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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. I don't see what the BFD is. Professional athletes have said & done worse things & they didn't get suspended.

    Because "others have said and done worse" doesn't mean the league and ownership shouldn't take action.


    In fact, I hope other leagues( and owners and team mates of those who choose to behave with that kind of ignorance and disrespect )would take the same kind of action. Bet ya he doesn't play another game for the Stars.

  2. I wonder where no-frills would get their carp from? Probably farm raised, I'm thinking???


    The first time I saw carp in those livewells was at Kennsington Market in the '80s. I was blown away that they were selling carp like they were trout or lobster!!! In those days, my wife's parents used to call Kennsington the Jewish Market( because there were so many Jewish merchants there ). Anhyhoo, I learned how carp was considered a delicacy by various ethnic groups and my impression of the fish for table-fare changed then and there.


    On a side note.. as GCD and a few others said about corn... When my Parents immigrated from Yugoslavia and my Mom saw people in Canada eating corn, she was blow away because in her village the peasants feed the corn to the pigs.



  3. I'm somewhat confused, could somebody please explain to me why anyone would want to fish under those conditions, and whatever happened to fishing being for fun ?? :dunno:

    Lew, I've been doing the shore thing for the last few years down Niagara way and I personally haven't witnessed these incidents. Hey, I'm not saying they don't happen, just that I haven't seen it. When these scuffles happen and they're reported on the board, the impression is that it's happening all the time. Believe me, if it did, I wouldn't be going there. Maybe I should just let the negative press out there continue, though, 'cuz it may keep people away and gives me more shore space. lol

  4. I can comment on the guys down at the Port, since I was an 'outsider' a couple of years ago( and maybe I still am being that I'm from Hamilton ). I started casting the harbour and 'learning the trade' by watching the regulars and asking questions( lots of questions ). Man, there sure was a lot of frustrating days out there fishing that fast, deep water and a current that changes minute by minute.


    Anyhoo, in that time, I have met no shortage of regulars like Canadadude who shared a bit of their knowledge, gave me a little elbow room( I sure needed it that first year )and never got much grief with the occassional untangling of lines when I drifted into someone.


    I've had fellas share there bait with me and there lunch.


    Maybe nobody is a choir boy down there but those are the guys I know.

  5. What a beautiful ship, Lew, and bitter-sweet news this must be for ya.


    I really enjoy reading about the navy and my library at home consists of books from the days of sail, to the battle of the Atlantic, etc. The navy and ships and shipboard life hold a special fascination for me and I can only imagine the kind of adventures you must have had and the places you have seen in your days, Lew.


    Thank you for this post and more importantly your years of service.



  6. Now I'm curious. Does anybody know why we don't stock them any more???


    I remember hearing about Skamania back in the day and about how it was gonna be the game fish of the future with its acrobatics and, being a summer runner, it would be more accessible to more fisherman earlier in the year.

  7. Well, if it's the last open water fish for you it's a sad day for us too, cuz that means no more of those wonderful reports.


    Some real beauties you guys bested, especially the two walleyes( How bout that colour difference, eh? ).


    And Justin, you were really 'slummin' having to take out you buddy Andy's boat! lol


    Thanks for the great reports and pics, Justin, and just rememeber to warn us next time if they contain nudity! GCD would!!!



  8. That report got me so pumped I'M gonna get married too!!!




    Ok, seriously. That is quite the surpise ending to your fishng report lickmyarmpit! Congratulatons to you and to Mrs. lickmyarmpit. It looks like the two of you are off on a fishing trip that will last a lifetime!



  9. Hey misfish, I was surprised by the fall colours too! Just a half hour drive south and couple of degrees warmer and WOW! The fall colours are still happening down Niagara way!


    And charlied, your floating saves you $$$ on tackle too, eh? Bottom bouncing means re-tying and often! It's always a battle: how to get the bait right in front of their noses!

  10. Well, I feel sorry for folks who had to work today! I decided to burn a vacation day, myself, and head down the QEW to drift for Steelies on the Niagara River.


    Morning was crisp and windy but warmed up quickly as the sun peeked over the Gorge.



    Fishing this morning could best be described as slooooooooooow. The few of us who dotted the shoreline drifting for Rainbows this morning didn't have much to show for our efforts.


    However, I do have to give props to the fella next to me who hooked into a real monster. It was about 9am and I see his rod bent over so I wander over with my net and ask if he needs a hand landing his fish. He said he was ok but he couldn't budge this thing, whatever it was! It was hugging the bottom and giving him all he could handle. After quite a while, he was able to bring in a huge 11.5 lb walleye! What a pig! I've seen bigger walleye on TV and as wall mounts but I've never seen a biggun' like this landed before. Wow!


    Anyhoo, I'd post the pic I took of this fellow with his fish but I didn't get his permission so I'd rather not. My apologies. I was certainly glad to have been there for it, though.


    So, the morning drags on and no other fish to been seen other than a couple of young guys who were calling it a day and showed me a rainbow they had caught earlier. So that was, at least, promising.


    Closing in on noon, my stomach starts to grumble and I was thinking it was close to lunch and Miller time when I finally connected. The Bow jumped once then tore down the river with me in tow, using the current of the Niagara to its advantage.


    After running down the shoreline for about a hundred yards or so, I knew I had to beach it since there was nobody else around with a net and I wasn't able to bring my net with me during the chase. So I got the Bow to shore and snapped a few quick photos before unhooking it and sending it back on it's way.



    She was a real beaut about 7 or 8lbs and seemed to like my chartuese roe bag.



    They can certainly use the might of the Niagara to their advantage and I was really holdng my breath knowing that I only had a 6lb floro leader scraping against those teeth.



    So, not a great day for numbers but a great day of fishing none the less! Couldn't resist a final photo of the Gorge on my way home.



    Maybe I should burn another vacation day tomorrow???



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