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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. I enjoy fishing rivers and streams for trout, myself.


    Typically, the browns and rainbows I fish for are resident fish and I target them throught the spring, summer and fall. The beauty of it is the simplicity. A pair of waders is almost essential. And a fishing vest to nicely store your hooks, lures, etc, is helpful as you go trekking through the bush and wading.


    Basically, some smaller hooks and split shot to present your bait( crawlers are my favourite )is all you need. I also bring along a little box of small in-line spinners for the streams and rivers that allow me enough casting room.


    Cast into the ripples, into the runs and into the pools. Try find a pattern, then repeat.


    Simple as it gets.


    As far as gear, I prefer my small 6-foot St. Croix Avid series rod( rated for 4 - 8 lb line ), spool up with some 6lb. test and I'm good to go. I usually go with a small, light action rod because in most cases, I'm fishing water with a lot of cover and bush, therefore not much casting room. Anything larger becomes a bit awkward. Keep in mind, though, some guys prefer longer rods because it allows them to reach over brush and obstuructions and dunk their presentations where they want.


    Remember, this is for resident fish throughout the year, and not the way I'd go fishing the bigger lake run steelhead the guys are targeting now and on the opener.


    Have yourself some fun, and congratz on finding that nice little bass river back of your property!

  2. Just a bit of advice. I write ads for a radio station and we advise our clients on domain names all the time.


    One common mistake, I believe, is when people choose names that can be spelled different ways. ie: stevenslawncare.ca. Customers may have problems finding you because they'll spell 'steven' with a 'ph.' So if the business name is too complicated, why not use something like: greatlawns.ca. Or, simply register stephenslawncare.ca as well and have people who type it that way get re-directed to your site.


    Make it short, memorable and only spelled one way.


    Don't use numbers or words that suggest numbers; ie: got1fishingcharters. Unless you also plan to register; gotonefishingcharters. See what I mean.


    Anyhoo, just a few thoughts.

  3. Ok, so what I figured out so far is Bernadette and Jen are an item. What I can't figure out is where Fishmaster comes in.




    Good fishin' y'all and some real beauty cats! While everyone else is waiting for this season and that season to open, you guys are out slayin' em.


    Thanks for the post.

  4. I use the Gulp 3 inch minnows a lot bottom bouncing for browns and bows in the Niagara area. The bait has worked well and I've usually found willing takers almost everytime I've used 'em.


    It's hard to tell, though, whether they actually outfish Berkely's regular Power minnows or their 'Realisic' series of minnows because sometimes you find the fish and sometime you don't. Sometime the fish are on and sometime they aren't. I believe it's a good bait regardless.


    In my situation, the Gulp is a bit soft for my liking only because when bottom bouncing the fast, deep, snag-infested waters in the Niagara Penninsula, the Gulp tends to get ripped away from the hook. But that's the price you pay for it's life-like form and action.


    I like it.

  5. sooo which western conference bandwagon r u leafs fans gonna jump on now, lemme guess detroit? san jose?

    Well, us Leaf fans can be accused of many things but bandwagon jumpers??? I don't think so. We stick with the Leafs through thin no matter how bad things get.


    Now, Habs fans on the other hand...



  6. Just down from that pier you fish, there is a lot of public access( sorta a small park area I guess )right in town. It's across from the hardware store, I believe. Anyhoo, try drifting there for some bows. You won't even need waders, let alone a boat. Goodluck.

  7. Just down from that pier you fish, there is a lot of public access( sorta a small park area I guess )right in town. It's across from the hardware store, I believe. Anyhoo, try drifting there for some bows. You won't even need waders, let alone a boat. Goodluck.


    Oh, and down the road at the Gas Station / Variety Store there was some public access too.


    ( Oooops, sorry for the double post below. Not sure how to remove )

  8. Hmmmm, just a suggestion but I'm wondering if you could hunt around and find out exactly who DOES own the property. Maybe from the town office or a real estate office or somewhere? Once you know, contact that person and ask if it was ok to fish off their wall. You'd accomplish the same thing.


    Just a suggestion and worth the effort if you guys like to fish there a lot.

  9. All the petitions in the world, including those that mention how much you and your children enjoy access to the lake, will amount to nothing more than a hill o' beans.


    The residents have spoken and their politians have listened. Despite the fact that the residents bought their homes by the lake where traditionally there has been parking and access, now they want those areas closed off, sighting garbage and noise, etc.. Probably the same garbage and noise that was there when they bought their properties.


    There is garbage along the side of our highways so I guess we should just shut them down too.


    Oh well, they want the lake to themselves and they shall have it.


    I hope there is enough of a local economany to sustatin those businesses around the lake because there will be no money coming from the outside anymore. But I'll bet they don't care because many residents work outside the town and don't depend on toursits dollars to keep their own household incomes going.


    We're being shut out. So, to the reisdents of Lake Simoce, you can have your lake. I don't wanna go anywhere I'm not wanted.

  10. Welcome FWF to the board.


    If you do a site search using the words 'Detroit River' you'll find a bunch of posts on the river. Check out the one by Mooseroo from last October about "Heading To Windsor..." You'll find some good bits of info that might be useful to ya.

  11. I agree Paul. I live in Hamilton and had my first bbq of the year yesterday. I was in the backyard and it did indeed sound like a bird sancuary. They're all out there calling and trying to make a 'love connection' I suppose. The cardinals you could here above all the others. Just a great time of year!

  12. Hey I remember Cousin George! Wow, what a blast from the part. I think HIS show should have been the one called "Real Fishing."


    Anyhoo, I love reading about urban fishing adventures so I will enjoy reading your article when I get a moment later on. A quick glance, though, and it looks great as do all the pictures!

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