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Mr. Follow

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About Mr. Follow

  • Birthday 10/06/1972

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    Georgian Bay

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  1. Fight the fish it'll probably break the line anyways. Muskie are tougher then most people give them credit for. it also depends on where you are time of year and water temp. But I say fight the fish.
  2. Musky's landing is a great place to stay I have friends that stay there regularly and have had many clients stay there. great place and a great choice.
  3. Welcome aboard
  4. 65 lb test is fine as is 50 the reasoning behind using 80 to 100 lb line isn't for the fish but the lures. When casting them if you get a backlash or as we call them a professional over run. the 65 lb will still break and at 25 bucks a pop on average thats an expensive breakage when you could save it by using atleast 80 lb. As for using 65 lb on Gbay feel free if you don't get backlashes you won't have any issues.
  5. Awesome report sounded like it was a blast.
  6. Rizzo Ive had this happen to me but never 3 times always got it on the 2nd time around. Get the file out and Make sure those hooks are sticky sharp. when setting the hook try and break your rod. a Musky's mouth is tough. But most important keep those hooks SHARP SHARP SHARP.
  7. Nice pics good job. Congrats on the PB pike.
  8. Hey there I bought a new alumacraft this year there are only 3 dealers in Ontario that deal them Bay City in hamilton. One is wasaga and the one on sturgeon. I called all three Bay city gave me the best Price. The one in Sturgeon didn't want to sell me a new boat and tried to pawn off a used one that was no where near what I wanted. and Wasaga was way over priced I got my entire package for 6000 less at Bay city the what wasaga offered and the boat from wasaga had no electronics obn it. Blows my mind how some people do business. IF you go to www.alumacraft.com they have a Dealer locator on there ansd maybe there is one close to u in Quebec. I purchased a Navigator 175 awesome boat with a great ride.
  9. For every fisherman on the boat with a sport fishing licence you are allow to keep one and be in possission of one. This causes alot of confusion if you caught a muskie and had it in the net or live well that was over 44" you would not be allowed to fish for another one until it was released. if you had it and caught another one you would be in violation of the MNR regs. and could be fined or have your boat seized. A better way of looking at this is simple you go out and fish today you catch a 44 inch Musky that you decided to keep. you go home put it in yoru freezer. Tomorrow you go out catch another one. YOu can't keep it because you are in possession of one back home in your freezer.
  10. Hey Pinch they would not be allowed to hold any Fish under 44" for a judge boat if they got a Sport licence. AS any fish under that size is consider illegal and must be released. Good on the MNR. If the PMTT wishes to exsist stay in the states and don't destory our fishery. I wonder how many fish have died during there tournaments???????
  11. Great report.
  12. Great report and sweet pics sounds like an great time out there.
  13. My Dad has maybe fished 2 or 3 times in the last 20 years all with me and he kicks my ass all the time. And I'm the guide...hmmmm Guess I really am a good guide then. Nice pics beautiful fish. Remember these times because life is way to short I know I treasure mine with my dad on the water.
  14. Nice Fish what a cow or is that Muskie bait??????hmmmmmmmmm
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