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Everything posted by mattmacewan

  1. Having worked in finance for a few years - the market is JUNK right now. Hold for now or consider a high interest savings acct. Any bank will give you ~4% monthly to match the ING/Presidents Choice type things on that kind of scratch. Real Estate is never bad but bought today will be worse less tomorrow the way things are going. If my house were paid off I'd be looking at a boat. This is the season to get a deal and the market is down overall. Either way you cant take it with you....so be smart but not too smart.
  2. Call it Pike Pro Shops.
  3. To answer your question it's actually neither. Feed a cold & starve a fever is the old wives tale. Like many others, this one has some physiologic basis with a tiny little bit of evidence showing this may have somebenefit wrt to different immune modulator stimulants. But there are still questions if it actually makes you feel better (symptom relief). Either way, your history is too small to say one way or the other. Could be a simple cold but could also be something that needs MD tx like strep or mono. Great thing about Canada is good fishin & free doctorin. Even if you have to wait a little for both.
  4. Rizzo, We have the same kicker '03 motor on an 16" 02 Lund. I dont have a transom saver and that's a different debate but I trailer it with a 2x8 tilted in the mount bracket. During the winter I store the motor vertical. During the season either in water or dry I keep it tilted, there is a tilt lock on my transom mount that I use to ease the load on the hydraulics. It's a relatively light motor so I don't think there is a load of strain on the transom either way compared to the forces applied during a hole shot... Our manual says to store the motor with the left side facing up between starts. So stop, trim down, turn wheel all the way right or tiller left and trim up so the left motor casing is up, then store. I definitely notice it's easier to start vs tilted up or tilted & left - keeps the carb dry from gas dripping in if it's tilted (I'm not 100% sure if that's correct but it's something along those lines.) Either way I think you're fine...but I prefer to keep it tilted all the time to avoid...ummm...launch "incidents."
  5. My gram pappy told me bout this one... You need: 1 nice size sheepshead 1 roaring campfire 1 sheet tin foil 1 steamin hot pile bear dung Clean yer sheepshead. Smother it in bear dung. Wrap it all up in foil and throw it in the fire. Leave 2-3hrs. Retrieve package from fire. Discard sheepshead - enjoy what's left. Works well with sunfish, suckers, etc... I had a 23" the other day and I was shocked at how little I got from it. They have abnormally large and sturdy ribcages and they are tough to clean like a bass. I got precious little from it...My neighbour tells me you should scale em and cook em whole in the oven, on the bbq... I dunno.
  6. It's bogus... It says he (whoever that is) presses charges everytime and then later on says you've been warned, so it's legally contradictory right off the bat. To be charged you need to be cited the Act or appropriate law, and the specific paragraph or subsection ie. Highway traffic Act, section X, subsection Y - speeding 15km over...and the agent of the appropriate legal body capable of writing you a ticket. Even if he owns the land he cant write you a ticket (he'd have to call a cop to come and do it) although he could legally stand on the fact you've been warned. You could write him a little note back saying these little pieces of paper are 1 - littering and 2 - vandalism since his pen ink ran and stained the paint on your car....
  7. These guys were full of minnows... Same as the pike I've been getting lately - everything is full of minnows and wee perch. Anything with a perch pattern is like cheating...
  8. that would challenge the current ontario record....and be a near world record.
  9. Good Bass trip last night...out for a couple hours with nothing but topwaters...and two limits under two hours. Highlighter was 15 inches and pretty chubby in the dark pics. Was taking the boat out of the water this morning and it was nice and foggy so I figured I'd squeeze in a half hour fish with the morning coffee before I pull the boat out... First couple minutes picked up a 23" sh**head casting an old skate into shore on a medium flex Sherwood hockey stick... first big sheeper I've caught up here and it was a very pleasant fight on the sherwood.... Few minutes later had a GREAT tussle with a bass - 18", 14" girth in the pics - what a nice fight. I can't think of a better way to spend 45 minutes on the ole long weekend....
  10. *shock & awe* beauty fish over there - thanks for the report
  11. Yes I did take it down and no I won't repost it...here's why. I didnt post it with the intention of having armchair rod wielders sit back, hide behind their computers and essentially call me a liar with regard to fish weight. 2 of the first 4 people who responded in this thread did so, and I can't be bothered with it. I'm relatively new, and if this is how things work on this board - I haven't got time for it. I realize there are people who are skeptics & pessimists out there but if you can't say something nice (about a man's fish) then keep your mouth shut.
  12. looking out my back door....saturday before last.
  13. haven't fished since late June when the Shads rolled in.... went out tonight for a quick troll - picked up a couple nice fall hammerheads. this one was 36" on the nose and fat 23" G, just a shade over 15lbs. Another in the boat - 24". Not a bad couple hours on the water... *weighed it twice - on my mechanical boat scale (apparently broken) and on the home scale (also apparently broken) - will have all future fish taken to town to be weighed & documented before posting.
  14. I've done LOADS of this up on the North Shore Nipissing....No real structure to speak of and it works well given how the boat can move so quick and there isnt alot to anchor on. I find the jigging works nice but I prefer the bottom bouncer with a harness as long as the current is strong enough to push the boat at a decent speed. I dunno if it's a more consistent presentation when you're drifting or what...
  15. Fellas, I live up on the North Shore - just moved last year - between SF & NB. East of Manitous, South Shore, SF & French are just a REAL long ride (and we all know how rough that open deep trench can be) so I tend to stick to the North Shore, Jocko reefs and the Goose/burritt shelf on calm days...Last year had some good solid fishing most of the season...this year just seems like it's a little slower up this way - still quality fish just not quite as many. Granted it's been a crappy June for rain&wind....I just found the board and with the weather seemingly taking a turn for the better wanted to see if anyone's had any luck on the north shore, middle islands.
  16. Anyone ever fished up on the North Shore of Nipissing between NB & SF? Not too much structure or primo shoreline up here.... Or out at the Goose Islands? or Manitous? Last years spots didn't produce as well this season and aside from open water deep trolling I'm a little stumped... Any tips?
  17. Triggers and Dupuytren's are completely different. Dupuytren's may completely curl up or not at all it's quite an individual thing...most surgeons wont touch you until their about a third curled but it's doc specific.
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