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Posts posted by camillj

  1. As a guy who studied science (Marine Biology) at a time when all of this stuff was being 'formulated' back in the 70's ... when David Suzuki was still somewhat of a 'prophet' .... and Jacques Cousteau was a household name .... I can honestly say I was ALWAYS very sceptical about the science behind the hype about man-made global warming... on the other hand .. while the assumption about warming may be wrong .. I think we (the scientific community) have no problem at all agreeing that our (human) activities are doing bad things to our planet .... losing forests, losing reefs, losing clean water, losing clean air ... so while I have to agree that climate change is probably affected much more by traumatic 'events' historically at least ... we are at a point (over the last century) where we are running out of places to make a mess on our planet and we better find a way to stop it ...


    I happen to be a little further to the right than most 'eco-politicians' but we must be careful not to confuse the politics and the facts ...

  2. Wow ... I headed down to one of my favourite tribs this morning about an hour before light .. and was surprised to see already about 6 people fishing 'my' drift .... by 7:30 I was ready to leave and there were over 50 people within 100 yards of me and a grand total of two fish landed (none by me) ... couldnt take it any more so I moved to another trib ... which was chocolate milk and pretty much a wash out for today ... anyhow I gues thats it for the quiet fishing until after opener's .... its amazing what a little warm weather will do :)

  3. Not sure if you still can .. but I used to go downtown toronto ... MNR office at Bay and Wellesley ... look up the area you want on a microfiche (remember them????) and get the map you want right there and then ... for about $5 or $10 they had 50,000 1 of the whole province ... a little dated but the topography probably hasnt changed much :) anyhow might try giving them a call to see if thats still doable .... I got most of my favourite lakes that way.


    Now of course I just use the cd's that came with Mapcreate and make my own :)

  4. Dan ... I know you didnt ask .. but I gotta tell ..... the Lowrance (H20c) when combined with the mapcreate 6 cd topo maps of all of Canada (and the 2 gig SD card) is by far the best unit I could have bought ... the topo maps are perfect and unbelievably accurate ... even the smallest trickle of a farmers drainage ditch shows up and the portability, waterproof .... blah blah .... take a realllly hard look at this before going to the other two ....wouldnt trade it for anything..... ok maybe for your boat and a few 5 lb specks :)

  5. Well I'm married to a Finn and can tell you the most important thing is to roll the the "R" so the proper pronounciation is: RRRap-ah-lah.



    Ok .. thank .. now I have this visual .. which I so needed .. of a finnish girl asking me to rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrollll up the rrrrrrrrrrrrrrim to win ... and just before heading off to bed .... thanks for that :)

  6. Only 40 Roy ?


    Jeeze I was fish'n em back when Pickeral was the best eatin fish around and there was no such thing as a Walleye (least not in my Canada)



    Yep they have always been ra - PAL - a to me and always will be ... at least until my arse-ol gets all hoity-toity an such .. at which point please just shoot me and tell me to take up lawnbowling




  7. Sorry about the digi bud .... guess it woulda been better if I had come after all :) ... were ya at the same place as yesterday ?


    Sounds like things are getting ready to go .. this warm weather we are having will open things up nicely .. too bad I haffta be downtown tomorrow morning ... maybe I'll sneak out afterwards

  8. Hi My name is Jon and I am a fishaholic :)




    Some sound advice though ... why ruin a passion by making it into a job ....



    Do what you have to do for financial security ... and MAKE time for your passion .... you can do it .... I have done it all my life ...



    I really dont think that you have to be 'in the business' to make the time to enjoy it .... in fact I think its a lot easier to do when you are NOT in the business.




    And the best part of it all is that you can do it with whom and when and where YOU chose ... keep it that way and it will always be your passion... and even if you dont always get to do it right when you want .. its the 'want' that makes it so special ....


    And as someone said already .. its the shared 'want' that makes us OFC'rs a family :)

  9. Word of advice ... get your self a really good bright yellow rain suit .... it will probably be cool enough to wear in the summer heat .. and will double as a bug deterrent ... alot better than slathering up with muskol ... the guys think Im nuts when I wear mine on a sunny day but then I can last ALL day in the blackflies and mosquitos when they are going insane .. and when the sudden squall blows in I am already prepared for it :)

  10. Great day out there today Scott .. we saw some nice water .. not a lot of fish ... but as always a great time out on the tribs... and 2 for 2 sure beats 0 for 0 :)


    I'll have to catch the next one so you can use the camera (and the net) :)

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