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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. How bad was Sand Lake road when you went? I couldn't see a minivan getting through there. I rubbed the side steps on a couple hills.
  2. I say a good 1.5lbs Can you send me a pic with more background please!!!
  3. Sounds like an amazing place to visit!
  4. The only sites that you get that little beach and are able to pull the boat right up are 426, 428, 430 an 432. We had 430, then best one is 426 then the one we had. It is extremely shallow. I had to paddle out about 50 feet before putting the motor down. Perfect for the kids though.
  5. Nice Job! That looks like it would have been a nasty ride for whomever owned that prop.
  6. Well after some research and posting on here about places to go on vacation, we chose Restoule Provincial Park. First off, this place is amazing! It has everything that you need for the family to have a great time. We left on the Sunday morning around 8:30AM with everything loaded up the night before. We tried something different this time and removed the middle seats in the Tahoe allowing floor space for the dogs and placed the laptop down with DVD's playing for the trip. It was actually quiet!!! It was an uneventful trip with a couple stops for gas and some stretching. We got to the park and got everything settled at the campsite. It was an awesome campsite, large, flat, private, with rock steps down to a sandy beach where you can beach your boat. Last fall we bought an old tent trailer to use and it is so much better than a tent when you have kids. The first few days we didn't do a whole lot. Just went for little walks and played at the campsite or in the water. There were TONS of Deer in the park and I mean TONS! The only times that I was able to get out fishing was in the evening after the youngest went to sleep. We had a plan of making them go all day non stop, have a shower, then a 5 minute truck ride and they both would go to sleep. Worked like a charm all week. The first few nights in the boat I didn't get anything but did find a few promising spots. It's hard to get a lake dialed in with only about an hour to fish per day. I hit the river between Restoule Lake and Stormy Lake and my first fish up there was no surprise. There were a few trails to go down and we went down them all except the Fire Tower trail. It was just too much for the kids. Friday was by far the busiest day. We headed down an old logging rd in search of some places to fish and for an off roading adventure. We found a spot but it would only give up some very small bass, sunfish and rock bass. That evening Jacob and I went out for a few hours in search of some fish. I finally got a fish I was looking for after working a rock pile for a bit. We went in as it got dark and watched the shooting stars by the fire. A couple random pics The way back was a complete nightmare. Just out side of Barrie I heard a strange noise and pulled over. 3 out of the 4 tire bolts were gone out of the left side and the last one was JUST hanging on I removed the destroyed rim, threw on the spare and stole 2 from the other side to get it to a safe spot down the road. Not 50 feet down the road the same thing happens I now am down to 3 out of 8 bolts, 1 good rim, 1 kinda ok rim and one destroyed rim. I leave the trailer and go to the nearest Canadian tire. I grabbed 10 new bolts and they didn't have the rims in stock (uncommon rims). So we head back to the trailer. I jack it up and try to mount the rim again with some permanent locktite as well. The holes are no longer round which makes it very difficult to center them. I start tightening until my arms are ready to fall off and end up stripping 2 of them I broke my jack and almost had a heart attack. After about 4 hours of that we were back on the road and made it home Something had to go wrong, that's just what happens. A owe a huge thanks to both HTHM and Bowslayer for helping me out on this trip. Dan
  7. I had no idea this was going on and we were in Restoule. Friday night my boy and I were looking at the stars and saw them non stop, it was Awesome!
  8. You poor .... lol I bought my Tahoe for $12,000, Seats 7 or 8, Leather and all. Great for the family with a ton of power and 4x4. But not the best on gas.
  9. It was late Friday evening as I'm working away on getting the tinny ready for my trip. I mounted the MotorGuide, Hummingbird and a make shift seat on the Weapon of Bass Destruction 2. It occurred to me that after spending so much time on this boat that I have never water tested it. I had to get it in the water before making the trek north. I called up Eddie Pinciero (aka Matt) and made arrangements for 7:30 the next morning. We loaded up the boat and picked our gear. My weapons of choice were my St.Croix/ Citica combo with a big white spinnerbait, my new to me Shimano Compre/Pflueger Supreme Baitcaster combo with a red Rapala J-11, and my Browning Medallion/ Pflueger Supreme spinning combo with a Berkeley Heavyweight worm. Eddie brought his Rapala TS2/ Shimano Sedona combo with an inline spinner. The water was 70 degrees and there was a strong west wind coming over the lake. We started drifting to the east side of the lake. Ripping the spinner through weeds, and chucking around Stumps and rocks got us nothing. We motored to the other end of the lake at an amazing speed creating a wake behind the boat. The wireless MotorGuide was meant for this boat. We hit up some proven hot spots and sunken trees and got nothing, could it be one of these? I wasn't going to let that happen. We hit the shoreline and threw our lures under the trees until our arms were ready to fall off. Finally Mr. Pinciero gets a hit and pulls it in like a train pulling a Volkswagen. I look down and think it's a Rock Bass but no it's a little Bass, there will be no skunk in my boat. Shortly after I decide to go back to the Spinnerbait and chuck it out. As soon as it hits the water BAMMM... an immense weight that wants to tow us around the lake. I crank the Citica like a bear with boulder paws and bring the Beast to the boat. Not 2 feet from the boat it takes off straight down and wanted nothing to do with me. I refused to lose and brought her into the boat. She was a worthy opponent but no match for The Bear. After a quick photo shoot with the creature, she was sent back to prepare for our next match. It was time to get back in and was a great way to spend a couple hours on a Saturday morning. Dan
  10. A wise man once told me to use natural colors. So that's what I do!
  11. Honestly I am on vacation after tomorrow, I get a solo report last night and a Moosebunk report tonight. Could it get any better
  12. Check a local scrap yard and ask if they will take it. Otherwise
  13. This is what this site is all about Albert is kind enough to lend me his motor for the week and bowslayer has given me more info on Restoule than I could ever imagine! Thanks guys
  14. I'm leaving for Restoule in a couple days and I want to rent a motor for at least a day. I will have my old Johnson but would like to take the wife and kids for at least 1 day trip exploring via boat. Needless to say I NEED something reliable. Anybody know of a place on the lake or on the way where I can rent one?
  15. Every time you post it's like Christmas morning, felt like I was there! A great adventure!
  16. If I lived where you do nothing would get done except fishing lol
  17. On discovery right now, seems pretty cool http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/series/hooked/3866/Overview
  18. Read the regs but it's only on certain parts, I do not believe it is single barbless or no live bait in Brantford except Whiteman's but I've never fished that section.
  19. Sunfish is good and pike taste excellent
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