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Everything posted by Angler16

  1. who ever it is ITS back got one today..
  2. someone sent me a pm saying : Hello my dearest One, Nice to meet you, i am Madam Elysee Taddeo,after i went through your profile,i felt that we both can have something in common,Please i have something very important i want to explian to you is all about my private life,i will like us to share it together,please i will love you to reply me through this my private email address ([email protected]) so that i will explian it to you and also forward to you the whole details with my picture, Thanks from, Maddam Elysee Taddeo. its form a deleted member HELP
  3. Hey mike awesome job you did really well bass wise. I believe we said at least 2.5?Good mixed bag good report your going away tomorrow so i will have pics up when you get back for voting later. -Little Angler
  4. is there an easyw ay to downsize all pics? i dont want to sit here and down size like 20 pics
  5. nope it does not for me
  6. hey all when i make my report ill type something it will show up but when i put a picture in it dosnt show the pic it just stays as is do i just keep typing?will it show up on my post please help thanks Little Angler
  7. Hey everyone!Just got back from Nipissing today!Had a great time. Ill tell you one thing the bass fishing was S-L-O-W Mike will beat me for bass for sure . No one at the camp caught any bass accept me and this other guy. I ended up catching the following: 22 inch sheephead (8 pounds) = 10 minute fight About 6 Perch(2 jumbo) =2 second fight haha About 2-3 Walleye over 1 pound each over 12 inches(one being 13 inches)=3 minute fights 4 Bullhead catfish average 3 pounds each=3 minute fight FINALLY THE BIG GAHOONA A 19 inch 3.5 pound large mouth bass=5 minute fight It gave me a hellllll of a fight missed it with the net twice tried to go under the boat. Jumped out of water at least 2 times! FOLKS WHEN FISHING NIPISSIPNG GO WITH JIG IN A WORM DROP IT DOWN ON THE BOTTOM LIT IT SIT AND WAIT FOR EM all fish were caught using that and most important PATIENCE!!!! Pics will be posted when mike gets back Mike will beat me in bass In variety i think i win though good luck to ya! -Little Angler
  8. lol. Ill try not to dissapoint
  9. Thanks
  10. Cant wait,leaving tomorrow at 8:00 am. Going up to Nipissing for a week Saturday to Saturday. I have been looking forward to it fer a while now. We decided rainy days we would fish for perch and SM LM bass maybe some pike if we are lucky. Calm nice days we would target some walleye out in the open. Work the new gulp i got on a jig head wacky style in about 20-25 feet. As most of you know im facing of against mike you will have to wait bit for the pics (just until Mike gets me his) Youc an expect a good report though. Even if i dont catch a whole lot of fish its cool all props to mike(WILL NOT HAPPEN) but i can say like always that i had a great time with my family and the friends i see every year at promised land camp. The soccer,the swimming,the UFC fighting on the water trampoline!lol so talk atcha in a week folks All the best -Little Angler
  11. When i was watching detroit in the playoffs i heard their intro song i remember hearing give me your hand gimmie your hand stand up right now? I dont know the name of the song if you do please let me know. -Little Angler
  13. I will be in there at 5
  14. Np.Your sooooo mean lol. Glad it gave you a laugh
  15. Hahah same i got so scared.
  16. it does not say..so iwas wondering if anyone knew,turn your volume up to hear what the guys saying i didnt catch it i dont know if you guys might be able to figure it out.
  17. L>M>A>O
  18. Packed and ready by Friday night. Out of here by 8:30 on Saturday morning
  19. :worthy: I ENVY YOU,great job cant wait for the next report -Little Angler
  20. i have caught more SM but thats just in my secret fishin spot
  21. Hey everyone i just went out to crappy tire for some swivel hooks and i picked up tome Bubble Gum colored Tiki Stick 5'' Wave worms.Has anyone used these i think i have seen them in some pictures on the board dangling out of bass's mouth's. If im correct, can someone tell me the best way to rig them?Any help would be appreciated. Thanks -Little Angler
  22. 8??
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