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Everything posted by duxbware

  1. Hey gang, it's been a while since I posted on here. Kids sports have taken over the last few years leaving me with little time to fish. We had a last minute change in vacation plans leaving us with a few weeks off. My wife surprised me and said she will go north fishing with the boys and I. They are 7&9. I am looking for last minute and I mean last minute suggestions on where to go. I need a place where fish (walleye) are plentiful, other activities for the boys besides fishing such as swimming or hiking......it would be great if it offers all inclusive. I want to leave Wednesday. I will drive up to 10 hours..any suggestions would be great. We get one vacation a year together so we are willing to spend a little bit. Thanks.
  2. Good Afternoon all, Friday is a P.A day and I want to take my boys fishing. They are 5 and 7. I am looking for suggestions for perch charters on lake Erie. I know I am asking a lot but I don't want to spend $400-$500. They really want to have some fun and go out in a boat and catch a bunch of fish( that's why I want to go after perch). Does anybody know of a charter that will not break the bank and caters to families? If I had to guess it will be a half day event but fingers crossed they will want to stay longer. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks, Duxbware and his boys.
  3. Sounds like fun and a great way to meet some new people. I would love to join.
  4. My parents are selling their trailer. It has everything you stated above. However its located in Sauble Beach. The trailer is approximately 5-6 years old if I recall. Great bass and pike fishing in the summer and the salmon and trout action is also great in the spring and fall. If anyone is interested I can forward pics. Sorry I don't know the price off hand but will find out if you are interested. Thx. Dux.
  5. Thanks for the replies and Pm's guys. Some great suggestions and I will look into all of them. Has anyone ever been to Horwood Lake lodge? Some feed back would be great. Kids under six are free there!!! I want to make sure there is lots of stuff for the boys to do. The website says they have wolf calling. That would be a highlight for sure!!! Once again thanks for all your suggestions!!!!! Dux.
  6. Thanks for the suggestion Sirwhite. I was hoping to go further north. I want the boys to experence the "real north" for the first time. I understand the day trip thing is going to be tuff to find but I don't want to turn them off of fishing at a young age. However if they are catching a bunch of fish that may be a different story. Maybe a hike to an old gold mine or something.....
  7. Live in Kitchener.
  8. Good morning, My wife just surprised the hell out of me and said I can book a family fishing vacation this August. We have two boys 6 and 4. They enjoy outdoors and fishing. My wife, she will fish but is not thrilled about it. My question to all of you is, where should we go? I would like to have the following: - One boat so we all could stay together (16ft) -Clean and well kept cabin, firdge stove....... - Other things to do besides fishing, ( a town or somewhere that we can day trip to) - A beach or a place to swim - Great fishing for walleye, pike ect.... This is our first family trip and want to make it enjoyable for all. We enjoy fishing but can't do it all day for a week ( even though I could) I don't mind driving 6-8 hours, I plan on driving through the night so the boys can sleep. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks. D.
  9. Thx guys. I dont want to arrive and find the river full of ice....
  10. Great video!!!
  11. Hello everyone, Can anybody tell me if there is a website,webcam or anything that would let me know if the rivers are fishable? I am looking to fish any Huron trib tomorrow in the Bruce area. I don't want to drive and hour or two only to find that river is full of ice and unfishable. I know the website for the river levels, just want to make sure the river is not full of ice.I am fishing alone if anybody wants to hook up shoot me a PM.
  12. Google to Liquor Licence Act of Ontario. You can only consume alcohol in a residence, private place or premise with a permit. Definitions of residence and private place are also there. A fish hut ( clam type) does not fall into any of those areas, however an ice bungalow with sleeping, cooking and bathroom facilities does.....What it all comes down to guys is that law enforcment officers have DISCRETION. One officer may hammer the fisherman having the odd beer where the as the other officer maybe give a warning. Its a risk we take when having the odd beer on the ice.
  13. Just got back from Big Bay Point. No issues with the parking. I walked all over the place!!!!! and I mean all over LOL. I lost one quickly after hook up and marked about 5 other fish through out the day. Fishing was very slow to say the least. I had a good time and thats all that matters. Now I have to go find something for the nasty wind burn I got on my face. Thanks to all who answered my questions about parking. If anyone wants to hook up pleqase send me a PM. Cheers, Duxbware!!
  14. Thanks Sinclair will leave the minnows alone. I just got off the phone with bylaw, to make it eaiser for anybody else reading this post you can park facing West on the North side all down Big Bay Point road. That pretty much sums it up. Now lets hope the fish are there.....
  15. Thanks for the feed back guys. I plan on arriving fairly early. I am assuming the signs are posted clearly, so I can find a spot and walk for ten minutes to the lake then walk for another 30 minutes or more lol. Is it worth my time stopping for minnows on the way up? I have the white tube jigs,white swim baits, various jigging raps and spoons..... I will post my results when I return home.
  16. It sure does thank you very much!!!!! Any luck?
  17. Hi all, Doing my first trip to simcoe for lakers. Can anyone tell me if and where you can park on Big bay road? I am sure its posted i just want a general idea on where to start looking. I am going to be there early on Friday morning. Anyone from the board here want to join me? Thanks in advance. P.S if anybody is aware of pressure cracks in that area can you let me know. We will be walking.
  18. Hello everyone, I am a long time reader and posted a few questions over the years. I have always got a good response from everyone. I have another question for you guys. I want to take my father out on Monday for some lakers on Simcoe. We will be walking out with our hut. My question is..... where is the general area where everbody goes? I am not looking for "your spot" just a location where everybody parks and walks out from. I have never been before. I have read posts about by-law and parking issues. I would like to make this a stress free as possible. I would be coming from hwy 400. I assume the location you send me to has "safe ice" LOL If anybody wants to meet up with my father and I feel free to pm me. I always enjoy meeting new people. Thanks for all your help in the past and in advance. Duxbware.
  19. My 6 year old's favorite team is the Capitals ( O.V #8 don't know why, LOL). I am not rich and can't afford leaf tickets. The caps are coming to Buffalo on the 30th of March. I checked the site and tickets go on sale today at 10:00am but that game is already sold out ??????????? So that leaves me searching for two tickets?? Has anyone ever dealt with stub hub? is it a safe way to get tickets? I don't want to get to Buffalo to find out I bought two fake tickets..... If anyone has any tickets for sale or knows where I can get my hands on a pair or feel free to PM me. I will be dad of the year!!!!! Thanks.
  20. I know there are some good deals to be had in the for sale section. My question is....what is a good model? what is everyones experence? If he were to go new what is the best F.F with a gps for $500?
  21. Sorry. He wants a gps with it.
  22. Hello All, A friend of mine just picked up a used 16' Smokercraft with a 50hp. He wants to get a fish finder. He has a budget of $500. I know there are many kinds on the market just looking to see what the people of OFC suggest. Thanks, Duxbware
  23. Well said my friend!!!!!!
  24. Just got word form our contact on the river to stay home. They are calling for 90% rain on Sunday and the river is muddy. Thanks for all the advice. I will put it to use in the naer future!! Thanks.
  25. Thanks Mike P. Would mono work or should I get something different?
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