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Everything posted by TechnaGirl

  1. windchills of -47 here tonight!!
  2. too bad I had classes all that day.. but the fish fry sure was delicious that night!!! I like to stay inside the hut, I'm a bit of a wimp that way I got out with Trapshooter and IceWalker yesterday but sadly didn't catch a thing. I'm starting to wonder if this thing you call ice fishing is a hoax.
  3. I can't say that I actually have my own pet, although we would love to have a dog soon... just too transient still Heres "my" dog that I had to leave at home with my parents when I moved away.. Jake, a 10 year old Malamute cross.. he showed up on our doorstep one day and never left! and my Fiancee's parents have a Bulldog (Dalai) and a Weiner Dog (Bentley) that we spend a lot of time with. They are the funniest little pair! I've enjoyed seeing everyones pics! Man's best friend for sure.
  4. www.churchsigngenerator.com
  5. graftongal- depends on what level of winter camping you want to do. You can be totally self-sufficient with a quinzhee, which is basically a snow cave made by you.. lots of sweat but its worth it- at night with one candle going, the temps can get well above 1C. Also fun to just build on a day outing.
  6. Funny you hsould mention it... driving home today, I saw this sign...
  7. good times, good times! Now you have 3 weeks to scout out the next honey hole before we'll see you again... Cheers!
  8. Made it out today with IceWalker28 and trapshooter... 1st time icefishing for me ever! We had a blast, it took me a while but I finally learned that each person gets their own hole to fish through! Who would have thought!? I had a nibble, Ben lost his lure (Pike bit it off), but we didn't catch anything..... maybe next time! Here's me gettin a line in the water... And Ben (trapshooter)... nice new floater suit!!! wow wow wee wow!
  9. Born in Calgary, AB. grew up in Thunder Bay, ON Now living part time between North Bay, ON and Delaware, ON (a tiny town near London) Have also lived in Banff AB, Taipei Taiwan, and in the Bush North of Dryden!!!
  10. can we all fish out of the same hole?
  11. maybe you measured it wrong!
  12. 2006 was a great year on Lac Seul, but I know 2007 will be even better!!! Trapshooter, you better put me on some lunkers!
  13. not my biggest Wally, but a nice one nonetheless.
  14. Looking forward to gettin out with you boys tomorrow! Hopefully I'll have better luck than Ben did today!
  15. SlowPoke- What happened to the 4th pic of your Cherokee in front of the school?! That was an amazing pic, wanted to show it to my folks in Tbay... and YES, that is what we would call a "light dusting", although we havent had a dump like that in years!
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