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Posts posted by 4x4bassin

  1. Interesting video , I think there is more to this video then what your seeing . A lot of different factors could come into play

    here but who knows. Now there is no doubt proper catch and release habits are good for the fish and gives it a better chance

    of survival but I know from first hand knowledge that trout are a little more resilient then what you may think . A group of us

    have caught the same lake trout 5 years in a row and at least a couple times that fish has accidently been dropped and mishandled

    in the bottom of the boat and it still keeps coming back to fight another day . Now I am in no way condoning bad fish handling habits

    but some times a jacked up lake trout finds the bottom of the boat , it happens . But what I am saying is give the fish a chance , you just

    never know .

  2. I just went through the same thing on my 7 year old house/roof . Whenever we got a good west wind ( which is weekly up here in north Dufferin county)

    I would loose shingles . I called a roofer in the beginning to fix them but that got a bit pricey so I decided to try , ya that didn't work out so well when I

    almost fell off the roof . That was the last straw so I called my insurance company and told them I had wind damage . They sent out an adjuster to look at it

    and next thing I know I have a roofing company calling saying they where given the go ahead to put down a new roof (shingles) . New roof put down last September

    and I couldn't be happier . Give your insurance company a call and see what they say . By the sounds of it you need a new roof and you will be fixing shingles every

    wind storm we get until its done . Not sure if you priced out new roofs yet but they are pretty pricey . The bill to the insurance company for mine was almost $20,000 !!!

  3. Can't really offer any help on specific routes to take but I can tell you , like others is keep an eye out on the weather for Tuesday .

    There is a messy storm forming for that time period and as of right now it is scheduled to hit southern Ontario on Tuesday afternoon .

    Not sure how far you can get in a day but the center of low is suppose to be in upper New York state on Tuesday night with trailing

    mixed precip. going down the east coast of the U.S right into Wednesday . Things can obviously change but it is something you should

    definitely keep an eye on . If things change for better or worse I will try to post again in the next day if you want, good luck and have a

    great vacation !

  4. I know this really has nothing to do with fishing but I couldn't resist sharing this with my fellow OFC members

    There looks to be a good show on tomorrow night (Thursday) on cbc at 8:00 pm called Wolverine : Ghost of the Northern

    Forest (Nature of Things) I seen a preview on it this evening and it looked pretty good and definitely worth an hour of my

    time . Thought a few of you might enjoy something like this and I know from past posts some members have actually had

    encounters with these elusive animals . Enjoy :canadian:

  5. I don't need double digit minuses for family day weekend...we have a 400 miles sledding trip planned for then and the last 2 years it was 30 below...I would like something around 5 to 9 below this year

    Sorry Dara , it's looking like a frigid ride for you guys . :w00t:

  6. Things are looking the same for this week and upcoming family day weekend when it comes to winter weather .

    Coldest air of the season is set to move into Ontario at the end of the week with the coldest day to be Saturday.

    Along with this cold plunge of arctic air there will be more then likely some moderate accumulation of snow in

    the Georgian Bay/Huron snow belts . Reports of -25 C to -30C are being forecasted for Saturday in central Ontario .

    This will I'm sure help with the ice on the lakes but might be a little to late . Be safe out there everyone .

  7. Um... Unfortunately your friend is wrong. If you are convicted of the speed your were travelling or 16kmph or higher above the speed limit then yes you would receive points. If you plead to 15kmpj over or under that speed then you receive no points. That being said, insurance companies look at convictions not points

    Exactly this , he should know :angel: As well as what I mentioned earlier , insurance companies look at convictions (minor and major) not points .That 4 pointer is a major infraction that you don't want .


    I used to question fighting tickets and never did it when I was younger, now they can affect my job so when I was hit with a ticket similar to the one you are talking about I decided to fight it.

    Man am I ever glad I did.


    Showed up to court, the crown calls my name and brings me into an office, reviews what I am there for, I agree, he says he would reduce it to "failing to obey a sign" 2 points, I said I was hoping for no points as it affects my job, he said to take what I am offered and to remember this; when your insurance company asks you if you have any speeding tickets you can still say no because you now have a ticket for failing to obey a sign.......nice guy

    Into court I go, judge reads our agreement and asks me if I am good with it, I agree, pay the fine and I am done.

    I could have went in there and said yes 3 times and left, I was all prepared with my long winded explanation to fight it...no need.

    In and out in 20 minutes, WELL worth my time.

    Fight it, they don't put up much of a fight.

    Another exactly , this is what you have to do and it is so easy . You take the time to show up there the crown will always drop the ticket down to a lesser charge and yes that includes points . Now there are certain times when this won't happen and that is if you a complete idiot at roadside with the officer (cops make notes at roadside and the crown will have these notes) and i'm sure this does not pertain to you . That's why you should be very accommodating with the officer at roadside even though you want to tell him off , bite your tongue , explain yourself and take ticket to court if you get one !

  8. I understand what some are saying in paying the ticket and moving on but I will advise you not to do that , especially with a 4 point ticket .

    Not sure if you are aware of how infractions work but a 4 point ticket is considered a major infraction with your insurance company and you

    don't want that . Any infraction under that is considered a minor infraction and that is what you want to get the ticket reduced to . Remember

    the point system is a ministry of transportation thing and really has nothing to do with your insurance company so any major infraction like

    yours and your premium will almost always go up . Also when the police say to you no points with your ticket , that's fine but it is still a minor

    infraction with your insurance company and that is what really counts and as long as you don't have a string of infractions on your record you should be ok . So your

    best bet is to fight it yourself by calling for a first appearance and talking to the crown on your appearance date . Been several times and have

    always had my infraction reduced. Good luck !

  9. I am starting to think about my open water adventures all ready for 2016 as well , lots planned as usual !

    I have a week planned in May for our annual boys week chasing lake trout in some back lakes of

    central Ontario . End of June another trip planned into some back lakes for the bass opener . August and September

    I hopefully can get a couple more trips into the same area as my May trip chasing wild lakers and smallmouth .As well

    as spending lots of time at the trailer in the Parry Sound area fishing , bbqing and just relaxing . Bring it on !!!

  10. From what I'm seeing and hearing winter is not quite over yet so hold out some hope everyone .

    Starting next week the forecasts are showing a plunge of cold arctic air coming into the Ontario

    region with possible double digit minus temps. as highs later in the week and going into the

    family day long weekend . Along with these cold temps. the Georgian Bay snow belts will

    receive some significant lake effect snow . Lets see and hope for all you outfitters out there !

  11. Not sure if anyone here is going out on Simcoe over the next couple days (I'm sure there is) but be

    aware of some high winds coming our way. With lots of open water , the ice that is there

    could break away and leave you stranded and in the drink . Not a good situation I'm sure !

  12. I know this is a little forward thinking ( can't wait actually ) but last summer I stumbled on to a great lake trout

    pattern on one of the lakes I fish and need a heavy stand up jig to fish it properly . I have looked around but can't

    seem to find any that are heavy enough ( 3/4 - 1 oz ) So I am in search of these jigs for this upcoming open water

    season and was wondering if anyone here has seen them ? Thanks

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