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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. Hey, I checked the REG's... appears only YELLOW PERCH, CRAPPIE, SUNFISH, TROUT, SALMON, WHITEFISH and CATFISH are open. I've never caught a WHITEFISH before, so I'm interested in what tackle I'll need to hook into one. I'm pretty sure there aren't any TROUT/SALMON in Rice Lake - then again, I don't know... I've only had a handful of chances to fish there. Any suggestions on what tackle I should bring when I head to Rice Lake on Friday Evening? I'm already bringing tackle necessary to catch PERCH, SUNFISH and CRAPPIE... But, what would I need to catch WHITEFISH? What about live bait? or even the Gulp!Alive stuff? Anything anyone can suggest for that? Thanks! RoB
  2. oh yeah?! I was there today....they were/are going for $199?? maybe I can go tomorrow...
  3. I can't seem to find it on the BPS website! :dunno:
  4. Check out LLBEAN.COM - they apparently have the BEST GUARANTEE out there; LIFETIME - No questions asked! I'm actually going to order a pair tonite!
  5. LoL! Hardly.... Was talking about "FishinFanatic69"... or whatever new alias he's using now. I've fished with him before... plus, he told me he lives in Hamilton.
  6. nice turnout for sure! I'm surprised 1 of the guys off the board didn't end up going - its right in his neighborhood!
  7. Have you seen these in stores anywhere? or did you just find it online somewhere?
  8. ...I guess it depends on where your line is being thrown... if towards the actual LAKE of LAKE ONTARIO... then Z20... but if your on "land" but fishing a body of water connected to L. Ontario... then I think Z16? Now you have me double-thinking this....
  9. I think the truck expects you to stick around and "cuddle" after a long "ride"
  10. I just got back from Niagara, the waters look excellent - nice and clear. Wasn't there to fish tho Maybe another time I might actually go fishing in Niagara...
  11. How long do the fish run during spring? I'm still looking into catching my 1st Steelhead!
  12. I WAS excited to go - until my father-in-law invited me to go fishing @ Rice Lake.... so, I won't be going anymore for trout opener! It would've been my 1st time too!! EDIT: I guess 'bonding' with the future father-in-law isn't a BAD thing...hahaha
  13. Thanks Bill.... I actually took the time last night to look up some information and at the regs. Heading out in about 1hr.
  14. You guys are right - My apologies...
  15. Dude, if you do - you gotta post that too! I wanna see the final product! It looks amazing!
  16. Ok, so looks like my last post was made all for nothing in regards to Dunville Fishing (but no worries, I still plan to head there sometime...) Looks like we're heading to ORANGEVILLE to do some fishing - Just a few questions... 1) Is this lake/pond found HERE open for fishing? If so, what can we expect to catch out of there? Is this the "Conservation" park I've heard people talk about? 2) There is another lake/pond found HERE . What can we expect to catch out of there? Are there places accessible from shore to fish? I just wanna know the DO's and DO NOT's of this zone. I'm too tired to look it up (been out shopping all day with the wife! and we ALL KNOW how tiring that can be sometimes!) I'm so tired - if anyone can add to this - I would really appreciate it.... thanks PS: Any information I can gather today would be greatly appreciated, we're heading out tomorrow morning.
  17. Dude!!! That's F_kking cool!! Good Work! Your pops will be happy!
  18. Thanks everyone who has replied! Excited to head-out tomorrow - will definitely make a post of it! *hope I dont forget the camera!*
  19. Apparently that was their OLD location?
  20. Hey OFC'ers, My fiancee, her friend and GF plus myself are planning on going to the Grand River and probably do some fishing for CATS. I've been to the area before and I am somewhat familiar with the area....I just had a few questions... 1) Where is a good place to fish from shore? I'm mostly familiar with THIS AREA and I know of fishing spots from shore on both sides of the bridge.... The Parking Lot on the "North" side of the bridge... and on the "South" side... the 'Boat Launch' area (which you have to pay if you want to go further in to fish from shore). 2) I assume 'Fishmasters' carries bait; But I'm specifically looking for bait for CATS... I don't know what baits are good to use? I've never targeted them before - I've heard CUT BAIT or SHINERS are good to use. Does "FISHMASTERS" carry these? or any kind of CATFISH bait? 3) I am planning on using my PIKE/MUSKY rigs... Those should be good enough to use, right? and finally... 4) Futher up north, near Cambridge is another possibility of where they'd like to fish (moreso due to distance). Is there anything we can catch up there? Are there any Steelheads or Suckers there? Guys/Girls, I'm really sorry for the questions and that they're "All Over The Place". If anyone could provide information (either my replying to the post, or PM'ing me) I would really appreciate this. I just want to put these "non-regular fisher-people" onto some fish - and prove to them that fishing CAN BE FUN! Thanks Folks, Rob PM ME if you'd like too
  21. Thanks man.... EDIT: By the way... what should I expect "price range" wise @ Tightlines?
  22. Hey, Just thinking.... They have other fishing rods & reels for sale as "Combos".... Baitcast, Spinning, Spincast, Kids Combos... Even Fly combos.... But, is there ever such a thing as a FLOAT ROD/REEL COMBO? If they exist, where have you seen them before? It'd be nice if they had 'em - but I guess because its very 'low' in popularity... is why no major company has 'em? or does it? It'd certainly be good for beginners? don't you agree? Just a thought for you guys/gals to wonder? Cause I'd REALLY like to know if anyone's ever seen such a combo exist? RoB
  23. I once filled out one of those "Win a Cruise" forms at previous events... since then, I've learned my lesson and never bothered to ever fill them in again. Basically what happend - they told me all they need is my 'Credit Card Number' - at 1st, it never occurred to me...but at the time, they told me that they need it for whatever reason (can't remember what reason they gave). So - the sucker I am - I gave my number - As I was talking with one of their reps on the phone - I later found out, they would charge a 'small' amount to my card ONLY when I decide to take the trip (7yr time frame to take my trip/cruise). So of course, I didn't worry......2-3 days later, I find a ABSURD AMOUNT charged to my VISA! what the heck?! I FREEEEAKED!! I called them back, basically gave them a piece of my mind!! OMG! You wouldn't want to be the REP that took my call that day....it later clicked in.. "If I "Won" this trip? why would they ask for a credit card number".... wow, I was young and naive!! Anyway, since then - I don't even bother. Actually..... The only time they might catch my attention - is when one of their gorgeous girls approach me
  24. I used to live 5min away from Erindale Park in Mississauga for 25+yrs... I've always tried fishing there during the run... but never caught a steelhead. I was using 'Bass Tackle' at the time but still using the appropriate terminal tackle setup to catch them. Anyway, now I've got the right 'gear' (Float rod and all) - I'm still trying to catch the illusive "Steelhead" Just stay positive and things will eventually come your way! (at least that's the attitude I'm taking) Good luck, and don't forget to report once you hook into a Chromer! I'm still looking forward to catching my 1st Chromer Report!
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