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Posts posted by 4x4bassin

  1. Had this issue a couple years ago in the Parry Sound area . Headed into a back lake and met up with some moose hunters that didn't like us being there

    and they let us know . I didn't like there aggressive style and the way the situation was handled but what you going to do , start a fight in the middle of

    no where with some red neck hunters . I think not !!! Mind you we didn't drive all the way up there not to go fishing so we continued on and fished anyways

    despite the small argument on the trail . When ever I go up into the backwoods now I avoid the moose hunt week whenever possible as well when I do venture

    into the woods in the fall a blaze orange hat/toque is always on my head !

  2. Sounds like a good deal on those blizzaks , like others have said great tire but very soft . I live in the snow belt of central Ontario

    and we get some crazy snowfalls coming off of G Bay and my X-Ice tires have always performed great . Canadian tire always have

    deals on snow tires this time of year as well .

  3. I work for an airline based at Pearson and we work around the clock , 365 days of the year with all different shifts

    available to me . Right now I work 4 days on from 14:30 to 01:10 then 4 days off steady . Great shift but by that

    fourth day I'm starting to get a bit tired . The rotation of the days off are great , nothing better then heading up to

    the lake mid week for a couple days of fishing .

    Just to add to the above comment . I do not get days in lieu for working holidays either or do I get overtime .

    I work Christmas and it's just like any other day , been doing that for 25 years now . It's all about the contract

    you or the people before you vote on I guess .

  4. It was that time of year when we head up to our favorite backwoods lake for some hot smallmouth and lake trout action . We usually go on the closing weekend for trout

    but my fishing partner had to work so we went the weekend before which was fine but a couple of the other guys had to cancel , no big deal more fish for us .

    This time of year we do a lot of jigging for lake trout but due to the cooler water temps. (59 F) we decided to do a little trolling as well and we did fairly well trolling weighted

    williams spoons but the majority of the trout came jigging . The smallmouth bass were elusive this weekend and not in there usual haunts , probably due to the late summer storm

    that hit us hard pretty well all weekend with "start building the ark" rain and a windy cold front !


    This would be the last we would see of the sun for several days as it started to set



    With the approaching bad weather we decided to gather as much dry wood as possible , which would be a little difficult with all the rain we had received this September

    but we went for a boat ride and gathered a whole wack of "match stick" dry drift wood along a windward shoreline . This stuff burns through anything !!!!



    Here are a couple landscape pictures of the lake we were fishing





    This is one of our hot spots for jigging lake trout , it is a small island with a little 10-15 ft shelf coming off it with a straight drop too 80 ft . It only produces in the early fall for

    some reason and when the trout are there they are in there thick right on top of the shelf .




    We were lucky that it only rained during the day and stopped just long enough at dusk for us to cook up a nice meal every night and have a couple drinks and laughs around

    the fire






    The trout were pretty active but not like in the past and the smallies were literally extinct , the bad weather definitely put these guys in a negative mood . Didn't get to many

    fish pictures due to the heavy rain during the day but we got a couple pictures in . The lake trout in this lake are all natural and mostly planktivorous so they don't grow big

    like Lake Simcoe greasers . These fish are orange finned beauties




    This fish that my friend caught has a story to it that you won't believe , details to come in another report



    My bait of choice was a 3/4 ounce darter (homemade paint job) and a 5" lunker city fin-s fluke in blue/silver/grey . A trailer hook was a must this weekend with the trout hitting

    short every time . I lost more fish then I caught even with a trailer hook .




    Another year of wheeling into the backwoods is over and i'm already looking forward to my spring trip , its going to be a long winter . I would also like to thank Mike Borger

    for the information on the tailing glove . I picked one up before this trip and it handled these little rockets great .


    Hope you enjoyed , Cheers







  5. I have an older merc. 8.0 hp (97 I believe) and that thing has literally been to hell and back with no problems . It has even been at the bottom of a lake twice ( don't ask )

    I had a problem a couple years ago with it starting but it was the line/pick up that was the problem I think . The 8.0 is good but my next backwoods outboard will be a 9.9

  6. Outstanding report Bunk , I really enjoyed that . That looks like some big nasty water in some of those pictures , reminds me of Georgian Bay .

    I'm going to try trolling jigs next spring on my laker trips , looks like that could work well on my lakes . How deep were those jigs trolling at on

    average ? I would guess they were straight down from the boat as well .

  7. I have tried all the washes and sprays and none really stand out as being better than the other . Just make sure that the suit is washed

    first then apply the water proofing . I use the spray rather than the wash in , seems to work a bit better and you can spray a little more

    in places that need it ( hood , shoulders and rear end area ) Right now I'm using Revivex and it seems to work pretty good .

    One thing is that you will never get back the original DWR no matter how hard you try , I have been trying and have been unsuccessful .

    I was on a recent camping trip and it rained for 3 out of 4 days , I was thankful I had a gore tex suit but after the first day the suit wetted out

    and the water beading stopped . It still kept me dry though . I think no matter what you do , after a day or two of living in steady rain your suit will

    get saturated anyways . Good luck !

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