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Mike Pike

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Posts posted by Mike Pike

  1. Boy, I can't imagine what that stream would be like come summer. You'd need a machette, eh Spiel!? But the great thing about brookie streams is that most people just don't do what's neccessary to get in there! It ain't easy and downright frustrating at times.


    Congratz, on a real beauty of a brown. Magnificent and well worth your determination, Spiel.

  2. It's Opening Day and a buddy and I hit an Erie trib for some resident Brownies. It's become a tradition with us and I was anxious to get to our stream before sunrise. Typically, the best bite is right around sunrise and then slows quickly as the morning wears on.


    Trudging though the bush and stumbling in the night, we arrive at the stream and start pitching our dewies into the dark.


    For all the others who were out today, you know how warm it was. What a morning! We were surrounded by wild turkeys as we listened to them calling all around us. Woodpeckers were heard pounding on trees. Geese were paired up and honking. Gotta love springtime!


    Here's my buddy Dave 'blending in' to the surroundings and dunking dewies. Even in the spring, the banks are pretty overgrown here, and there are very few spots you can successufully toss and retreve spinners, etc.



    I got the first Brown of the morning by just pitching the worm into a small pool caused by a bend in the river and just letting it sit.



    As the sun came up, we got our bearings and we could see that the water only had about a foot visibility max. Hopefully this could keep the trout active thoughout the morning.



    3 trout in total came out of this one hole alone, and when the browns weren't biting, the chubs and suckers kept things interesting for us.


    After a brief break and some general fishing scuttlebut, my buddy have to leave at about mid-morning. I stayed to try tempt a few more fish and I was glad to find they were still active.



    This was probably the day's biggest fish and a real beauty at about 14-inches or so.



    I can't remember my exact count but I'm pretty sure the morning's total was 9 or 10 browns. I DO know how many I kept for the table, though, to enjoy later and remind me of this great day on the stream!


  3. Well, I won't be standing shoulder to shoulder but me and a couple of buddies will be beating the bushes on an Erie trib for some resident Brownies. Don't know what I enjoy more, the fishing or having a bevy and chatting on the bank afterwards. Goodtimes.


    Good luck everyone!

  4. Ok, I can't comment on 'the rocket' because I've never purchased one myself, but here's my take...


    I've bought kid's combos for neices and nephews over the years and they are, plain and simple, junk! You truly get what you pay for. You wanna save money and get the kids something cheap that they can 'beat up' and if they don't enjoy it, you won't be out a lot of money...BUT!...


    Would you rather be fishing with your kids or constantly fixing their equipment??? Better question... Would your kids rather be fishing or watching you try to untangle line from a spool that doesn't detatch from the reel?


    I no longer take my nephews fishing with junk because there is just too much 'down time' and kids don't do well with 'down time,' if ya know what I mean.


    I say get kids a good rod( shorter length for their size )and match it up with a decent reel. I really think you and your kids will enjoy the fishing experience more. When they grow out of the rod and reel, you can always put it away for the 'next' generation.. the Grandkids! lol


    Just my take...

  5. I love 'da Point' too. Great place for a walk and jog, etc. Now, Cootes Paridise used to be a voluntary no-fishing area. The RBG wanted game fish that migrated throught the area to have a chance to do their thing. I'm wondering if this is still the case. Perhaps someone can chime in.


    In the mean time, why not take your carp gear and hike along the trail to the carp barrier( about 10 minutes or so )and go under the highlevel bridge and try for some carp on the Hamilton Harbour side. They're there and they are BIG!



  6. I work in Chrysler Research and Development and usually know of new models well in advance of production and I have no knowledge of a 2 door Charger in the works. The Challenger is the only 2 door muscle car for now.

    Thanks for that George! Ya know, that's always been my beef with the auto industry. Take for example this thread.. a guys post a pic of a vehicle that has everyone salivating and Chrysler isn't making them!


    I really seems like all the major manufactures have been offering us their uninspiring designs for years and the ones consumers get excited over are just 'concepts' they unvail at autoshows.

  7. So, I think that fish is an atlantic.........get over it already will ya's :wallbash:


    I've caught more atlantics than many on this board. I've prolly caught more than most who have piped up in this thread.



    Are you sure? Maybe they were Browns.




    ( lol.. sorry Sinker I just had to )


    Cheers Pal!

  8. I dunno what's wrong but it even has the Owner wanting to sell!


    This just in...


    "Montreal Canadiens owner George Gillett is considering putting the team up for sale, La Presse reported on Monday. Citing Canadiens president Pierre Boivin as its source, the Montreal newspaper reports that Gillett has hired BMO Capital Markets to examine the American businessman's options for selling his various assets, including the NHL team and its arena, the Bell Centre."

  9. Wow, what a great adventure that was Lunker and thanks for sharing it!


    The guided experience turned out really well too, eh. A good guy who got you onto some great fish. Still the rest is up to you guys and you did really well! Some real fatties!


    Just wondering what area of Florida you guys travelled to?


    The significant other, ain't she a beauty haha



    .. well you asked...

  10. I hear ya Drifter. Although I haven't fished with the Vibrax spinners much, I've fish the Mepps inlines for as long as I can remember. Love tossing 'em, feeling the thumping of the blades and then the strike! So few misses on spinners.


    And these days when there are so many other options, particularly with plastics, I still go back to spinners in the streams and rivers for trout, bass, everything!


    And J aces, the spit ring with a Gammy sounds like a good way to go. tnx

  11. Thanks very much for the replies, Guys! Good bit of info.


    Good idea about using an o ring to alternate between treble and siwash too.


    I prefer the treble in most situations, but there are rivers which have special regulations where you can only use a single barbless hook for trout, so in this situation the treble is not an option. I think I'll be cutting off the treble and crimping down the siwash and giving 'em a go this spring.



  12. I've noticed that you can now buy the Vibrax with a siwash hook included in the package. Is this ment to be used as a trailing stinger or can you actually replace the treble with the single siwash?


    Just looking to add to my arsenal for the upcoming trout season, and I'm considering adding a few to my vest pocket...

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