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Everything posted by Angler16

  1. LEAFS PICK UP: ORR KOMISERAK STUART EXELBY SORRY FOR MISTAKES MORE TO COME! Geeze burke really did add some toughness..
  2. Agreed! hhaha
  3. he wouldnt make a difference in my opinion
  4. Is nash not a FA?
  5. Your ideas ? How active will the leafs be who do you think they will sign?
  8. How busy do you think the shore lines will be?
  9. dear oh dear...
  10. Was that sarcasm ? hahaha
  11. Leafs could always trade their pick for a player already in the nhl a leader someone like a vincent lecaviler ..
  12. So as some of you might know i was looking for a good place to shore fish with my dad. I found one on Simcoe called Jacksons point. Dont know if anyone's heard of it or fished it but if so hows the fishing and how busy is it usually? Heres a link to it : http://www.fishinglakesimcoe.ca/Hotspots/S...on-s-Point.html
  13. agreed!
  14. Thanks all especially JohnF, maybe ill take you up on your offer sometime that would be something!
  15. agreed (Y)
  16. Predictions? Who will the leafs draft first, and who will follow What free agents will the leafs sign Who will give tosky a run for his job Gustavson or Gerber Will the leafs make the play offs YOUR thoughts
  17. Yeah i only like the chorus really their old stuff like this could be anywhere in the world is fantastic
  18. LMAO its been a long day hahaha links above now
  19. Came across this video from this band i like Alexisonfire. Most people on the board probably dont like them or havnt heard of them. Most wont like them, if you dont just turn the video down. This music video was taken on made of the mist in niagra falls while the band was playing. The but was in movement. Just thought it was cool and thought id share :] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9QMpaPFkyM LA
  20. Welcome!Great group of people here youll enjoy it ~LA
  21. Nice fish, and NICE HAT AND JERSEY , here comes a super bowl win for them
  22. Hey all just wondering if anyone had any ideas on where to go shore no more than 2 hours from Brampton. Me and my dad are looking to get out any help or suggestions appreciated :] Thnx L.A
  23. I would have loved to hear ovies speech "I vant to thank this for this trophy, i is just very happy, it it ah...ah.. is a very big honor, thank you" hahah i loved it last year
  24. Hey all, Just wondering if any one fished the south part of Nip in the last little while , if so whats workin right now heading up there in a couple weeks. thanks L.A
  25. Hey all, was just on the promised land site( lodge on lake nipissing) heres a picture i saw that i thought looked pretty cool. Its a sturgeon. Just curious what do they eat, what does it feel like with one on the end of your line http://www.promisedlandcamp.net/old21.html L.A
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