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Posts posted by 4x4bassin

  1. I grew up on the shores of Georgian Bay and have spent many days wet , cold and with a sore ass from the kicking

    I got from various family members for being stupid and playing, walking and fishing on that pack ice over the years .

    I can tell you from experience that it is very dangerous and not advisable and yes , I have learned my lesson :angel:

  2. Was just talking to a couple of my "weather buddies" and there telling me that it is going to get colder/cooler

    again next week after a couple days of warmer weather . As well as being cooler then normal for the rest of

    the month into April . Lots of ice to melt so by this info. I would be saying it will be just like last year or maybe

    even a bit later for open water !

  3. Had that injury a couple years ago and yes it was a PITA to heal . Could barely lift a coffee like you said .

    Took at least 4 months to heal properly (didn't rest it do to work and fishing :whistling:) Anyways I found ice

    helped it as well as one of those arm band things that they sell at the drug store designed for tennis elbow !

    It wraps around the forearm just below the elbow providing support to the injured area .

    Go get one , they work . Some are better then others so its trial and error .

    Good luck

  4. Shingles are a very touchy subject with me . 5 year old house and the shingles on the whole house have to be replaced . They were actually flying off the roof the first year I

    bought it . I'm not going to start throwing the company name out there but I can tell you that I am involved in a class action lawsuit against them and its a big one , company

    knowingly sold faulty shingles :wallbash: and of course I have a roof full . Anyways I am watching this thread for some ideas because lawsuit or not the shingles need replacing in


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