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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Thanks Simon!!! Simple and fast Musky????? LOL Thanks Drew!!! Spring fishing for me was not great until yesterday... glad they got hungry... loved the 15 minute workout I got
  2. Dabluz... funny you mention the slip pencil float (English style) rigs you use to catch those trouts, I make my own rigs and they are basically walleye rigs that works great for trout from shore targetting the bottom of the water column Bought the different components at www.luremaking.com: barrel swivels, snap swivels, pill float bobbers, plastic beads (stoppers), Bell sinkers and Mustad Ultrapoint hooks, Octopus Beak, size 2. They look like the following: Yesterday, I'd get a hit everytime I casted out and this even before the sinker had reached bottom Fast & furious action I bet today, no one is catching sniff where I was yesterday.... just the way it is with trout fishing I suppose
  3. Thanks blizz!!! It's been a long haul omega 3s wise reward is sweet Man were they ever hungry this morning Awesome Dabluz!!! even the black flies couldn't sting me while the action was happening LOL May be I wasn't paying much attention to them LOL Man what a rush... Simply irresistible LOL
  4. For those interested and not knowing... made a little video of how it's done
  5. Took the day off today and plan was.... hit a local lake for specks and give her... Hadn't had a good feed since Dec 2012... Remember, didn't catch sniff all hard water season So today left home with high hopes and had a great feeling, a hunch whatever you want to call it LOL 6h00am came fast and had to make 3 pit stops for gas, refreshment & breakfast and bait and the way I go North 6C temp wise and NorthWesterly winds blowing AWESOME!!! Arrived at destination at 8h10am, lake had a good chop and blowing across where I setup.... Could see a cloud of minnows cruzing along the shore next to me GREAT!!! First cast, didn't even reach bottom, HIT Set the hook.... worm gone ARRRGH.. cast again with new bait and FISH ON!!!! This lasted 15 minutes and limited out Broke my record of 30 minutes to get a limit.... MAN WERE THEY EVER HUNGRY Left at 8h31am and got home at 10h00am All caught on my homemade slip bobber rigs Couple of pics of the beauties... Enjoy!!!
  6. Chaotic this morning... Specks were on fire... Limited out in 15 minutes :) What a RUSH :)

    1. spincast


      SWEET! nice looking meal you got coming to you in that vid. and a 10 fish limit is sweet too.


    2. Leecher


      Thanks Rick!!! You bet :)

  7. Didn't feel a thing up here in the Valley way, way, way up North.... was listining to Disturbed while fishing for specks and limited out in 15 minutes LOL even the bugs weren't quick enough to bite me LOL
  8. even on a white stripe day....
  9. Great job Brian Must be my lucky day too... got a couple of beauts this morning
  10. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=478647905544189&set=a.400184976723816.91130.400183076724006&type=1&ref=nf
  11. Note to self: Don't even try to understand muskymatt's reasoning or anything else... he knows it all and nothing else matters.....
  12. Yep.... as expected.... lack of respect reply from a Sens fan just like the fat walrus coach of yours
  13. Here's what I think of this.... it was a clean hit all right ​ Gryba took him out cold aiming for Eller's head knowing Eller wouldn't see him coming... which sent him unconscious and hitting the ice, face first How cool is that And let's not talk about the blood splat showing on the ice before Eller hit the hard surface as he was falling and why I say this... because I was watching the game in HD on my 46" flat screen TV It was obvious to me that the initial shoulder hit to the head took him out and he was cut even before hitting the ice hard Only shows that Gryba committed himself to taking him out at all cost and to me was a poor decision on his part.... Glad he got 2 games for this Next time Gryba will think twice about committing himself to hitting a player blind sided. And I know what you're going to say... only a habs fan can see fault in this legal hit yeah call it what ever you darn want... it still was a poor decision to hit a blind sided player like that
  14. I've seen those pics and report before... on another site I think
  15. That's good to know Dan! Thanks Just in case I'm haven't explained myself properly about making sure to feed the new spool line from bottom... made a little sketch of what I was trying to say with the help of someone or by yourself... works great everytime
  16. Why???
  17. Not sure what type of line your using but for mono, I use a pencil that I place thru the middle of line spool, ask someone to hold it with both hands with a piece of paper towel to avoid burning their finger tips and make sure that the line comes off the spool from the bottom. If by yourself, use the pencil as above and place between your knees and again... make sure the line comes off the bottom. Works everytime for me Never had any problems what so ever
  18. Hey Simon, are you still fishing and sledding?? haven't seen a report from you in a while. Will do Rick if I ever catch a few
  19. Whats even better is.... I get to eat left overs for lunch today Wife and I don't drink wine.... straight up ale for me
  20. Awesome pics Rick I bet it felt great being behind the wheel of your boat for the first time A new season starts... good luck to both of you! TJunkie
  21. Hey Ron... around 6h45... should of been here cause it tasted awesome
  22. Hey Rick, yeah, I feel terrible now but come end of April and it's another season starting maybe the fishing god will be on my side but will give it my best Nice shot Paul but wish it was of a speck on ice Guess we have something in common... a perfect fishing record A few decades ago? Wish it was 2008.... a most productive year fishing wise for me
  23. I hear you about the ice... lots left down here... 24"+ but the fishes are on vacation and not interested in any offerings I / we present The end for me until opener Thanks B
  24. I've been scratching my head lately to find viewing material that's going to comply / be acceptable with the community and this is the latest Seen so many fishing reports go by and not acknowledged... sickening to say the least Hope you enjoy this one Tight Lines TJunkie
  25. I must be dreaming or something cause I can't believe, I wasn't able to catch a fish this season Been out 6 times this hardwater season and not a sniff for my efforts I don't know how to feel about it but one thing's for sure... end of April, and it all start again Made this little video and those that can't stand my choice of music, please mute the sound otherwise... crank her up and enjoy TJunkie http://s732.photobucket.com/user/leechman1/media/Hard%20Water%202013/TroutJunkies2013HardwaterSeason_zps165155ad.mp4.html
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