid at all costs.

  3. I'm just finishing my 2nd year with my 2010 F-150 and so far it's been a fantastic truck. I've got the Supercrew and the space in the back seat is unbelievable, specially with the rear seat folded up and it would be fine for your dogs.


    It's very comfortable, even the seats that Drifter doesn't seem to like :lol:


    Mines got the 5.4 V-8 and it's more than enough power to haul my 3500 pound boat around. Mileage isn't all the great but I knew that going in and if I was concerned about gas mileage, I woulda bought a Honda Civic. :P


    Couldn't have said it better myself, Lew.


    I have the same truck and I really like it.

  4. Hope your dog comes out OK and that you are not too worse for wear.


    Many of ther other posters are saying to go to the police, or humane society and I agree. If there is any doubt in your mind about reporting it, think about what may happen after the next attack. The pet may be killed and the owner may not come out of it unscathed either.


    This is no time to suck it up and be a good neighbour.

  5. Maybe a "Contact a Mod" Icon in the edited post.... :dunno:


    I don't think there needs to be any notification that the post was edited, like a before and after. What I've seen is the post will be edited, like it normally would, but a mod PM's the offender and puts "your post in the following topic was modified due to rule #X" If the poster has any issues with it, they can PM the mod back for explanation. Ususally though it is very apparent from the quoted rule what the infraction was.


    Obviously it is against the rules to start topics quetioning why a post was modified and those posts are deleted without explanation.


    After 3-5 of these, put 'em on modQ.

  6. I tend to agree with the OP on this one.


    If someone breaks the rules and their post is edited or deleted they need to know why, so they don't repeat the bahaviour.


    I belong to another much larger board with the same number of mods/admins and my posts have been edited in the past there. I always receive a PM from the mod that made the change and at least a copy of the rule I broke - guess what, I understood why and I don't repeat the same behaviour. It's like training a dog or dealing with a child - no feedback, no change.


    Mods would have an easier job if they told people why they got edited, that would lead to less people making the mistake in the first place on future posts. If there are repeat offenders - put them on modQ and if that doesn't work, lower the ban hammer.

  7. I'm one to think that borders should not have an impact on warranty service. It makes no sense as to where the warranty was purchased vs. where the warranty work is going to take place IMO. Having said that, it is a well known fact that it is difficult to get warranty work done on a boat that was purchased in the States in Canada. Know what you are buying and get the questions answered BEFORE it becomes and issue. Unfortuantely that did not take place here.


    Second - injectors have ALWAYS been an issue on e-tecs. Almost every BRP motor that goes down is an injector issue, so that is not surprising. It is somewhat troubling that the software has not been updated since 2008 - shows regular scheduled maintenance MAY not have been performed on the engine that could ahve prevented the injector issue.


    Make some calls and raise a stink, may get some help from BRP, but I wouldn't be surprised if you are SOL.


    Where you located? I may be able to give you the name of a mech. that could do a better price in the Peterborough area. No guarantee though.

  8. ya, did some research, my boat is a 16' so the 22" should be fine.. it would give it a higher top speed but the hole shot would suffer, I'll be looking for a 4 blade 20" pitch as well to play around with


    My buddies is 17.5 so you may be Ok with the 22. Athree blade 21 on your boat would probably be great.


    Are you putting a jack plate on it?

  9. gonna wait for the Laser II 22" to come in... and she should be all done and ready to go by around mid Nov, this engine will look so much nicer on her


    Pretty big prop for a 115. Did you research it beforehand? Guy in ny club has one and it is a real dog getting on plane. Even worse with full livewell. 20 or 21 may be something to look at.

  10. I belong to a number of other boards, all of which have separate sections for differing topics.


    There has always been resistance in this forum to having a separate area fr NF posts. I don't know whether it is the nostalgia of days gone by when there was only one area to make posts or what. But, the Board has grown, the members have changed. Many of the long-long term members, going back to the 'old' board don't want to rock the boat and have separate forums for NF posts, to a large extent (IMO) due to respect for the Board creators. The board was created this way for a reason, no one wants to rock the boat and offend the inventor.


    One way to gauge opinion would be to start a poll with 2 choices - separate section or no separate section, simple. If the Board owner(s) are interested or considering having a separate section a poll would be a great thing for them the start. If not, life goes on and we can all skip whatever threads we want on our own.

  11. Why?? There are some excellent prices here at home. Check the classified section. The 2005 Crestliner for $12,500 without trolling motor......with trolling motor $13,000. You can't get that boat in the states for that price. Plus, you have to pay your 13% tax at the boarder....due the math. Good Luck.


    Good call on Bill M. Fish On - you've been importing boats for years now and making a profit. More power to you, but don't be suggesting others on here shouldn't be doing it.

  12. They usually just release their fish on the lake if they don't have enough to win it (I believe)


    Just would have been good to have an appearance at the weigh-in. Dave is sponsored by BPS isn't he? Two high profile guys would have really been good for the fans. Like I said, there were people there just to see them.


    One team weighed-in 1.2 pounds, they didn't have any trouble showing up.

  13. I took in the weigh-in live.


    Let me tell you, what a great experience. Seemed every team that weighed in, even those with only 1 or two fish, had at least a nickle in their bag.


    28.5 won it, 28.2 was second, less than the 31.55 that won it last year, but from listening it sounded like the fishing conditions were totally different and it was tough out there today.


    7.05 was the big fish.


    Dave Mercer was fishing with JP DeRose according to the score board. Unfortunately, they didn't weigh-in. Not sure what the story is, if they fished at all. Would like to hear though if anyone knows. I know there were a number of people there that would have liked to see them, even if only a fish or two. Maybe they got skunked.

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