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Posts posted by Dutch

  1. A couple of things I dont understand about this. Whether Whetung is allowed to plant intentionally and and if selling the rice commercially are within his treaty rights.


    I read an article recently in the local paper that said he was going to be reintroducing wild rice to Rice lake.


    Why would he choose Rice Lake - probably due to the huge fishing tourism that people will be up in arms about losing that business. If he was truly in this to be in the wild rice business, why wouldnt he plant Buckhorn or Chemong for obvious reasons. He wants Rice Lake due to the impact it would have on the fishing tourism and will get more attention from the government.


    Just like anything dealing with Native Canadians this will take many years to resolve. By that time South Pigeon will be choked from the dog leg at the river all the way to the passage leading to Gannons narrows. Who knows about Rice Lake.


    Hes looking for a payout IMO, otherwise why would he be thinking about planting Rice Lake?

  2. Probably wont get a chance to ride in one, seems like one would take a pounding in the chop and get seriously wet.


    Bass boats are glass for a reason.


    Unless price is lower than a comparable glass boat, which I highly doubt with Lund, not much to see here.

  3. The perrelli scorpions they put on the F150s were an embarrassment.


    Mine were cracked to rat poop after 4 years and less than 35,000 k.m.


    Having said that I put on Wrangler Duratracs. Not the cheapest out there but great reviews and locally supported by Currie Tire which is a great business.

  4. The perrelli scorpions they put on the F150s were an embarrassment.


    Mine were cracked to rat poop after 4 years and less than 35,000 k.m.


    Having said that I put on Wrangler Duratracs. Not the cheapest out there but great reviews and locally supported by Currie Tire which is a great business.

  5. First of all I have long been a proponent of a standard cost for fishing licences - no breaks for conservation licences OR seniors. Sorry to those more "experienced" than I. This is coming from a guy who voluntarly used to buy a sport licence when a conservation would have done even through Uni when some years I didnt even fish.


    I support that if all the funds stay within the MNR for fishing related costs and ENFORCEMENT of laws and regulations. Many years ago the MNR got away from enforcement and into management. How many threads on this board are people bellyaching about the LACK of enforcement of the regs?


    This fee is a step in the right direction.


    What do you "get" for it - you get to fish some of the best freshwater in the World.


    I dont want Ontario to wind up like the UK where you have to pay thousands a year to private clubs to fish carp.


    What if someone said the two bucks was going directly to fight Asian Carp or to hire a few new COs to enforce the regs? Thesefunds will be staying in the MNR coffers and that is a huge step forward.


    Fishing in Ontario to me is worth a heck of a lot more than what I pay for my card ans sport license even with a couple more dollars tacked on.

  6. If this is any indication of Shimano going downhill, Bob Izumi no longer uses Shimano. He moved to Abu Garcia. 'Nuff said.

    You are kidding right.....lol. Bob just went to the manufacturer that wrote the biggest cheque.


    I feel like he's a liar now for talking up shimano for so many years. He couldn't have liked the product that much if he left for the dollars.


    About the reel policy - too bad but it doesn't change my opinion about the gear. Top notch. Not many people use the samegear for more than 3-5 years anyway.

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