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About cambo

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  1. sorry to hear, sure she'll be fine. I'll say a pray tonight
  2. Cold,no sign of animals and your mind wondering off are all signs that a WINDIGO was present.seriously look it up. I see the the salmon lol
  3. Congrats on the beautiful bride and the marrige.
  4. I guard my Brook trout spots and that's about it, really because there my buddies spots and he'd kill me
  5. Is this a shotgun only season? If not I would buy a rifle or your pretty much limited to the range at which your going to be taking a deer. If so I like 30-30 Marlin lever action or 270 savage bolt action all should be in your price range. A shotgun is a great gun though like mentioned above because your very versitile and can hunt pretty much any kind of game. I started out with a shotgun using slugs when I was just a little kid and upgraded to a rifle as i got older.Not sure on how the PAL works now,when i was under 18 I had my hunter licence and I got paper work from the police station allowing me to hunt on my own and carry a rifle but this was over 15 years ago best way is to just ask when your on your PAL course.
  6. Just got mine on Friday, I'm a bit ofa procrastinator
  7. White sucker, first fish I ever caught.
  8. That's because he couldn't find a dragon
  9. When I was a kid my dad said that to me all the time, it made me laugh when I read this Sorry to hear about your cat though
  10. Good job, thats great you and the mrs. enjoy the same sport. I unfortunalety brought mine out on a slow day and she never really got the bug. What was the prize? if you don't mind me asking.
  11. Looks to be an awsome truck.I was actually reading up quite a bit on this truck yesterday. Enjoy your off roading, now I wonder if they will let you test drive it off road
  12. Congrats on the brookies and coasters do you fly fish or are you using live or artificial. Would love to see the coasters returning to Manitoulin but I think only the odd one still makes the journey.
  13. Tony are you originally from the Island? Yup Haweater is a great time big dance in littel current. Last time my wife was pretty sick trying to keep up with everyone ended up paying 100 bucks to a taxi get home Hopefully I can make it this year
  14. I don't understand your statement "hard on the locals"? and i hope manitoulin never changes, My farm has been in my family for over 150 years and hopefully forever, We Haweaters arn't slow Eh
  15. doing a little research i think it might be orange mycena but i could be wrong.
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